Spycops Targets: a Who’s Who

Working with The Guardian, we present a Who’s Who of Spycop Targets, listing what is known to date from official sources, whistle-blowers and our own investigations. From 1968 to 2011, undercover police officers spied up on more than 1,000 political groups. Neither the police nor the official Undercover Policing Inquiry have ever released a full list. This is the first of its kind.

Please help us to improve the Who’s Who. Do you know of further groups that have been spied on, do you have better descriptions or links? Any feedback welcome!

name of group period category spycop
Action for Radical Change Leeds

Radical social justice and environmental campaigning group in Leeds. Organised and took action against ‘the ills of our world – capitalism, money, shit jobs, ecological destruction, the plight of asylum seekers and poverty in our city’. Set up ‘the Common Place’.
Early/Late 00s
Lynn Watson.
Action Medics Collective

Volunteer street medics and health care activists, who provided first aid and emergency care at protests, direct actions, and other sites of resistance and struggle.
Early/Late 00s
Lynn Watson.
Action to Abolish the Grand National

In 1993 & 1994, Matt Raynor drove campaigners from London to Liverpool, to protest animal cruelty at the Grand National. In 1993, a number of people including from London, managed to disrupt the race.
Early 90s
Animal Rights
Matt Rayner
Also see The Guardian
Active Resistance to the Roots of War

(ARROW) A non-violent direct action affinity group set up in Sept 1990 to oppose the Gulf War. For a decade maintained a weekly vigil outside the Foreign Office calling for the end of economic sanctions on Iraq. Also attended other protests, including at RAF Fairford. Merged into other peace groups.
Early 90s
Left Wing
Andy Davey.
Real name: Andy Coles.
Activist Tat Collective

Emerged from Dissent, Earth First and Climate Camp, and stored equipment that could be lent out to organise a major protest, and other forms of radical social and environmental campaigning.
Early/Late 00s
Mark Stone.
Real name: Mark Kennedy.
Aldermaston Women’s Peace Camp

Founded in 1985, the group of women protested against the nuclear weapons base at Aldermaston, Berkshire for many years. The camp remains a symbol of resistance to nuclear weapon development and regularly saw non-violent direct action.
Early/Late 00s
Left Wing
Lynn Watson.
Anarchist groups

Not yet identified by the Inquiry.
Late 60s/Early 70s
Douglas Edwards.
Known as Doug.
Anarchist groups

Not yet identified by the Inquiry.
Mid 80s
Roger Thorley.
Real name: Roger Pearce.
Anarchy Collective

Published a magazine in the 1980s, which ran for 38 issues.
Late 70s
Graham Coates.
Animal Liberation front

Set up in 1976, a radical and militant collection of groups against vivisection. Maintaining a policy of strict nonviolence towards sentient beings, including humans. Damaging property was legitimate as economic sabotage, and the groups raided laboratories, rescuing animals and targeted those responsible for cruelty. Popularity grew in the 1980s, radicalising other animal rights groups. Worked with press officer and independent support group for those jailed. Second wave of activism in the early 1990s, in conjuction with rise in work of grassroot animal right groups.
Early 90s
Animal Rights
Andy Davey.
Real name: Andy Coles.
Animal Liberation front

Set up in 1976, a radical and militant collection of groups against vivisection. Maintaining a policy of strict nonviolence towards sentient beings, including humans. Damaging property was legitimate as economic sabotage, and the groups raided laboratories, rescuing animals and targeted those responsible for cruelty. Popularity grew in the 1980s, radicalising other animal rights groups. Worked with press officer and independent support group for those jailed. Second wave of activism in the early 1990s, in conjuction with rise in work of grassroot animal right groups.
Mid 80s/Late 80s
Animal Rights
Bob Robinson.
Real name: Bob Lambert.
Animal Liberation front

Set up in 1976, a radical and militant collection of groups against vivisection. Maintaining a policy of strict nonviolence towards sentient beings, including humans. Damaging property was legitimate as economic sabotage, and the groups raided laboratories, rescuing animals and targeted those responsible for cruelty. Popularity grew in the 1980s, radicalising other animal rights groups. Worked with press officer and independent support group for those jailed. Second wave of activism in the early 1990s, in conjuction with rise in work of grassroot animal right groups.
Late 80s/Early 90s
Animal Rights
John Barker.
Real name: John Dines.
Animal Liberation front

Set up in 1976, a radical and militant collection of groups against vivisection. Maintaining a policy of strict nonviolence towards sentient beings, including humans. Damaging property was legitimate as economic sabotage, and the groups raided laboratories, rescuing animals and targeted those responsible for cruelty. Popularity grew in the 1980s, radicalising other animal rights groups. Worked with press officer and independent support group for those jailed. Second wave of activism in the early 1990s, in conjuction with rise in work of grassroot animal right groups.
Mid 90s
Animal Rights
Matt Rayner.
Also see The Guardian
Animal Liberation front

Set up in 1976, a radical and militant collection of groups against vivisection. Maintaining a policy of strict nonviolence towards sentient beings, including humans. Damaging property was legitimate as economic sabotage, and the groups raided laboratories, rescuing animals and targeted those responsible for cruelty. Popularity grew in the 1980s, radicalising other animal rights groups. Worked with press officer and independent support group for those jailed. Second wave of activism in the early 1990s, in conjuction with rise in work of grassroot animal right groups.
Mid 90s
Animal Rights
Christine Green.
Animal Liberation Front Supporters Group

Provides financial and practical support to animal liberation campaigners who have been jailed, as well as publishing a regular magazine on the issue of grassroots animal liberation.
Mid 80s/Late 80s
Animal Rights
Bob Robinson.
Real name: Bob Lambert.
Animal Liberation Front Supporters Group

Provides financial and practical support to animal liberation campaigners who have been jailed, as well as publishing a regular magazine on the issue of grassroots animal liberation.
Early 90s
Animal Rights
Andy Davey.
Real name: Andy Coles.
Animal Liberation Investigation Unit

Carried out inspections of vivisection laboratories, such as the Nottingham lab of Boots the Chemist.This led to the formation of London Boots Action Group (LBAG) and other grassroot local anti-Boots groups. It was reported that 60 of their stores were being attacked by the ALF each month.
Early 90s
Animal Rights
Andy Davey.
Real name: Andy Coles.
Animal Rights Gathering

