Posts Tagged ‘Athens’

Greece: Anarchist comrade Nikos Romanos free after six years of imprisonment.

Saturday, July 13th, 2019

Nikos Romanos free he was released today 11/7/19, from Korydallos Prison, having served the sentences imposed on him.
The comrade was arrested in February 2013 along with three other comrades for a double armed robbery, at the Agricultural Bank and the Hellenic Postbank in Velvento, Kozani.

via Actforfree

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Greece: CCF Member Damiano Bolano Released from Prison

Monday, June 10th, 2019

ES: Grecia. El compañero anarquista Damianos Bolano, miembro de las CCF en la calle

On Tuesday, 21/5, the member of the CCF, Damiano Bolano, was released. The comrade has been in custody since [14] March 2011.

Freedom to all!

Until the last prison has been destroyed!

We support the imprisoned fighters morally, materially, politically.

Solidarity Fund for Prisoners and Persecuted Fighters

Source: https://athens.indymedia.org/post/1598376/

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Collection of direct actions in solidarity with imprisoned comrade Dimitris Koufontinas (Greece)

Saturday, June 1st, 2019

[Hunger Strike By Prisoner Dimitris Koufontinas Ends in Success – AMW]

Athens, Greece: Responsibility Claim for the Arson Attack against Eurobank branch

We were taught that everything is commodity, everything can be exchanged. We didn’t understand the small print of history: that we are commodity too; working power that is exchanged with peanuts, prayers and curses, and a daily reverence to alienation, to the shattering of every human dignity. We referred to the wage slavery as our highest value and intention. We didn’t feel the waves of history carving our skin, we didn’t feel the razor blades of political economy chiseling our motion.

We ‘ve shown discipline to our times’ teachings, which are nothing more than the dominant narrative that wants us producing and consuming machines, that wants for itself the monopoly of the decision about what is included and what is excluded by its normativity. A dominant narrative by a dominant world that leaves its bloody marks on us everyday, fracturing the individual, feeding it with oppression and neuroses, killing every desire for experimentation and vitality and replacing them with miserable micro-rivalries and intrigue, disguising the emptiness. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

A visit to an under-construction boutique of luxury apartments in Athens (Greece)

Friday, May 24th, 2019

Source of translation + pictures : https://athens.indymedia.org/post/1597841/

Tourism grows like flowers in the spring, security cameras appear like leaves to protect the peaceful citizens. Everything must be clear, beautiful and in developmental path. The appearance of the city should fit into the list of Aegean Airlines. Tourists do not need a lot, some chain stores and hipster coffeeshops, a good guide to explaining which places to avoid, and something that fits into the “authentic Greek experience”. We look forward to the next group of tourists who will take a selfie around the Acropolis.At the same time, our neighborhood degrades slowly. People who can not respond to the increase of rent price are either forced to find another home to stay or are forced to comply with the new rules. At the same time, investors are exacerbating the situation as they buy old houses, which are being demolished and, in their place, they are building luxurious housing estates. Apartments renovated for short-term rent (AIRBNB) as well as public spaces and parks are privatized reducing free and open spaces. The game is as old as the same city is listening to the name of private property . The rule is also simple: whoever does not own, will pay, whoever does not pay will be expelled. People who are not part of the capitalist machine, little illegal sellers and homeless people, illegal graffiti and political posters, life in general, and things that can not be sold will disappear. We know very well that nothing will be given to us because we do not belong to the owners’ side. We know that we do not even fit into this suffocating capitalist context, nor do we want to keep up with the logic of bosses and investors. That is why we are fighting against their expansionist and developmental plans.On Tuesday 9/04, we visited a boutique (as they call it) of luxury apartments, which is in its final stage of implementation, on Kolokotroni street between Koukaki and Petralona. Kolokotroni Street is a street with several old or abandoned houses, and it seems that the crows of the construction company from Glyfada have put it in the goal. During our visit, we put a banner that read: “RICH PEOPLE GET BACK TO YOUR SUBURBS, HOUSING IS NOR A LIFESTYLE NEITHER A PRODUCT, IT’S A NEED (A)”, we throw paint on the freshly painted walls and advertisements of the company, write slogans and open holes or even completely tear apart interior walls. Nevertheless, investors insist on forcing us to a second visit and today they have put cameras thinking that we will stop.


