

MEDIA: Mohan Mishra, No One Is Illegal-Toronto  (416.270.8947) and Liisa Schofield, Ontario Coalition Against Poverty (416.826.4796)

Toronto’s Community Organizations invite you to fight back against the fear mongering of Harper’ billion dollar security fiasco and march in a massive demonstration on June 25th. Harper and global financial institutions are vulnerable to the power of communities rising up and reclaiming space – building the kind of worlds we wish to live in. Join Us for a Tent City that highlights homelessness and migration and creates the safe, accessible, just communities we need.

Friday, June 25th, 2010
Allan Gardens (Carleton St. and Sherbourne St)

March will be led by Women and Transfolk – http://wp.me/pVzSF-I

ASL interpretation available at rally and march.

Wheelchair accessible bus departs 2pm from Yonge and Dundas.

Buses also leaving from across Toronto: http://wp.me/sVzSF-buses.

March is followed by AMAZING Block Party. Check out the talent: http://wp.me/pVzSF-C
From June 25th and 27th, 2010, the world’s twenty richest countries (the G8 and G20) will send their ruling elite, along with heads of the IMF and World Bank, to meet in Huntsville and then in Toronto, to talk exploitation, wealth, and greed.

These ‘leaders’ have shredded the public sector and social spending, criminalized the poor, immigrants, disabled and racialized communities, continued to plunder Indigenous lands and trash the environment, deported our families and friends, gutted the unions, and closed hospitals and schools while they grant tax cuts to the rich and corporations and boost police and military budgets. These disgusting policies have enacted devastation around the world and are reflected right here in Toronto.

We are the people severely impacted by this agenda: we are Toronto-based community organizations, people of color, indigenous people, immigrants, women, the poor, the working class, queer and trans people, disabled people, and our allies.

We live in a city that houses the corporations that exploit and displace people. Toronto police kills and brutalizes our communities. Toronto housing kicks out our families. Toronto social services slam the door on undocumented migrants. This city pushes out poor people and attacks sex workers. Toronto exists on stolen indigenous land.

Toronto’s communities are uniting to take back what is ours! Join us on the streets June 25, as we ensure the G20, the G8 and their deadly policies are exposed and challenged! Rally, march, party and pitch a tent city against Toronto and the G8/G20′s colonial, racist, sexist, ableist, homo/transphobic and capitalist policies.

Join Us for Justice For Our Communities!

Our demands: http://wp.me/sVzSF-allout
Support Us! http://wp.me/pVzSF-E

Action expected to continue until next day. Bring sleeping bags and/or join when you can! Constant updates on June 25th at https://25june.wordpress.com and on twitter @g20mobilize

For other actions throughout the week, visit http://g20.torontomobilize.org

Supported by: Ontario Coalition Against Poverty, No One Is Illegal-Toronto, LIFEMovement, Jane and Finch Action Against Poverty, Students Against Israeli Apartheid, DAMN 2025, Women’s Coordinating Committee Chile – Canada, No Games Toronto, South Asian Women’s Rights Organization, Ryerson Students Union, People for Climate Justice, International Federation of Iranian Refugees in Canada, Gender Justice for All, Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid, Not in Our Name (NION): Jewish Voices Opposing Zionism, Gaza Freedom March, Educators for Peace and Justice, Women in Solidarity with Palestine, Shelter|Sanctuary|Status, Greater Toronto Workers Assembly, Health for All, Holy Land Awareness and Action Task Group of the South West Presbytery of Toronto Conference of the United Church of Canada, Sex Workers Alliance of Toronto

Friday June 25 2:30 PM 
Meet at Allan Gardens, corner of Carleton & Sherbourne
Wheelchair access van: SE corner of Dundas & Yonge at 2:00 PM
Meal served
Sign language interpretation available

We are calling on all women and trans people to join the Gender Justice contingent as we lead off the Toronto Community Day of Action March against the G20. We are marching for freedom from all forms of violence and for control over our bodies and our lives, including freedom of sexual and reproductive choice, for women and children, trans and queer people everywhere! 

We demand funding for the healthcare we need – including the full range of family planning options, access to medication and safe, legal abortions for women, and full access and reproductive choice for all women everywhere!