Since 1990s an almost annual gathering of animal rights activists, hosting numerous workshops, campaign meetings, network and planning. Has operated on an international level, attracting at times many activists from across the globe.
Late 00s
Animal Rights
Gary & Abigail.
Not confirmed.
Not known
Anti-Apartheid Movement
See: SpecialBranchFiles.uk

A British organisation at the centre of the international movement opposing the South African apartheid system with boycotts, picket lines and direct actions. Subject of large-scale surveillance.
Left Wing
See: The Guardian
Real name: Mike Ferguson. Handler: Wilf Knight. Interviewed by BBC True Spies, 2002.
Anti-Apartheid Movement
See: SpecialBranchFiles.uk

A British organisation at the centre of the international movement opposing the South African apartheid system with boycotts, picket lines and direct actions. Subject of large-scale surveillance.
Early/Mid 70s
Left Wing
Peter Fredericks.
Spied on more groups, not yet identified by the Inquiry.
Anti-Apartheid Movement
See: SpecialBranchFiles.uk

A British organisation at the centre of the international movement opposing the South African apartheid system with boycotts, picket lines and direct actions. Subject of large-scale surveillance.
Early 70s
Left Wing
Stewart Goodman.
Anti-Apartheid Movement
See: SpecialBranchFiles.uk

A British organisation at the centre of the international movement opposing the South African apartheid system with boycotts, picket lines and direct actions. Subject of large-scale surveillance.
Early/Mid 70s
Left Wing
Michael Scott.
Antifa / No Platform

A militant coalition of left wing and anarchist activists which emerged out of Anti-Fascist Action, to combat fascist groups at the street level. Most fundamental principle: ‘No platform for fascism.’
Early/Mid 00s
Left Wing
Carlo Neri.
Real name: coming soon
Anti-Fascist Action

(AFA) A militant coalition founded in the UK in 1985, by a wide range of anti-racist and anti-fascist organisations, including Red Action and Direct Action Movement. Notable in significantly reducing fascist street activity in Britain in the 1990s.
Mid/Late 90s
Left Wing
Mark Cassidy.
Real name Mark Jenner.
Anti-Fascist Action

(AFA) A militant coalition founded in the UK in 1985, by a wide range of anti-racist and anti-fascist organisations, including Red Action and Direct Action Movement. Notable in significantly reducing fascist street activity in Britain in the 1990s.
Early/Late 00s
Left Wing
Mark Stone.
Real name: Mark Kennedy.
Anti-Internment League

Formed after the introduction of internment in the North of Ireland on 9th August 1971, it was a united front which brought together Irish and British organisations on two demands. Immediate release of all internees and the immediate withdrawal of British troops from Ireland. A fore-runner of the Troops Out Movement.
Early 70s
Left Wing
Irish solidarity
Ian Cameron.
Anti-Nazi League

(ANL) Set up in 1977 by the Socialist Workers Party to resist the National Front. It faded in 1981, but was launched again in 1992 with the rise of the British National Party. In 2002 merged into Unite Against Fascism. Often endorsed by trade unions and prominent left wing individuals.
Late 70s/Early 80s
Left Wing
See: The Guardian
Interviewed as ‘Geoff’ by BBC True Spies, 2002.
Anti-Nazi League

(ANL) Set up in 1977 by the Socialist Workers Party to resist the National Front. It faded in 1981, but was launched again in 1992 with the rise of the British National Party. In 2002 merged into Unite Against Fascism. Often endorsed by trade unions and prominent left wing individuals.
Late 70s/Early 80s
Left Wing
Colin Clark.
Anti-Poll Tax Campaigns

Successful campaign against Thatcher’s ‘tax for the poor’ to fund local government. Set up by the Militant Tendency it grew into a mass movement, widely supported including by anarchist groups. Held large demos, some ended in riots.
Late 80s/Early 90s
John Barker.
Real name: John Dines.
Anti-Poll Tax Campaigns

Successful campaign against Thatcher’s ‘tax for the poor’ to fund local government. Set up by the Militant Tendency it grew into a mass movement, widely supported including by anarchist groups. Held large demos, some ended in riots.
Late 80s/Early 90s
Mark Kerry.
Banner books
See: UndercoverResearch.net

Independent Maoist bookshop on Camden High Street. Existing from 1971 to 1975, when it was burned-out in a National Front arson attack, it had been a hub for the Maoist milieu in north London and often provided a place to sleep for leaders of international liberation movements visiting the city.
Early 70s
Left Wing
David Robertson.
Bedford Animal Action

Local group in and around Bedfordshire, ‘campaigning tirelessly against the abuse of animal in our society whether it be for food, research, entertainment, hunting or clothing.’ Members also active in SPEAK campaigns and Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty.
Mid 00s
Animal Rights
local group
Not confirmed.
Not known
Big Flame

A ‘revolutionary socialist feminist organisation with a working-class orientation’. Described themselves as ‘libertarian Marxist’ in relation to other Trotskyist organisations. Close to the International Marxist Group (IMG)
Mid 70s
Left Wing
political org.
Rick Gibson.
Real name: Richard Clarke.
Black Power Movement

A global, militant movement determined to replace white domination with a truly equal society. In the UK, it was led by Afro-Carribean, African and Asian migrants. Combining protest, such as against police racism and brutality with political work within black communities.
Early 70s
Left Wing
Peter Fredericks.
Spied on more groups, not yet identified by the Inquiry.
Blair Peach Campaign
See: The Guardian

A justice campaign to uncover the truth about the killing of Blair Peach, a 33-year-old protester, who died at the hands of London police in 1979 during a demonstration against the National Front. Later based at the Colin Roach Centre.
Justice campaign
No name yet.
See: See Inquiry docs p.23-28.
Informed by the Met they were spied on. No further info yet.
Brian Douglas Campaign

Family justice campaign for Brian Douglas, a 33-year-old black man who in 1995 was who was hit over the head with a police baton in 1995 when he was stopped for driving erratically and later died in Kennington Police Station. No officers were ever prosecuted or faced disciplinary action.
Mid 90s
Justice campaign
Peter Johnson.
See: The Guardian, Jun 2013
Real name: Peter Francis. Other cover names: Pete Daley and Pete Black.
Brian Higgins Defence Commitee

