ROAR Magazine

  • Reflecting on the revolution since 2011

ROAR is an online magazine of the radical imagination, providing grassroots perspectives from the front-lines of the global struggle for real democracy.

Reflections on a Revolution

Independent coverage and critical analysis of world politics and current affairs — from a radical social movement perspective.

The world-system is in crisis. Global capitalism and liberal democracy are crumbling all around us. Now more than ever, we need subversive commentary, engaged research and critical analysis to make sense of our tumultuous times and help stave off the coming global catastrophe.

As an activist-run journal of the radical imagination, we consider it our mission to contribute to that collective effort.

ROAR was founded by scholar-activist Jerome Roos in 2011 to provide theoretically-informed analysis of the global financial crisis and the popular mobilizations that emerged in its wake. In 2013, political analyst Joris Leverink joined the editorial team. Two years later, we launched our current website and quarterly print journal.

ROAR’s coverage

Key moments (2011-18)

The Eurozone trembles

[This section is under construction. Please check back in a few days.]

"The people demand the fall of the regime."