Women, children, and trans people bear the brunt of climate degradation, violence, war and racism, colonialism, ageism, and economic inequality. We want peace and an end to male violence – from the violence in our homes, workplaces and in public spaces to the violence caused by war, occupation and exploitation of all kinds!

Indigenous women are disproportionately victimized and incarcerated. We demand action to legally and materially ensure the security and equality of indigenous women and two-spirited people on Turtle Island!

Women and their families are displaced by war, by privatization and climate disasters caused by government and corporate actions, and are forced to migrate with their families to survive and thrive, only to be faced with criminalization and racism in Canada. We demand an end to the harassment and deportations of migrant women who have precarious status!

We demand an end to all laws that threaten the rights of women, trans and queer people around the world, such as those requiring women to take off their niqab to receive public services, and those that criminalize queer sexuality and sex work/workers.

We demand pension protection, pay equity, adequate income supports, workplace protections, affordable housing and funded childcare!

Women’s equality rights must be protected! We demand that the Canadian government reinstate the Court Challenges program and restore funding to Status of Women Canada and other women’s advocacy and research groups!

We must end the influence of religious fundamentalists in Ottawa!

Bring your signs and banners, pots and pans, whistles and chants, and march to reclaim our city. We will end with a block party and tent city.

Justice for our Communities! No to the G8/G20! Yes to taking back our city!

Children and their families are invited to attend the People First! We Deserve Better! G8 & G20 Rally and March on Saturday, June 26 @ 1:00 p.m. at Queen’s Park in Toronto

Gender Justice Group contact: genderjusticeG20@live.ca
Info about the Toronto Community Day of Action athttps://25june.wordpress.com/ or 416-925-6939
Other events and actions: http://g20.torontomobilize.org/

Wheelchair Accessible Bus
Yonge and Dundas

The following buses are unfortunately not accessible 

Jane and Finch
Jane and Finch Mall (S/E corner of Jane and Finch)

 The Stop Community Food Centre (1884 Davenport Road)

Bloor West
Sistering (962 Bloor St West)

Queen West
PARC (1499 Queen ST W) 
TTC Tokens provided

Dear Friends and Allies,

We are writing to you on behalf of the Organizing group for the June 25th Community Mobilization against the G20 in Toronto.

This ad-hoc network came together as way of building a community led response to the G20 in Toronto, and to link the policies of the G20
agenda to the ongoing work of our organizations and the campaigns that we carry out on a daily basis. We want to send a message loud and
clear to the G20, and to the Federal, Provincial and Municipal Governments, that our communities are opposed to their economic
policies at home and abroad, and that we will be here to resist them on June 25th.

The organizations involved include: No One is Illegal, the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty, Jane-Finch Action Against Poverty, LIFEmovement, Disability Action Movement Now 2025, Women’s  Coordinating Committee Chile – Canada, No Games Toronto, South Asian
Women’s Rights Organization, ad-hoc Gender Justice Coalition, Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid and Students Against Israeli Apartheid amongst others that are joining us now.

We want to encourage your organization to join in and support the mobilization for June 25th. Many organizations are taking on different
roles for the day – for instance, the ad-hoc Gender Justice Coalition will be leading off the march out of Allan Gardens park to make the
links to Harper’s despicable attacks on Women’s Rights.

Here are some ways that you can get involved:

1)      Mobilize: join us in the organizing committee! Organize a contingent from your neighborhood, community organization, or Union
local to join the Demonstration on June 25th. Buses are being booked and arranged right now – so feel free to contact us about this and/or
organize your own bus for the day.

2)      Donations: the efforts for June 25th are entirely volunteer and community led, which means that we are running on a very small
budget. We urgently need financial donations (from Union locals, organizations or individuals) of any amount. We also urgently need
in-kind donations of access to photocopying facilities and printing.

Lastly, the plan for June 25th includes an overnight ‘Tent-City’ in the downtown core where we will be taking space, so we are looking for
donations of camping equipment such as sleeping bags, blankets, tents, sleeping mats, tarps, rope, etc.