Brian Higgins is a rank and file union organiser active with the Building Workers Group. This campaign was established after a trade union official sued him for libel. Cassidy chaired some of the campaign’s meetings and acted as its nominal secretary. From 1996 to 1999
Mid/Late 90s
Left Wing
trade union
Mark Cassidy.
Real name Mark Jenner.
Britsh National Party

A far-right, fascist political party founded in 1982 by former members of the fascist National Front. In the 1980s/90s it focused on street marches and rallies instead of elections, creating the Combat 18 paramilitary to protect its events from anti-fascist protesters.
Early 90s
Far Right
No name yet.
According to Undercover by Evans and Lewis.
Britsh National Party

A far-right, fascist political party founded in 1982 by former members of the fascist National Front. In the 1980s/90s it focused on street marches and rallies instead of elections, creating the Combat 18 paramilitary to protect its events from anti-fascist protesters.
Late 00s
Far Right
Darren Prowse.
SDS shut down before deployment.
Britsh National Party

A far-right, fascist political party founded in 1982 by former members of the fascist National Front. In the 1980s/90s it focused on street marches and rallies instead of elections, creating the Combat 18 paramilitary to protect its events from anti-fascist protesters.
Early 90s
Far Right
Nick Nicholson.
Brixton Hunt Saboteurs

Went out weekly to stop foxhunts in the countryside around London. Existed from late 1980s to early 2000s, considered the leading through the 1990s, attracting large numbers willing to confront hunts and the police protecting them.High profile in press and parliament at the time as a result.
Early 90s
Animal Rights
Andy Davey.
Real name: Andy Coles.
Brixton Hunt Saboteurs

Went out weekly to stop foxhunts in the countryside around London. Existed from late 1980s to early 2000s, considered the leading through the 1990s, attracting large numbers willing to confront hunts and the police protecting them.High profile in press and parliament at the time as a result.
Mid 90s
Animal Rights
Christine Green.
Broadwater Farm Defence Campaign

Formed to support and defend people who had been arrested or convicted after the disturbances on the Boradwater Farm estate in London in 1985. It campaigned for Winston Silcott and two others to be released from jail. See also Winston Silcott Campaign.
Late 80s/Early 90s
Justice campaign
John Barker.
Real name: John Dines.
Building Workers Group
See also: Fighting Talk by Mark Metcalf

A group consisting of militant rank-and-file construction workers. In the 1990s it had organised pickets to highlight the number of deaths happening on building sites, as well as questionable practices by construction firms such as non-payment of wages.
Mid/Late 90s
Left Wing
trade union
Mark Cassidy.
Real name Mark Jenner.
Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament
See also: SpecialBranchFiles.uk

Launched in 1957, CND has long been a leading, broad church, pacifist organisation, still campaigning today. If focuses mainly on nuclear weapons and has organised large scale demonstrations, marches and pickets over the years, albeit it is generally seen as sitting on the liberal wing of protest groups aiming for legal change.
Early 80s
Left Wing
John Kerry.
Cardiff Anarchist Network/South Wales Anarchists

A network of autonomous collectives against all forms of exploitation and bigotry. Engaging in direct action against capitalism and government, spreading information, and building resistance to create a world based on justice and freedom.
Mid/Late 00s
Marco Jacobs.
Cherry Groce Campaign

Dorothy ‘Cherry’ Groce was shot in the chest at home in Brixton, south London, by police looking for her son Michael in Sept 1985. Anger erupted into rioting that evening. Left paralysed from the waste down, an inquest ruled the shooting contributed to her death in 2011.
Justice campaign
No name yet.
See: See Inquiry docs p.23-28.
Informed by the Met they were spied on. No further info yet.
Clown Army

Cladestine Insurgent Rebel Clown army (CIRCA). The idea of this group was to use clowning as a form of nonviolent direct action to protest against capitalism and war. Took part in many direct action protests, large and small. 2003 -2014.
Early/Late 00s
Lynn Watson.
City of London Anti-Apartheid Group

Organised the Non-Stop Picket outside the South African Embassy in Central London from April 1986 until the release of Nelson Mandela. Ended on 24 February 1990.
Late 80s/Early 90s
Left Wing
Mark Kerry.
Class War

An anarchist group and newspaper established in 1983 in Wales, subsequently moving to London. Promoted general resistance to the state, including violence as a necessary part of the class struggle. Has gone through various incarnations and splits but still exists. Linked closely with other campaigns such as the Movement Against Monarchy.
Early 90s
No name yet.
Had a meeting in 1992 in a safe house with David Shayler, the MI5 officer and whistleblower.
Class War

An anarchist group and newspaper established in 1983 in Wales, subsequently moving to London. Promoted general resistance to the state, including violence as a necessary part of the class struggle. Has gone through various incarnations and splits but still exists. Linked closely with other campaigns such as the Movement Against Monarchy.
Late 90s/Early 00s
Dave Hagan.
Climate Camp / Camp for Climate Action

Emerged from Dissent! & Earth First! to take large scale direct action camps around climate change, particularly fossil fuels. Run on broadly anarchist principles, annual camps took place from 2006-2010, and were organised by meetings which took place in different cities throughout the year. Bringing in a new generation of environmentalists, it sparked the formation of a number of environmental groups.
Early/Late 00s
Mark Stone.
Real name: Mark Kennedy.
Climate Camp / Camp for Climate Action

Emerged from Dissent! & Earth First! to take large scale direct action camps around climate change, particularly fossil fuels. Run on broadly anarchist principles, annual camps took place from 2006-2010, and were organised by meetings which took place in different cities throughout the year. Bringing in a new generation of environmentalists, it sparked the formation of a number of environmental groups.
Early/Late 00s
Lynn Watson.
Colin Roach Centre