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Posted in Direct Action

Greece: Update on the 5th Trial of Revolutionary Struggle

Monday, April 22nd, 2019

Received by Mpalothia on 22.04.19:

On 24.04.2019, the 5th trial of Revolutionary Struggle continues, concerning the escape by helicopter attempted by Pola Roupa on 21.02.2016 with the aim of liberating Nikos Maziotis and other prisoners from Korydallos prison.

After the political statement of Pola Roupa and the political witnesses for the defense of the members of Revolutionary Struggle, the trial will be followed by the political statement of Nikos Maziotis and the statements of the other defendants.

Comrades in Solidarity with Revolutionary Struggle

(translated by Anarchists Worldwide for Mpalothia)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Athens, Greece: Grenade Attack Against the Russian Consulate by FAI / FRI Revenge Cell ‘Mikhail Zhlobitsky’

Friday, April 19th, 2019

We assume responsibility for the grenade assault on the Russian Consulate on Tzavella Street in Chalandri [suburb in Northern Athens] on March 22.

Each state seeks continuity, which is of particular importance both for its existence and for the preservation and expansion of its vital space. We define the vital space of a state structure as a concept that raises every economic and spatial interest. Applying this policy to us is what we commonly call imperialism. This policy is not a strategic choice of a state, but it is indistinguishable from its very existence. Automatically, each state applies or follows the imperialist policy of an alliance in that country. This position comes to overthrow the rhetoric of the holy fellowship of the smaller ones in dynamic states towards the more powerful ones, which the left has been trying to make for years and parts of the anarchist space embraces. Over the years, many alliances have been built up and, as a result, many skirmishes, depending on the interests at stake. Under the veil of these inter-axiomatic contrasts in combination with the economic and political conjuncture, discrepancies in the dynamics of each state are created or adjusted. Relationships between states have always been a dynamic condition that is modified on the subject rather than a static situation. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Greece: Anarchist Comrade Panagiotis Argyrou Released from Prison

Wednesday, April 17th, 2019

Panagiotis Argyrou was arrested on November 1st, 2010, following over a year of living in illegality during a campaign by the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire to send parcel bombs to European leaders, offices of European institutions and embassies of foreign countries.

He immediately claimed full political responsibility for his involvement in the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire and remained in prison for 8 years and 5 months with several convictions against him that reached a total of 220 years before the second instance (initial sentences: Halandri Case 37 years, Bombs Case 10 years, Phoenix Project Case 21 years, case involving all actions by Conspiracy of Cells of Fire 23 years, Escape Plan Case 115 years, City Bus Arson Case seven years). After serving 1/2 and 1/3 of his merged sentence (25 years under the sentence cap), the comrade was released on the 8th of April, 2019.

Freedom to all!

Until the last prison has been destroyed!

We support the imprisoned fighters morally, materially and politically…

Solidarity Fund for Imprisoned and Persecuted Fighters

(via Athens Indymedia, translated into English for Mpalothia by Anarchists Worldwide)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Greece: Court of Appeal Trial Against Revolutionary Struggle Continues

Wednesday, April 17th, 2019

At 9:30AM on Friday, April 12th, the trial in the Court of Appeals against Revolutionary Struggle will continue at the special courthouse in Korydallos Prison.

It is worth noting that the prosecutor, as well as condemning the actions and communiques of Revolutionary Struggle, admitted during his speech that the attack by the Revolutionary Struggle cell COMMANDO LAMBROS FOUNDAS against the Bank of Greece, could have led to the overthrow of the government and had negatively affected the economy, tourism and investment.

The goal of the Prosecutor’s Office is to ensure that the sentences do not change, including those of Nikos Maziotis and Pola Roupa who received life imprisonment for the explosive attack against the Bank of Greece in Athens that was carried out in response to the policies of 2 of the three Troika institutions- the ECB and the IMF. Revolutionary Struggle claimed responsibility for this action on April 10th, 2014. At the next trial (we will announce the date once it is known) the decision of the Court of Appeal will be delivered.

Solidarity with Revolutionary Struggle

(via Athens Indymedia, translated into English for Mpalothia by Anarchists Worldwide)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Secours Rouge Members Testify in Defense of Revolutionary Struggle (Greece)

Thursday, March 28th, 2019

Two members of Secours Rouge International testified in defense of Revolutionary Struggle at the trial of anarchist prisoners Pola Roupa and Nikos Maziotis in Athens.

