

Asia-Pacific Journal Subscription Drive July 2019

With tensions between the US and China at fever pitch in the era of Donald Trump, with mounting conflict between the US and Korea, between China and the nations of the South China Sea, and between Okinawa and the US-Japan, APJ is a vital resource. The media has treated the primary conflicts as economic and financial, but they are deeply intertwined with geopolitical conflicts that could easily lead to war including nuclear war.

APJ has no corporate, foundation or university angel, so our ability to publish relies heavily on our core supporters.

We come to you twice a year to request the financial support that allows us to provide APJ free to our 22,000 regular readers and thousands of others around the world who receive the journal as subscribers or via Facebook or Twitter. The journal is strong and growing. We need support to publish and to maintain it free to global readers.

If you value the journal, please go to our homepage where you can both subscribe to our semi-monthly Newsletter and contribute (tax free) via Paypal or credit card.

All contributions are welcome. But we need support in the range of $100-500-1,000 to maintain the site toward our annual goal of $12,000.

The Editors

Singapore’s Migrant Worker Poetry, Worker Resistance, and International Solidarity
The Great Survivor
Nomads and Their Inner World
China’s Careful New Focus on Latin America
Imagining Disasters in the Era of Climate Change: Is Japan’s Seawall a New Maginot Line?
Women and China’s Socialist Construction, 1949–78
People’s Tribunal on War Crimes Committed by South Korean Troops during the Vietnam War
Japan's F-35 Acquisition and the Arms Race in the Western Pacific: Strategic Game Changer or Epic Boondoggle?
China Eats—Innovation, E-Commerce and Food Safety at the Hangzhou Food Forum
When Women Perform Hate Speech: Gender, Patriotism, and Social Empowerment in Japan
The FOIA and the Study of US Policy on Okinawa and Japan
The Nation That Never Rests: Japan’s Debate Over Work-Life Balance and Work that Kills
From Singapore to Hanoi and Beyond: How (Not) to Build Peace between the U.S. and North Korea
Abdication, Succession and Japan’s Imperial Future: An Emperor’s Dilemma
Globalizing China: Confucius Institutes and the Paradoxes of Authenticity and Modernity
An Open Letter to Emperor Akihito:
For establishing a genuine democracy in Japan
Amidst War’s Devastation: How a Ten-year-old Girl Barely Survived the Battle of Okinawa
The Mutual Gaze of Okinawans and Zainichi Koreans in Post-War Japan: From 1945 to the 1972 Okinawa Reversion
Every day except Sundays, holidays and typhoon days, Okinawans confront the US military at Henoko, site of a planned new base
Hesitant Heritage: U.S. Bases on Okinawa and Japan’s Flawed Bid for Yambaru Forest World Heritage Status