Named for a 21-year-old black man who died in the foyer of Stoke Newington police station in north-east London in 1983. From 1993 to 1999, this centre was a base for a variety of justice campaigns and left wing, anarchist, trade union and anti-fascist groups in Hackney – including Blair Peach Campaign and notably the Hackney Community Defence Association, which exposed local police corruption.
Mid/Late 90s
community centre
Mark Cassidy.
Real name Mark Jenner.
Combat 18

is a neo-Nazi terrorist organisation (the numbers referring to Adolf Hitler’s initials). It originated in the UK, with ties to movements in the US, and has since spread to other countries. Combat 18 members have been suspected in numerous deaths of immigrants, non-whites, and other C18 members.
Early/Mid 90s
Far Right
No name yet.
Common Place

Officially the Leeds Social Centre Ltd, this was an radical/anarchist community centre based in central Leeds. A key meeting place for the Leeds activist scene and host for national meetings (such as preparations for the Climate Action camp), it also organised meals for homeless people and English classes for asylum seekers. Founded in 2004/2005, it later reincarnated as Wharf Chambers members club.
Early/Late 00s
community centre
Lynn Watson.
Communication Workers Union (CWU)

The biggest union for the communications industry in the UK with almost 200,000 members. Formed in January 1995 when the Union of Communication Workers joined forces with the National Communications Union,.
Mid 90s
Left Wing
Peter Johnson.
See: The Guardian, Mar 2015
Real name: Peter Francis. Other cover names: Pete Daley and Pete Black.
Communist Party of England (Marxist-Leninist)

Founded in 1968, aimed at bringing about the establishment of the dictatorship of the proletariat in Britain.
Mid 70s
Left Wing
Barry/Desmond Loader.
British Communist Party
See: Marxist.org.

Officially the Communist Party of Great Britain, with 30.000 member a strong force in the trade unions, at its peak during the heady working class militancy and struggles during the 1970-4 Conservative Party government. Suffered splits after that.
Late 60s/Early 70s
Left Wing
Dick Epps.
Interviewed as ‘Dan’ by BBC True Spies, 2002.
Cowley Club

A social centre in Brighton, it houses a cafe and bookshop during the day, a members bar during the evenings, providing resources and meeting spaces for activists and free English lessons for migrants.
Mid/Late 00s
community centre
Marco Jacobs.
Dambusters Mobilising Committee

A federation of class struggle anarchists, advocating anarcho-syndicalism as the route to abolishing capitalism and the state, and describes itself as a ‘revolutionary union’. Was one of the leading groups in Anti-Fascist Acion. In 1994 changed its name to Solidarity Federation.
Late 60s/Early 70s
Douglas Edwards.
Known as Doug.
Delroy Lindo Justice Campaign (?)

A friend of Winston Silcott, he helped set up his justice campaign. As a result Delroy Lindo was subjected to police harassment and arrest himself.
Late 90s/Early 00s
Justice campaign
Dave Hagan
See also: UndercoverResearch.net
Active in MfJ while it supported this campaign.
Direct Action Movement

A federation of class struggle anarchists, advocating a strategy of anarcho-syndicalism to abolish capitalism and the state, and describes itself as a ‘revolutionary union’. Called the Solidarity Federation since 1994.
Late 80s/Early 90s
No name yet.
Infiltrated by an SDS detective constable, according to a confidential Special Branch document seen by Rob Evans.
Direct Action Movement

A federation of class struggle anarchists, advocating a strategy of anarcho-syndicalism to abolish capitalism and the state, and describes itself as a ‘revolutionary union’. Called the Solidarity Federation since 1994.
Late 80s/Early 90s
John Barker.
Real name: John Dines.
Direct Action Movement

A federation of class struggle anarchists, advocating a strategy of anarcho-syndicalism to abolish capitalism and the state, and describes itself as a ‘revolutionary union’. Called the Solidarity Federation since 1994.
Late 70s/Early 80s
Tony Williams.
Disarm DSEi

Organising direct action against the Defence & Security Equipment International (DSEI), the world’s largest arms fair in London since 2003. Some time member of the Stop the Arms Fair coalition. Grew out of Reclaim the Streets and related groups, and generally anarchist in perspective.
Late 90s/Early 00s
Rod Richardson.
Disarm DSEi

Organising direct action against the Defence & Security Equipment International (DSEI) is the world’s largest arms fair in London since 1999. The Stop the Arms Fair coalition also includes the Campaign Against Arms Trade and their peaceful protest.
Late 90s/Early 00s
Jason Bishop.

A de-centralised network of people in Britain and elsewhere organising to resist the G8 summit in Gleneagles in 2005.
Early/Late 00s
Mark Stone.
Real name: Mark Kennedy.

A de-centralised network of people in Britain and elsewhere organising to resist the G8 summit in Gleneagles in 2005.
Early/Mid 00s
Simon Wellings.

A de-centralised network of people in Britain and elsewhere organising to resist the G8 summit in Gleneagles in 2005.
Early/Late 00s
Marco Jacobs.

A de-centralised network of people in Britain and elsewhere organising to resist the G8 summit in Gleneagles in 2005.
Early/Late 00s
Lynn Watson.
Earth First!

A network of people and campaigns fighting ecological destruction and the forces driving it. Believes in non -hierarchical organising and the use of direct action. Founded in early 1990s, when it was closely associated with the road protest movement, EF! is a convenient banner for people who share similar philosophies to work under. Exists mainly as annual winter and summer gatherings and occasional publications. Closely connected to many campaigns such as anti-GM, Climate Camp, etc.
Early 00s
Jacqueline Anderson.
Known as Jacqui.
Earth First!

A network of people and campaigns fighting ecological destruction and the forces driving it. Believes in non -hierarchical organising and the use of direct action. Founded in early 1990s, when it was closely associated with the road protest movement, EF! is a convenient banner for people who share similar philosophies to work under. Exists mainly as annual winter and summer gatherings and occasional publications. Closely connected to many campaigns such as anti-GM, Climate Camp, etc.
Mid/Late 00s
Jim Sutton.
See: The Guardian
Real name: Jim Boyling.
Earth First!