*Donations can be dropped off at: the OCAP office @ 10 Britain St (call ahead to make sure they are open: 416-925-6939)

3)      Outreach: help us get the word out about June 25th by forwarding the call-out over your lists, picking up posters and leaflets, announcements in newsletters or local newspapers. Materials are available to be downloaded from our website at: https://25june.wordpress.com/, or picked up from the following locations:

·         OPIRG – U of T Office: 563 Spadina Ave
·         OPIRG – York Office: C449 Student Centre, York University
·         OCAP Office: 10 Britain St (near Queen and Sherbourne)

*Organizers are also available to come to meetings or events to make announcements, bring materials, or even do a longer workshop about the
G20 policies and local struggles.
Thank you for taking the time to go through this letter. Please feel free to contact us if you have any suggestions or questions. We look forward to working with you in opposing the policies of the G20 and demanding real Justice for Our Communities – not just on June 25th, but in our day-to-day work throughout the year.

-June 25th Organizing Committee

For more information about June 25th, visit
https://25june.wordpress.com, email seetheg8onyourstreet@gmail.com


On Friday, June 25th, 2010 2:30pm Toronto’s communities are taking to the streets to expose and challenge the G20 and G8s deadly policies!

We are going to take back what is ours!

The rally and March will be followed by a Block party and Tent city, with performances by:


Abstract Random

Mohammed Ali

Amai Kuda

Ayo Leilani

Radical Choir

Samba Elégua

Richard Garvey

David Rovics


AND More…

Location will only be announced once we get there…. follow us on this blog, on twitter or on facebook to make sure you know what’s up!


Also, if you can’t get enough of the parties, the following night (Sat, June 26) there is a very different but just as awesome party, check it out:
Saturday Night Fever

Providing support and creating safe spaces for children and their families is vital to building an inclusive culture of resistance to the G8/G20. In light of this fact, childcare will be available for the June 25th Justice for Our Communities March.

From 2-8pm on Friday, parents will have the option of dropping their children off at Parliament Library (Parliament and Gerrard, upstairs) for an afternoon of radical story telling, games and crafts, while they take part in the community march. Snacks will also be provided.

For parents planning on dropping off their children, we ask that you prepare, in advance a list of a minimum of 2 emergency contact names and contact information. Upon dropping off your child/children you will be asked to fill out a basic information form (i.e. child’s name, food allergies, health concerns etc.), as well as provide us with emergency contacts. Aside from the obvious use (i.e. an emergency) these contacts will be called in the instance that a parent is unable to make it back to pick up their child/children (for example, if they are detained at the march).

The G20 Childcare Team has a strict policy of not turning children over to Child and Family Services. If for whatever reason you are unable to provide us with emergency contacts, there will be a space provided on the information form for parents to outline how they would like the Childcare Team to deal with a situation in which they were unable to collect their child/children.

If you have any questions, or would like to find out more information concerning childcare offered at other G20 related events, please don’t hesitate to contact us: g20childcare@gmail.com

Our organizations are campaigning for the some of the following demands:

-Stop the theft and plunder of indigenous lands: Indigenous sovereignty now!
-Housing for all
-Status for All! Justice for Migrants and Refugees!
-Free/Funded Childcare and Daycare!
-Accessibility legislation that means something – NOW!
-Reverse the cut to the Special Diet, Raise Welfare/Disability Rates!
-Stop psychiatric assault
-Access to Social Services Without Fear (irrespective of Immigration Status)
– Environmental and Climate Justice For All 
-No to the Pan Am Games!
-End Israeli Apartheid! Respect the call for Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions!
-Stop racial profiling
-Free and accessible transit
-Stop the privatization of city property
-Justice for migrant and non-status workers
-Affordable and accessible post-secondary education
-Remove the cap on Direct Funding for Attendant Care
-Police out of Schools
-Stop the Social Cleansing of the Downtown East End
-Stop Police Brutality, Impunity, and Militarization of Communities
– Stop all state and personal violence against women and children, trans and queer people.
– Guarantee freedom of sexual and reproductive choice and control over our bodies and lives.
– Boycott of Chilean Fruit and Wine for the Freedom of the Mapuche Political Prisoners

(To join the organizing, and to add your local campaign demands to this call, email seetheg8onyourstreet@gmail.com)

For more information about June 25th, visit https://25june.wordpress.com, email seetheg8onyourstreet@gmail.com, or call 416-925-6939

For more details on the broader G8/G20 Convergence in Toronto, visit http://g20.torontomobilize.org