The following is a statement by Secours Rouge:

“It was with great joy that we again met Pola Roupa and Nikos Maziotis, the imprisoned fighters of the Revolutionary Struggle organization this morning in Athens. Two Secretaries of Secours Rouge International have testified at the trial to defend “Revolutionary Struggle,” the legitimacy of its political-military strategic project, and the means that the organization has set itself to implement its objectives. Our delegates stressed that revolution is not merely a utopia since it is already a reality in Rojava. To the judge’s question “When will the violence end?”, our delegate returned the question “When will your class violence stop?””

Originally published here, English translation via Abolition Media Worldwide.

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Revolutionary Struggle Statement: Lambros Foundas Is Immortal (Greece)

Thursday, March 14th, 2019

March 10, 2019

On March 10th, 2010, Revolutionary Struggle was first struck:

Comrade Lambros Foundas fell dead from a cop’s bullet during the expropriation of a vehicle. He fell dead during a time of preparation for Revolutionary Struggle, which constituted the continuation of the organization’s action against the crisis, against capitalism and the state itself, against the policies of the system, which were formed by the European Commission, the European Central Bank and the IMF on the same days. It was an act of opposition to the burdens of borrowing contracts (memoranda) which, two months after his death, were imposed by the supranational economic and political power. It was an action-response to the fascist extortion imposed by the Greek political and economic power: “Memoranda or Destruction.” It was an answer to the dilemma of “salvation of the system or salvation of the social majority.” (more…)

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Athens, Greece: Claim of responsibility for the arson attack on Procurer’s vehicles

Friday, February 1st, 2019


PDF Version

What does the lair of a procurer do at Heraklion avenue, uh?


At the dawn of Thursday 20/12/2018 an unpleasant surprise roiled the whole family of Aggelos Giannakopoulos, boss of “Horiatiko” and “Attica Bakeries” baker’s shops, at the family apartment building of 29 Heraklion Avenue in Ano Patisia. Three of the family’s cars were wrapped in flames, the front was damaged and the windows of the ground floor were broken. The forementioned dorm is the same building where, years ago, Giannakopoulos bros were imprisoning, blackmailing and prostituting women from the Eastern Bloc, in their owned lap-dancing clubs, at private appointments, as well as in sleazy “bars” all over Greece.

Police stories…

In the summer of 2007, cops, prosecutors and Department of Financial Crime auditors bust in the said block of flats. In the press, information is leaked that Angelos Giannakopoulos is the head of an international trafficking network. The pimps with the synergy of employment agencies in Eastern European countries were bringing women, withholding their credentials, and selling their bodies to punters. Despite the “coordinated” operation, the two Giannakopoulos brothers get away, while dozens of smaller fish are captured, among them the name of retired cop Konstantinos Kyrou being exposed. The network’s profits were laundered in dozens of “legal” bakeries and shops of Giannakopoulos bros and with the facility of an off-shore company. In addition, those wanted are accused of trafficking of minor and adult women, abduction, injuries, drug trafficking, forgery and money laundering. The next act of the drama is played sixteen months later in November 2008 when a second police operation for the activities of Giannakopoulos is conducted, in cooperation with Interpol (as well as the first time). (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Greece, Athens : Revolutionary Action Against Far Right Skai TV

Thursday, December 20th, 2018

A powerful bomb blast smashed the windows and wrecked the offices at Greece’s right-wing, SKAI TV station in Athens on Monday, December 17th. No one was injured in the action and a call was made ahead of time for the building to be evacuated.

SKAI is one of Greece’s biggest TV stations and a proponent of reactionary politics that cause great harm to large swathes of the Greek population.

There was damage reported on all of the floors, and any potential rebuilding efforts will be mammoth.
As the world moves in an increasingly reactionary direction revolutionary actions that protect people from barbaric institutions like SKAI are becoming more common place.

Abolition Media Worldwide (AMW)

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Posted in Direct Action

Flyposter: Solidarity to Dinos Yagtzoglou – EN/IT/DE/ES (Greece)

Tuesday, December 18th, 2018


Italian translation via Anarhija

Spanish translation by La Rebelión de las Palabras + PDF

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Athens: A Report on the Occupation of Averof at the Polytechnic University (Greece)

Monday, December 17th, 2018

The following text is an initiative of debriefing and not a result of a collective work with all the participants. Some of them may even disagree with the style and the concerns of the text. However, it is an attempt to reveal the facts and considerations that define the project.