A network of people and campaigns fighting ecological destruction and the forces driving it. Believes in non -hierarchical organising and the use of direct action. Founded in early 1990s, when it was closely associated with the road protest movement, EF! is a convenient banner for people who share similar philosophies to work under. Exists mainly as annual winter and summer gatherings and occasional publications. Closely connected to many campaigns such as anti-GM, Climate Camp, etc.
Late 90s/Early 00s
Rod Richardson.
Earth First! Summer Gatherings

One of the two annual gatherings of the Earth First! Network, happening every summer since early 1990s, rotating around the UK. Still taking place.
Early/Late 00s
Mark Stone.
Real name: Mark Kennedy.
Earth First! Summer Gatherings

One of the two annual gatherings of the Earth First! Network, happening every summer since early 1990s, rotating around the UK. Still taking place.
Late 90s/Early 00s
Jason Bishop.
Essex Hunt Saboteurs

Local group part of a network ‘out every week protecting wildlife from blood sport enthusiasts’, fox hunting, badger cull. At the time, Essex hunts were noted for their violence and attacks on hunts sabs, leading to a number of confrontations and arrests.
Mid/Late 00s
Animal Rights
Jim Sutton.
See: The Guardian
Real name: Jim Boyling.
Fairford Coaches
See: UndercoverResearch.net

In 2003, coaches carrying campaigners from London to RAF Fairford for a protest against the war in Iraq were stopped by police and forced to return to the capital. This lead to a court case seeking to defend the right to protest, which went all the way to the House of Lords and was victorious. Involvement and presence of two NPOIU undercovers, including on one of the coaches, was withheld from the courts by police.
Late 90s/Early 00s
Rod Richardson.
Fairford Coaches
See: UndercoverResearch.net

In 2003, coaches carrying campaigners from London to RAF Fairford for a protest against the war in Iraq were stopped by police and forced to return to the capital. This lead to a court case seeking to defend the right to protest, which went all the way to the House of Lords and was victorious. Involvement and presence of two NPOIU undercovers, including on one of the coaches, was withheld from the courts by police.
Late 90s/Early 00s
Jason Bishop.
Fire Brigades Union (FBU)

The democratic, professional voice of firefighters and other workers within fire and rescue services across the UK.
Mid 90s
Left Wing
trade union
Peter Johnson.
See: The Guardian, Mar 2015
Real name: Peter Francis. Other cover names: Pete Daley and Pete Black.
Free Steve Lewis Campaign (?)

Family campaign for the release of Steve Lewis, in 1996 falsely accused by police of two rapes and convicted in 1998, while evidence supporting his alibis was dismissed. Supported by Movement for Justice.
Late 90s/Early 00s
Justice campaign
Dave Hagan
See also: UndercoverResearch.net
Active in MfJ while it supported this campaign.
Freedom Press

Runs Britain’s largest anarchist bookshop and its oldest press, the journal was first published by Kropotkin and others in 1886. Bookshop and publisher still exist, news appears online and in print twice a year. It hosted meetings of many anarchist and other radical groups and was home for a number of organisations.
Mid 80s
Roger Thorley.
Real name: Roger Pearce.
Globalise Resistance

Founded in 2001 as part of the anti-globalisation movement of the early 2000s, over the next five years the group took part in large scale summit protests and organised around anti-war & anti-arms trade issues, but also around other struggles. Many of its leading people were closely associated with the Socialist Workers Party, and it formed the more traditional left wing of the anti-globalisation movement.
Early/Mid 00s
Simon Wellings.
Greenham Common Women’s Camp

Permanent women-only protest outside the RAF Base from 1981-2000 against the placing of 96 nuclear cruise missiles at the site. Had a commitment to non-violence and non-alignment plus 24/7 presence. As such became an iconic symbol for the global peace movement.
Mid 80s
Left Wing
Kathryn Lesley (‘Lee’) Bonser.
Hackney Campaign Against the Police bill

This local campaign in London objected to a government bill that sought to give the police more powers. The bill was criticised for being draconian. It eventually came into force in 1985.
Mid 80s
Left Wing
Timothy Spence.
Hackney Community Defence Association

Active through the 1990s, this group grew out of numerous local justice campaigns in Hackney and Stoke Newington. As such, it helped to overturn many convictions obtained through police abuse and corruption. Also played a role in the setting up of the Colin Roach Centre.
Mid/Late 90s
Justice campaign
Mark Cassidy.
Real name Mark Jenner.
Hackney Hunt Saboteurs

Active in the 1980s and 1990, it was a local group part of a network ‘out every week protecting wildlife from blood sport enthusiasts’, particularly focused on fox hunting and possibly shoots.
Mid 80s/Late 80s
Animal Rights
Bob Robinson.
Real name: Bob Lambert.
Hackney Hunt Saboteurs

Local group part of a network ‘out every week protecting wildlife from blood sport enthusiasts’, fox hunting, badger cull. Could led to confrontations with hunt parties.
Late 80s/Early 90s
Animal Rights
John Barker.
Harry Stanley Family Campaign (?)

London family campaign set up in 1999 after a Scottish man carrying a table leg was gunned down from 15 ft by officers who mistook it for a shotgun. The High Court decided that there was insufficient evidence to say it was an unlawful killing. Campaign supported by different groups including Movement for Justice.
Late 90s/Early 00s
Justice campaign
Dave Hagan
See also: UndercoverResearch.net
Active in MfJ while it supported this campaign.
Housmans Bookshop

Radical booksellers since 1945, stocking the largest range of radical newsletters, newspapers and magazines of any shop in Britain. Housed at 5 Caledonian Rd in Londen, the building also provided meeting space and postal address for dozens of groups througout the decades, incl. Peacenews, London Greenpeace and the McLibel Support Campaign. Still open and active.
Mid/Late 80s
Left Wing
Bob Robinson.
Real name: Bob Lambert.
Independent Labour Party

The Independent Labour Party (ILP) was a British political party of the left, established in 1894. It re-joined The Labour Party in 1975.
Late 60s/Early 70s
Left Wing
Douglas Edwards.
Known as Doug.
Independent Working Class Association

Set up in 1995 to promote the political and economic interests of the working class and registered as political party in 2001, with members successfully standing in local elections. It emerged out of grassroots anti-fascist groups who were organizing to counter the ‘electoral turn’ among right wing groups such as the British National Party.
Mid/Late 90s
Left Wing
Mark Cassidy.
Real name Mark Jenner.
International Marxist group
See also: SpecialBranchFiles.uk

