Posts Tagged ‘Repression’

Call for solidarity after the 1st of May in Paris (France)

Wednesday, May 15th, 2019

Since the end of November, as the Gilet Jaune’s movement develops, cops and banks are being regularly attacked. In such a context, the 1st of May could have been a radical break in this world made of borders and wars. It could have been the continuation of the 16th of March’s riots and, to put it in perspective, an attack against the life-breaker industry called authority.

Nationalists and Regionalists flags are all over the place, all over our grounds, and at the same time the courts are filling up the prisons as the french state announced that it’ll be able to imprison 10,000 more people in the next 10 years, not to mention the Administrative Detention Center and psychiatric wards, and as the capitalistic speech tells us to smile as we die more and more in the inside. Work is just another way of saying « Kill me ». (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Indonesia: Statement from Bandung Anti Fascist Front on May Day 2019 Repression

Tuesday, May 14th, 2019

Political Statement of Front Anti Fasis Bandung (Bandung Anti Fascist Front) on State Brutality during May Day 2019 in Bandung

We, Front Anti Fasis Bandung (Bandung Anti Fascist Front), hereby condemn and curse every brutal act that the State carried out via its repressive state apparatus against the masses at the 2019 May Day demonstration in Bandung. We also condemn every form of violation to human rights that the State carried out against the arrested comrades in Bandung Police Station and in the Mobile Brigade base in Jatinangor. Furthermore, we also condemn these wretches for their savage actions against May Day demonstrations in many other areas. As for other condemnations, we say to ever State element that took part in the repression of May Day 2019 in Bandung the following: (more…)

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Posted in Anti-Fascist

Anti-Terrorist Operation against Anarchism in Madrid (Spain)

Tuesday, May 14th, 2019

On the morning of May 13, a new antiterrorist operation against anarchism struck in Tetuán (Madrid).

The anarchist space ‘The Ambush’ [La Emboscada] and another squatter home were searched by members of the brigada de información [political police/special branch] and a squad of the anti-riot division. The operation ended with two people arrested.

In our minds are the operations of Pandora, Piñata, Ice and the operation that still keeps Lisa behind bars. More recently the European police operations in response to the revolt in Hamburg against the G20, or the arrests of last October 29, 2018 in Madrid…

In short: the blows of the State against the struggle. Faced with this, affection, solidarity, networks of affinity and the desire to never give up are weapons against fear and repression.

Stay tuned for more information and calls.

Neither innocent nor guilty!
Solidarity and struggle!

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Posted in Social Control

About the sentences in “Scripta Manent” trial and update on comrade Marco Bisesti (Italy)

Tuesday, May 14th, 2019

About the sentence in “Scripta Manent” trial:

On April 24, the Turin Assise Court issued the first instance sentence for the “Scripta Manent” trial (which followed the repressive operation for which five comrades had been arrested on September 6, 2016, and two others had received notification of pre-trial detention while they were already in prison for the attack against Roberto Adinolfi of May 7, 2012).

Alfredo was sentenced to 20 years, held responsible for the possession and transport of explosives in relation to the bomb in Parco Ducale near the Parma RIS (“scientific investigation department” of Carabinieri) of 24 October 2005 (acquitted of the crime of attack because “crime impossible” because the switch of the bomb was off), of the explosive envelope sent to the then mayor of Bologna Cofferati in 2 November 2005 (convicted of the bombing plus “possession and transportation of explosives”), of attacks with multiple explosive devices at the Carabinieri school of Fossano in June 2, 2006, and in the Crocetta district in Turin in 7 March 2007 (crime of “massacre aggravated by the fact that the goal would have been the police” and acquitted of the aggravating circumstance of political motivation), of sending explosive parcels to the then mayor of Turin (Chiamparino), to the editor of the newspaper “Torino Cronaca” (Giuseppe Fossati) and to COEMA Edilità (company involved in the restructuring of the CIE, “identification and expulsion center” for migrants) in July 2006. He is also indicated as promoter of the FAI (Federazione Anarchica Informale), recognized as a “subversive association with terrorism purposes”. The aggravating circumstance of transnationality has fallen. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Update about Operation “Renata”: 5 comrades were transferred to house arrest (Italy)

Saturday, May 11th, 2019

On May 9, five anarchist prisoners from February 19, 2019 following “Renata” repressive operation were transferred under house arrest. They are Agnese Trentin (who had recently been transferred to the AS2 prison section of L’Aquila), Giulio Berdusco, Roberto Bottamedi (who were detained in Tolmezzo), Andrea Parolari and Nicola Briganti (who were detained in Ferrara). Comrade Luca Dolce (known as “Stecco”) remains in prison because of other final sentences. While another comrade, Sasha, who was also arrested on 19 February and immediately placed under house arrest, had this last “precautionary measure” transformed into an obligation to stay and return home from 9.00 pm to 7.00 am, with the obligation to stay in the municipality of residence. The comrades were initially accused of “subversive association with the purpose of terrorism and subversion of the democratic order” (art. 270bis c. p., in four persons) and of “terrorist attack” (art. 280 c. p., all), plus other related crimes (“interruption of public service”, “damage”, “sabotage of telematic devices”, “fire” and “transport of explosive material”), because they are considered responsible for some direct actions taken in Trentino in the last two years. Subsequently the aggravating circumstance of terrorism fell, therefore the main accusation became of “subversive association” (art. 270 c. p.).

