Calling of some forest occupants on the occasion of yesterday’s announcement of RWE, they want to fell trees in Hambi

German original: Indymedia

RWE announced yesterday via press release in their usual self-assured style, “within a short time” to want to fell trees, which are “dead or incurably damaged by the drought of last summer as well as by pest infestation”. Affected are allegedly 9 different, unspecified, locations in the occupied part of the forest, in the Merzenicher Erbwald near Morschenich, in … more…

Some thoughts by Luna about shoes, standing up and respect

Since I am not present today and I also miss the chance for a last word, I formulate here a few (not sober) thoughts on the tripod process and the orderly detention for “lack of respect.”

During the scandal negotiation from 13.06. I was the only one on the prosecution / defense bench who wore shoes from the beginning. I wonder now, why actually? Why do I … more…

Why we are not going to appear at the main hearing on 06/27 – a statement by Luna and B-Mike

In the two trial days of the first instance and the previous two of the appeal, we have experienced many absurdities in the process of a blockade of the Hambachbahn 2017 and reported on Twitter live under #TripodProzess. In terms of entertainment and coverage, it is a great pity that we will not appear as defendants on the next day’s trial. But there is simply something … more…

Luna & B-Mike in confinement for contempt of court

The following text was published on ABC Rhineland:

After the court did not agree with the procedural behavior in the #TripodProzess on Thursday, June 13, 2019, before the LG Aachen, the two defendants are now in custody.

Luna was brought to the men’s jail Aachen Aachen, B-Mike in the women’s section of the JVA (jail) Köln-Ossendorf. In other words, trans * people are once more put into the … more…

Invitation to the trial party at the regional court Aachen (5/29)

The trial because of the tripod, which was suddenly on the Hambachbahn during the G20 summit in Hamburg, goes into the second round. After the district court Jülich has sentenced the two defendants in the first instance to a fine of 90 or 100 daily sentences, the appeal is now being held before the district court of Aachen. So to make you know what you are getting into, … more…

Animal-free diet? Sure! But why?

As often happens, also this post contains an opinion – on feelings of plants – that is not necessarily shared by everyone. As always, this shows how diversity can promote discussion.

Some may still remember: the German Greens once had the suggestion to set up a veggie day once a week in public canteens. All very nice and without obligation. They will not forget it that soon! They … more…

Call for trial support on 05/17/2019

Next date: Friday, 5/31/2019, 9 am

On 17.05.2019, a lawsuit against an anarchist from the Hambach Forest will begin.

The allegations are: Attempted serious assault in coincidence with assault on law enforcement officers in a particularly serious case and with damage to property as well as resistance to law enforcement officers and property damage.
Property damage is doubly in there, because it is about several cases.

Where: District Court … more…