A Trotskyist group in Britain between 1966 and 1982 that became the British Section of the Fourth International, with around 1,000 members and supporters in the late 1970s. Played a leading role in a number of campaigns, in particular the Vietnam Solidarity Campaign, 1968-70, which it effectively ran.
Late 60s
Left Wing
Bill Lewis.
Full cover name William Paul Lewis.
International Marxist group
See also: SpecialBranchFiles.uk

A Trotskyist group in Britain between 1966 and 1982 that became the British Section of the Fourth International, with around 1,000 members and supporters in the late 1970s. Played a leading role in a number of campaigns, in particular the Vietnam Solidarity Campaign, 1968-70, which it effectively ran.
Late 60s/Early 70s
Left Wing
Dick Epps.
Interviewed as ‘Dan’ by BBC True Spies, 2002.
International Marxist group
See also: SpecialBranchFiles.uk

A Trotskyist group in Britain between 1966 and 1982 that became the British Section of the Fourth International, with around 1,000 members and supporters in the late 1970s. Played a leading role in a number of campaigns, in particular the Vietnam Solidarity Campaign, 1968-70, which it effectively ran.
Late 60s/Early 70s
Left Wing
Alan Nixon.
Spied on more groups, not yet identified by the Inquiry.
International Marxist group
See also: SpecialBranchFiles.uk

A Trotskyist group in Britain between 1966 and 1982 that became the British Section of the Fourth International, with around 1,000 members and supporters in the late 1970s. Played a leading role in a number of campaigns, in particular the Vietnam Solidarity Campaign, 1968-70, which it effectively ran.
Mid 70s
Left Wing
Gary Roberts.
Irish Civil Rights Solidarity Campaign

Formed in October 1968 in Britain to campaign in support of struggles fighting for civil rights in Northern Ireland by Catholic communities there. Close the Trotskyist left including the Socialist Workers Party and International Marxist Group.
Late 60s/Early 70s
Left Wing
Irish solidarity
Sean Lynch.
Irish National Liberation Solidarity Front

Set up in 1969 as a campaign group by the Communist Workers League of Britain (Marxist–Leninist), which arose that year from a split in the Revolutionary Marxist–Leninist League. Published a journal called the Irish Liberation Press. Lasted until 1972, when the CWLB moved on to other issues.
Early 70s
Left Wing
Irish solidarity
Alex Sloan.
Irish Solidarity Campaign

Set up by the International Marxist Group following the outbreak of the Troubles in Northern Ireland in the early 1970s, focusing on raising awareness of issues around the conflict.
Late 60s/Early 70s
Left Wing
Irish solidarity
Alan Nixon.
Spied on more groups, not yet identified by the Inquiry.
Jean Charles de Menezes Campaign

Family justice campaign established after the Brazilian electrician was shot repeatedly in the head by police having been mistaken for a suspect of failed bombings in 2005. Officers were found to have spread false details about the killing. Jury returned an open verdict, no officer was charged.
Justice campaign
No name yet.
See: See Inquiry docs p.23-28.
Informed by the Met they were spied on. No further info yet.
Joy Gardner Campaign

Family justice campaign. Joy Gardner died after immigration officers raided her house in 1993. When she resisted attempts to put her in a 4-inch wide restraint belt, she was shackled, gagged, and 13 feet of adhesive tape was wrapped round her head. She rapidly suffered respiratory failure and died four days later without regaining consciousness. Officers involved were acquitted.
Justice campaign
No name yet.
See: See Inquiry docs p.23-28.
Informed by the Met they were spied on. No further info yet.
Kingsway Anti-Fascist Group

Student group at the Grey’s Inn road campus of Kingsway College involved in anti-racism protest and the many confrontations on the street with the extreme right in the early 1990s. Used as a first point of entry by spycop Peter Francis, who then became one of the founding members of the Movement for Justice and also joined Youth Against Racism in Europe.
Mid 90s
Left Wing
Peter Johnson.
See: The Guardian, Mar 2015
Real name: Peter Francis. Other cover names: Pete Daley and Pete Black.
Lee House squat

A grade II listed building at 6-6a Rectory Road, in London, it was squatted in 1988 and evicted in 1989. The bookshop at Lee House was also the origin of Active Distribution – veteran Hackney (now Bristol) based distributors of anarchist and punk material and used as a social centre. It was known in the locality for its skateboard ramps (which spycop John Barker helped building).
Late 80s/Early 90s
community centre
John Barker.
Real name: John Dines.
London Animal Action

Founded in 1994, merging London Boots Action Group, London Animal Rights Coalition and the London Anti-Fur Campaign. A central meeting point for London animal rights activists, it met monthly in central London and supported numerous local and national campaigns until it ceased in 2005. Often focused on fur and vivisection issues as well as encouraging veganism. Published London Animal Rights News
Early 90s
Animal Rights
local campaign
Andy Davey.
Real name: Andy Coles.
London Animal Action

Founded in 1994, merging London Boots Action Group, London Animal Rights Coalition and the London Anti-Fur Campaign. A central meeting point for London animal rights activists, it met monthly in central London and supported numerous local and national campaigns until it ceased in 2005. Often focused on fur and vivisection issues as well as encouraging veganism. Published London Animal Rights News
Late 90s/Early 00s
Animal Rights
local campaign
Dave Evans.
London Animal Action

Founded in 1994, merging London Boots Action Group, London Animal Rights Coalition and the London Anti-Fur Campaign. A central meeting point for London animal rights activists, it met monthly in central London and supported numerous local and national campaigns until it ceased in 2005. Often focused on fur and vivisection issues as well as encouraging veganism. Published London Animal Rights News
Mid 90s
Animal Rights
local campaign
Matt Rayner.
London Animal Action

Founded in 1994, merging London Boots Action Group, London Animal Rights Coalition and the London Anti-Fur Campaign. A central meeting point for London animal rights activists, it met monthly in central London and supported numerous local and national campaigns until it ceased in 2005. Often focused on fur and vivisection issues as well as encouraging veganism. Published London Animal Rights News
Mid 90s
Animal Rights
local campaign
Christine Green.
London Animal Rights Coalition

Inspired by the national Animal Rights Coalition, LARC existed as a meeting of London animal rights campaigners in 1993. One of its founding members was spycop Andy Davey, who edited its newsletter. It merged with other groups to become London Animal Action in late 1994.
Early 90s
Animal Rights
Andy Davey.
Real name: Andy Coles.
London Anti-Fur Campaign