Here is the address of Stecco:

Luca Dolce
Casa Circondariale di Tolmezzo
via Paluzza 77
33028 Tolmezzo (Ud)
Italia [Italy]

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Posted in Social Control

Indonesia: Post-May Day Update and Call for International Solidarity

Saturday, May 4th, 2019

Palang Hitam / Anarchist Black Cross Indonesia has temporarily ceased activity due to problems with a former member who misused international donations. At present there is no anarchist organization supporting those facing repression, so support is being provided spontaneously and individually. Here is an update about the situation in several cities.

In Bandung, there was a peaceful action by a group of anarchists almost 1000 strong. It even consisted of mothers, children and teenage girls. Police attacked them and broke the bloc into two groups. They were then chased, beaten and arrested. The pretext for this was ‘vandalism’, some spray-painted graffiti. Many of those who were arrested were stripped and had their heads shaved. Some were spray-painted on their faces and bodies as well. Many were forced to crawl along the road in their underwear. In total 619 anarchists were arrested, of these, 3 still remain in custody for destruction of property. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Solidarity to imprisoned comrade Anahi Salcedo, wounded after the detonation of an explosive device (Argentina)

Friday, May 3rd, 2019

Note from Anarquia: As mentioned in November 2018, Anahí Salcedo detonated an explosive device in the region of Argentina. Since then this individual has been in prison and has been denied medical attention. We do not want to give more information at the request of the support group and affinities. The situation has not changed, but in front of the scenario that this individual is living, its diffusion is necessary.

Three months after being transferred to Ezeiza prison from the Fernández hospital, Anahí was taken out for studies, kinesiology and general medical consultations, some inside the prison and others in different hospitals, with secret shifts and transfers guarded by anti-“terrorist” special forces. Although we know that the Terrorist is the State.

It was not due to the humane treatment of the Federal Penitentiary Service or to the will of Judge Ercolini or due to the Courts 1 and 2 of Lomas de Zamora, who delayed all this time denying Anahi the exits, so impeding the treatment, kicking habeas corpus from one court to another; (one presented collectively, that not only claimed for the medical attention but also for the nefarious conditions of the module suffered by Anahí and the compañeras) doing its fundamental part of the work for this system of torture. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Italy : Text by Anarchist comrade Gioacchino Somma: Miserable wretches!

Sunday, April 28th, 2019

Everything was ready from the morning: journalists and live TV on the national channel…
A miserable judge in Turin, Roberto Sparagna, left no stone unturned in putting pressure on a gang of equally miserable individuals (jury led by judge Alessandra Salvadori).
A poor madman in search of fame after having moved from the anti-mafia prosecution to the terrorism one, he succeeded where other miserable colleagues of his had failed for decades: subversive association for the purposes of terrorism.

Already I see him in a few days’ time sitting on the Vespa armchairs in “Porta a Porta” [long-standing populist TV news show], along with some failed criminologist spouting off about anarchism and how it is divided into groups, smaller groups, good and bad and his heroic deeds against the F.A.I.-F.R.I. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Italy: Operation Scripta Manent Sentences

Thursday, April 25th, 2019


Anarchist comrades sentenced:

Alfredo Cospito to 20 years,
Anna Beniamino to 17 years,
Nicola Gai to 9 years,
Alessandro Mercogliano and Marco Bisesti to 5 years each.
The other accused were acquitted.



via actforfree:

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Posted in Prison Struggle

For a Subversive May 2019 In Solidarity with the Imprisoned Comrades in Italy

Wednesday, April 17th, 2019

Against All Authority and Repression!

In Turin and Trento, 14 people are accused of forming a subversive association, inciting crime, and possessing, manufacturing and transporting explosives to a public place. Furthermore, the operation “Scripta Manent”, where the public prosecutor’s office demands a total of 204 years in prison for the attacks of the Informal Anarchist Federation and the operation “Panico”, where 3 comrades are accused of having attacked a fascist library with an explosive device, is still running.

Those who have decided to oppose any domination in the social conflict must live with the constant uncertainty of sooner or later being held accountable for their own actions by the opponents of freedom and self-determination. The idea and the longing for a society liberated from exploitation and oppression cab then be nipped in the bud.

