Jerome Roos


Political economist at LSE • author of 'Why Not Default?' , 2019 • studying the history of capitalism • tweeting thoughts on tumultuous times.

Beigetreten Januar 2011


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  1. Angehefteter Tweet
    16. Feb.

    Here it is — my first book! A historical study of the structural power of finance in sovereign debt crises, from the rise of capitalism and the era of gunboat diplomacy to the dramatic denouement of the Greek crisis in 2015. Out now from : .

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    8. Juli

    Very excited to see the issue of I guest-edited up—and that this text from international law scholar E. Tendayi Achiume is unpaywalled:

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  3. hat retweetet
    8. Juli

    Finance seems to love autocrats ... they are more willing to impose austerity when needed than to default. Another insight from “Why not Default?”, the great book by

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  4. 8. Juli
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  5. 7. Juli

    That said, the reason Golden Dawn lost out is probably because many of its voters switched their support to New Democracy, which has basically taken on board the far-right's anti-immigration rhetoric. Mitsotakis appealed to centrists, but his party remains a v/ right-wing force.

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  6. 7. Juli

    If there's a silver lining to the election results in , it's that Golden Dawn did not make the 3% threshold and will no longer be represented in parliament, while MeRA25 did get 9 MPs elected, enabling to lead a small but credible left-wing opposition.

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  7. 6. Juli

    Interesting lecture by Jairus Banaji during the recent conference on "The Global History of Primitive Accumulation", in which he lays out the role of a merchant capital-state nexus in the development of commercial capitalism:

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  8. 5. Juli

    On this day in 2015, 61% of Greek voters rejected the EU's austerity regime in a national referendum. Today, exactly 4 years later, Tsipras is about to be swept from office by a reinvigorated right. All he achieved was to destroy the left in the process.

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  9. 4. Juli

    Immanuel Wallerstein writes his final commentary. His parting words: ”I have indicated in the past that I thought the crucial struggle was a class struggle ... I think there is a 50-50 chance that we’ll make it to transformatory change, but only 50-50.“

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  10. 4. Juli

    In his review of Sassoon's new book, Harold James includes a rather strange dismissal of important recent research on capitalism's violent origins in slavery and colonialism as “just a meaningless bit of mythmaking prehistory.” I'm not sure what to say...

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  11. hat retweetet
    2. Juli

    I was at the European University Institute when Josep Borrell was it president. He had to resign because he had "forgotten" to declare a 300'000 income from an energy company

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  12. 2. Juli

    Good news from Italy: is free! The judge has annulled her arrest, declaring that "she acted out of an obligation to save immigrants."

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  13. 1. Juli

    Assessing Streeck's recent writings on capitalism and migration, I argue that his "exceedingly catastrophist worldview, devoid of any emancipatory potential, has tempted him to veer dangerously close to the welfare chauvinism of the nationalist right."

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  14. 1. Juli

    In 2016 (!), I wrote a 12,000-word critical review of Wolfgang Streeck's recent work for Historical Materialism. They've just published it as an advance article on their website. I'll be linking to a non-paywalled pre-print version in the thread below:

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  15. 1. Juli

    House prices in Amsterdam have risen by 64% over the past 5 years, while real disposable household income grew by only 4.4%. The city has become a “cash machine” for international investors, but many Amsterdammers can no longer afford a place to live.

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  16. 29. Juni

    Our neighborhood before the yuppies moved in 🥰

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  17. hat retweetet
    27. Juni

    Me advocating ECONOMIC DISOBEDIENCE for CNN. Direct action gets the goods.

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  18. hat retweetet
    27. Juni

    We live in a time of political and ideological turbulence, and everyone loves to quote Gramsci’s famous line on “The old is dying and the new cannot be born”. But what does such a breakdown of hegemony actually entail? I try to anwer it this my new article in P&S

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  19. hat retweetet

    Congratulations to who has been elected to the Governing Board of the . At this year's EISA conference, he is also organising a section on capitalism and International Studies with

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  20. 13. Juni

    For my next book, I ditched Word in favor of Scrivener. Best. Decision. Ever. Should've made the switch ages ago. If you're doing a PhD or writing a book, and if you like to have your manuscript, your notes and your readings all in one place, don't waste your time like I did ☝️

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  21. 13. Juni

    Really excited to be speaking alongside Silvia Federici, , , , and many others at this very promising conference in Tunis in the fall. Thanks !

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