Led various anti-fur campaigns in London it merged with other groups to form London Animal Action in late 1994. London based antifur campaigners continued to work through LAA into the 2000s, running the mainly successful Fur Free London campaign, which protested at numerous fur shops.
Mid 90s
Animal Rights
Christine Green.
London Boots Action Group

Set up in late 1991 at Conway Hall to raise the issue of Boot’s involvement in animal testing. Ended three years later when Boots sold its pharmaceuticals wing, including its animal laboratory, to the German corporation BASF.
Early 90s
Animal Rights
Andy Davey.
Real name: Andy Coles.
London Boots Action Group

Set up in late 1991 at Conway Hall to raise the issue of Boot’s involvement in animal testing. Ended three years later when Boots sold its pharmaceuticals wing, including its animal laboratory, to the German corporation BASF.
Early 90s
Animal Rights
Matt Rayner
London Greenpeace

Existed between 1972 and 2001 (founded before the ‘big’ Greenpeace), starting as a group loosely associated with the Peace News newspaper to campaign against nuclear testing. Later involved in radical environmentalism, green anarchism and pacifism. Most known for being sued by McDonald’s for a leaflet that as is now known, was co-authored by a spycop. Let to the McLibel trial and campaign.
Mid/Late 80s
Bob Robinson.
Real name: Bob Lambert.
London Greenpeace

Existed between 1972 and 2001 as an independent group of activists with no involvement in any particular political party (founded before the ‘big’ Greenpeace). Involved in anti-nuclear peace campaigns, anti-Unilever, anti-McDonald’s as well as animal rights and anti-Poll Tax, to name a few.
Late 80s/Early 90s
John Barker.
Real name: John Dines.
McDonald’s campaign & McLibel

This campaign was set up in 1990 to support two campaigners, Helen Steel and David Morris, who were being sued by burger chain, McDonalds. This led to the longest trial in the UK ever, providing a platform for the anti-McDonald’s campaign. Ruling in 1997. Appeal 1999. ECHR 2005.
Early 90s
Matt Rayner
McDonald’s campaign & McLibel

This campaign was set up to support two campaigners, Helen Steel and David Morris, who were being sued by burger chain, McDonalds in 1990. This led to the longest trial in the UK ever, providing a platform for the anti-McDonald’s campaign. High Court ruling 1997. Appeal 1999. ECHR 2005.
Late 80s/Early 90s
John Barker.
Real name: John Dines.
Michael Menson Campaign

Menson, a black musician, had been burned to death in 1997 by racist attackers, while police said Menson had doused himself in petrol and set himself alight. The strong family campaign exposed institutional racism in the Metropolitan Police, due to failings in two investigations. Despite evidence of negligence and racism, no officers were prosecuted.
Justice campaign
No name yet.
Informed by the Met they were spied on. No further info yet.
Militant/Socialist Party

A Trotskyist left-wing group which initially focused on the Labour Party as a tendency. Following expulsion of its members, it became a party in its own right, and renamed itself to the Socialist Party in 1997. Most notably, Militant dominated Liverpool City Council between 1983 and 1987. It was also active in the Anti-Poll Tax campaign of 1989-1991 and later formed Youth against Racism in Europe.
Early/Mid 00s
Left Wing
Carlo Neri.
Real name: coming soon
Militant/Socialist Party

A Trotskyist left-wing group which initially focused on the Labour Party as a tendency. Following expulsion of its members, it became a party in its own right, and renamed itself to the Socialist Party in 1997. Most notably, Militant dominated Liverpool City Council between 1983 and 1987. It was also active in the Anti-Poll Tax campaign of 1989-1991 and later formed Youth against Racism in Europe.
Mid 90s
Left Wing
Peter Johnson.
See: The Guardian, Mar 2015.
Real name: Peter Francis. Other cover names: Pete Daley and Pete Black.
Movement Against the Monarchy

MAM, an anarchist organisation closely associated with Class War, it was active in late 1990s / early 2000s, protesting against the monarchy, particularly around the Queen’s Golden Jubilee in June 2002.
Late 90s/Early 00s
Rod Richardson.
Movement Against the Monarchy

MAM, an anarchist organisation closely associated with Class War, it was active in late 1990s / early 2000s, protesting against the monarchy, particularly around the Queen’s Golden Jubilee in June 2002.
Late 90s/Early 00s
Left Wing
Dave Hagan.
Movement for Justice

Founded by the Trotskyist Revolutionary Internationalist League at Kingsway College, it was based in Brixton and south London. Focused on various minority rights in the 1990s, and supported family justice and police violence campaigns, incl. around the Stephen Lawrence Inquiry (Macpherson) in 1997/1998. Still active, principally on migrant rights issues.
Late 90s/Early 00s
Left Wing
Dave Hagan
See also: UndercoverResearch.net
Active in MfJ while it supported various justice campaigns.
Movement for Justice

Founded by the Trotskyist Revolutionary Internationalist League at Kingsway College, it was based in Brixton and south London. Focused on various minority rights in the 1990s, and supported police violence and family justice campaigns, incl. around the Stephen Lawrence Inquiry (Macpherson) in 1997/1998. Still active, principally on migrant rights issues.
Mid 90s
Left Wing
Peter Johnson.
See: The Guardian, Mar 2015
Real name: Peter Francis. Other cover names: Pete Daley and Pete Black.
National Union of Students (NUS)

(NUS) The national body representing student and student politics in the UK. Its leadership was contested by various political parties, generally from the broad left. Often a barometer of wider social movements and politics. At different periods it supported and facilitated participation in large protests and campaigns.
Mid 90s
Left Wing
trade union
Peter Johnson.
See: The Guardian, Mar 2015
Real name: Peter Francis. Other cover names: Pete Daley and Pete Black.
National Union of Teachers (NUT)

(NUT) A trade union for qualified school teachers and those training to be; on dissolution had almost 400,000 members, the largest teachers’ union in the UK. Merged into the National Education Union in 2017.
Mid 90s
Left Wing
trade union
Peter Johnson.
See: The Guardian, Mar 2015
Real name: Peter Francis. Other cover names: Pete Daley and Pete Black.
Newham Monitoring Project