This is especially the case for the anarchist movement in Italy. This is being tackled by the state. The affected prisoners are to be buried alive in their cells with draconian sentences. Their accomplices and the solidarity environment unequivocally profess their permanent enmity against the regime with regard to their kidnapping. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

Network Trial Begins in Petersburg (Russia)

Wednesday, April 17th, 2019

From the Russian Reader:

Network case defendants Viktor Filinkov and Yuli Boyarshinov in the cage at court yesterday. Filinkov (left) wears a sweatshirt emblazoned with the slogan, “Your taser can’t kill our ideas.” Photo by Alexander Koryakov. Courtesy of Kommersant

The Defendants Were Assigned Roles: Network Trial Gets Underway in Petersburg
Anna Pushkarskaya
April 9, 2019

The court trial in the case of the “anarchist terrorist community” Network got underway in St. Petersburg. Viktor Filinkov, a 24-year-old programmer, and Yuli Boyarshinov, a 27-year-old industrial climber, have been charged with involvement in Network. Federation Council member Lyudmila Narusova, who attended the hearing, pointed out the “ability to throw grenades,” which the prosecution included in the evidence against the defendants, was taught officially to members of the patriotic youth movement Yunarmiya.

“This case has nothing to do with the rule of law,” Narusova noted.

Filinkov and Boyarshinov’s case is being tried in St. Petersburg by the Moscow District Military Court. In January, the same court sentenced Igor Shishkin, who made a deal with case investigators, to three and a half years in prison. Subsequently, the FSB placed Network on the Russian federal list of banned organizations. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Anarchist prisoner John Bowden denied parole and kept as political hostage (UK)

Thursday, April 4th, 2019


On the 22nd January 2019 after almost forty years in prison the Parole Board considered the case for either my release or continued imprisonment. In the case of life sentence or indeterminately sentenced prisoners once such prisoners have been detained for the length of time originally recommended by the judiciary or Secretary of State, in my case 25 years, then the Parole Board has a statuary and legal obligation and responsibility to review the case for either the release or the continued detention of such prisoners. At three previous parole hearings my release had been denied by the Parole Board on the grounds that I was a “difficult and anti-authoritarian” prisoner, and insufficiently obedient to prison authority; my actual risk or danger to the public, the prime official criteria for denying the release of life sentence prisoners, was never cited as a reason for my continued imprisonment.

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Posted in Prison Struggle

June 11th: The international day of solidarity with Marius Mason and long-term anarchist prisoners

Monday, April 1st, 2019

June 11th: The international day of solidarity with Marius Mason and long-term anarchist prisoners. In the 15 years this tradition has been observed, June 11th has facilitated support and action inspired by imprisoned anarchists — from noise demonstrations outside of jails to letter-writing nights, from fundraisers to arson. Setting aside this day is one way of remembering anarchists who are serving long prison sentences, generating support for them, and inspiring solidarity actions.

Because social struggles phase in and out, this day is a way to make sure that our imprisoned comrades are not forgotten. Our lack of memory is partially a result of the techno-alienation of the larger culture we’re fighting against. But it’s also a product of the dynamics of the anarchist space. People become burnt out and the cycle of forgetting continues.

June 11th is a way of combating that amnesia, of trying to sustain a long-term memory in the anarchist space. Not only does this generate support for anarchists locked in the state’s prisons, it forces us to look back at what came before. Considering what previous generations did can both inspire us with ideas we’ve forgotten, and help us understand how our current practices came to be. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

What is Fénix 2 about? (Czech Republic)

Monday, April 1st, 2019

Information about Operation Fenix 2 translated into English, German and French received from ABC CZ:

EN: https://antifenix.noblogs.org/post/2019/03/27/what-is-fenix-2-about/

DE: https://antifenix.noblogs.org/post/2019/03/28/worum-geht-es-bei-phoenix-2/

FR: https://antifenix.noblogs.org/post/2019/04/01/quest-ce-quest-loperation-fenix-2/

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Posted in Social Control

An update on Operation “Renata” against anarchists in Trentino (Italy)

Thursday, March 28th, 2019

[Note of roundrobin.info website]: We are posting, delayed due to a technical problem, this update received on 20/03:

The judges of the review [“giudici del riesame”, in Italian] considered the accusations of terrorism to be non-existent. Therefore, the charge of 270bis [“subversive association for the purposes of terrorism”] is disputed. The alleged crime is now of 270 or rather “subversive association”. In any case, the comrades remain in prison for now.

All free!

Operazione “Renata”: Aggiornamento

Pubblichiamo, in ritardo per un disguido tecnico, questo aggiornamento
ricevuto il 20/03 :

I giudici del riesame hanno considerato insussistenti le accuse di terrorismo, quindi il 270bis e le aggravanti. Il reato ipotizzato ora è quello di 270 ossia associazione sovversiva. Ad ogni modo le compagne e i compagni rimangono per ora in carcere.

Tutti liberi, tutte libere!

[Tratto da roundrobin.info]


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Posted in Prison Struggle