On the morning November 14th, comrades, individuals and members of collectives occupy the central Polytechnic building in order to stand a political presence during the three-days anniversary of the 1973 insurrection and to keep the polytechnic open on November 17th. The two objectives are related to a wider political aim. To not compromise with the bourgeois-democratic state – (especially as a final and positive result of an insurrection )- and therefore to refuse the cessation of the conflict with the state repressive forces. For some of us, it was also important not to portray the uprising as an event of the past, as a museum piece. On the contrary, to express the necessity of these moments to exist nowadays and that its memory can be honored only if and when it is becoming action. We acknowledge that a part of the people participating in the Polytechnic rebellion of 1973 struggled against Authority, whether it was dictatorial or democratic. That’s why the request was ‘DOWN WITH AUTHORITY’. Some consciously or not, continue the struggle started from that moment until now. Many of the greatest incidents of the post-dictatorship period occurred in Polytechnic and were straightly connected to struggles bearing an anarchist sign. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

Athens: Claim of Responsibility for the Molotov attack against the Management of Police Operations – Base of Riot Cop Units MAT-YMAT (Greece)

Thursday, December 13th, 2018

In these days, the units of the repressive forces suppress once more the collective outburst of rage and the necessity for violent conflicts. In their offices, riot buses and coffeeshops they fed by the idea to catch insurgents in their grip to be able to humiliate, torture and imprison them. In these same days we attack them in their headquarters. To take them by surprise, to expose their weaknesses and failures in front of the ever-going will to destroy them. The same cops who are proudly patrolling in the city, convinced of their unlimited ability to terrorize the populations, were forced to run away loaded with fears in the night of December 2, in front of their own station.

As democratic state is maintaining the population in a constant state of survival without starvation and widespread sicknesses, in the same way the riotcops units are using the maximum of repression without direct execution. Their presence is to impose control, their actions to re-establish order. The war is chemical and the weapons they are allowed to use are not lethal. In every way they are the frame of stability, designing the inner borders of metropolis, tracing routes and dead ends for the demonstrations. They are occupying grounds, defining the danger zones which have to be surrounded. They are used against social uprisings, against the migrants inside the camps, to secure the destruction of natural places. They are the symbol of the dominant subject in the social base as the white straight European male, guarantor of the law in favor of statist and capitalist society.

The establishment of the YMET police station in Kaisariani was a planified move of the counterinsurgency policies. During the German-Greek Nazi occupation and the Dekemvriana 1944, this neighborhood was an area of resistance. Nowadays, it seems normalized in the neighborhood to have a constant presence of cops in uniforms circulating and living around this military base. This is a result when oppression is not to confront in itself but the enemy is to be found in the national origin of this oppression. Populations are accepting to be dominated by the local repressive forces if no foreign powers are involved. Some parts of the resisting forces, though the last decades have denied the left-patriotic characteristic of the guerrilla tradition. We are one part of this negation and we seek to develop our analysis beyond the leftist hegemony.

The insurrection of 2008 in Greece was one of the most powerful in the contemporary world. It showed an the amount of power and creativity which can be brought against the state mechanisms and how weak and small they looked those days. The murder of the anarchist Grigoropoulos from the Greek police will always be present in our memory and through our actions. Even though, we are to mark that this assassination, and the insurrection it brought within the society and the all left political spectrum was mainly because he was a 15 years old white Greek student (meanwhile they try to hide his political identity). From our sight, we are seeing the state‘s murders in various subjects, in a daily base along with the imprisonment and domination over the ground. That is why our struggles are violent and constant. Our insurrectionary acts do not depend on social legitimisation. Society is an abstract concept, more likely it refers to what is visible and approved to exist. Our struggles are connected to our experiences. We do not fight to save the people, we fight to survive and give solidarity to those who resist with the target to stimulate more individuals and collectives to join this sincere anarchist struggle.

Our tactics can easily be adopted in any metropolis of the InterState fortress. Every preparing action, every conversation, every aspect of our plan, can get us one step forward from our enemy giving us the advantage to surprise him. Let’s create an insurrectional movement without borders that will be able to spread anarchistic ideas and practices.

We send a burning signal and we join the call for a Black December announced by the comrades in Chile by communicating with this action and our words with the insurgents around the world. In fighting memory of all friends, comrades and unknown killed or imprisoned by the state.


Athens IMC

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