A community-based organisation, working directly with people from black minority ethnic communities in east London. Challenging and seeking redress against racist treatment and working with other organisations across the country to bring about positive change for the wider society
Justice campaign
No name yet.
See: See Inquiry docs p.23-28.
Informed by the Met they were spied on. No further info yet.
Northern Ireland Civil Rights Association

Formed in 1967, the NICRA called for reforms to end discrimination of Catholics in NI, such as he repeal of the Special Powers Act. Organised the Bloody Sunday march in January 1972 when British soldiers shot dead 13 civilians.
Late 60s/Early 70s
Left Wing
Irish solidarity
Sean Lynch.
Northern Minorities Defence Force

No information on this group yet.
Early 70s
unknown political org.
Ian Cameron.
Nottingham Hunt Saboteurs

Nottingham Hunt Sabs are commited to sabotaging all forms of hunting and other attacks on our wildlife, including foxhunting, shooting, angling, badger culling, and more. Still active.
Mid 00s
Animal Rights
Not confirmed.
Not known
Nottingham Hunt Saboteurs

Nottingham Hunt Sabs are commited to sabotaging all forms of hunting and other attacks on our wildlife, including foxhunting, shooting, angling, badger culling, and more. Still active.
Late 90s/Early 00s
Animal Rights
Rod Richardson.
Notts Anti-Militarism group

Based at the Sumac Centre, it campaigned against militarism within Nottinghamshire from 2007 to 2010. It started the Shut Down H&K; campaign; the arms company Heckler & Koch UK headquarters are in Nottingham.

Early/Mid 00s

Mark Stone.
Real name: Mark Kennedy.
Operation Omega

Set up to highlight the issue of refugees forced to flee Bangladesh during its war of independence against Pakistan, organising missions to cross the border to bring aid packets.
Early 70s
Left Wing
Peter Fredericks.
Spied on more groups, not yet identified by the Inquiry.
Oscar Okoye Justice Campaign (?)

Okoye was a black man who went into a coma after being arrested by Streatham police in June 1996. His death in Nov was ruled to be of natural causes. The family campaign was supported by the MfJ, and included Oscar’s son establishing a branch of MfJ at Lewisham college.
Late 90s/Early 00s
Justice campaign
Dave Hagan
See also: UndercoverResearch.net
Active in MfJ while it supported this campaign.
Oxford Animal Protection

Promoting a vegan diet to help animals, the environment, sustainability in feeding the world and also health, f.i. by organising fairs to intruduce vegan food to the public.
Late 00s
Animal Rights
Gary & Abigail.
Not confirmed.
Not known
Radical Dairy Squat

Conceived by a group of friends from the Wombles and Reclaim The Streets in January 2002. After MayDay 2001 and the G8 summit in Genua, it was a first effort to set up a social centre inspired by those in Italy. It was based in Stoke Newington London for a year before being evicted. It had a cafe, music and film nights and offered yoga, massage, and language lessons.
Early 00s
community centre
Jacqueline Anderson.
Known as Jacqui.
Ratcliffe-on-Soar Action

The biggest pre-emptive raid on environmental campaigners in British history, arresting 114 people believed to be planning direct action at the coal-fired power station in 2009. As Mark Kennedy was exposed after that, and the police failed to disclose involvement in organising this action the trial collapsed half way, and convictions were declared unsafe.
Early/Late 00s
Mark Stone.
Real name: Mark Kennedy.
Reclaim the Streets

An anti-car direct action movement which used street parties as political protest. Calling itself a disorganisation; a loose collection of environmentalists, anarchists and anti-captialists with no formal structure or agenda. From 1995 till about 2002, while the idea spread around the world.
Early 00s
Jacqueline Anderson.
Known as Jacqui.
Reclaim the Streets

An anti-car direct action movement which used street parties as political protest. Calling itself a disorganisation; a loose collection of environmentalists, anarchists and anti-captialists with no formal structure or agenda. From 1995 till about 2002, while the idea spread around the world.
Mid/Late 00s
Jim Sutton.
See: The Guardian
Real name: Jim Boyling.
Reclaim the Streets

An anti-car direct action movement which used street parties as political protest. Calling itself a disorganisation; a loose collection of environmentalists, anarchists and anti-captialists with no formal structure or agenda. From 1995 till about 2002, while the idea spread around the world.
Late 90s/Early 00s
Jason Bishop.
Red Action

Founded in late 1981 around the magazine Red Action by ex-SWP members to organise a more robust response to the fascist violence and confront groups such as the British National Party on the streets. Known for being the main organisational force behind Anti-Fascist Action. Existed till 2001.
Mid/Late 90s
Left Wing
Mark Cassidy.
Real name Mark Jenner.
Red Action

Founded in late 1981 around the magazine Red Action by ex-SWP members to organise a more robust response to the fascist violence and confront groups such as the British National Party on the streets. Known for being the main organisational force behind Anti-Fascist Action. Existed till 2001.
Mid 80s
Left Wing
Nicholas Green
Reinstate Steve Hedley Campaign

In 2004, rail worker Steve Hedley lost his work through a contrived set of demands from rail contractor Westinghouse. A longtime activist with the National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers (RMT), where he has since become an assistant general secretary.
Early/Mid 00s
Left Wing
trade union
Carlo Neri.
Real name: coming soon
Republican Forum

The (Workers) Republician Forum was a debating group focused on republicanism within the United Kingdom, co-organised by Brian Higgins, a well-known radical building worker and secretary of the Building Workers Group.
Mid/Late 90s
Left Wing
Mark Cassidy.
Real name Mark Jenner.
Rettendon protest camp/Save Gorse Wood campaign

Camp set up to protest the A130 bypass that would destruct Gorse Wood, with five activists staying in tunnels for a record-holding forty days to prevent eviction of the camp.
Late 90s/Early 00s
Rod Richardson.
Revolutionary Communist Group

Founded in 1974, by ex-members of IS (later SWP). During the late 1970s and early 1980s, involved in support for the Irish national liberation struggle, working with the Prisoners Aid Committee, Sinn Féin and the Troops Out Movement (TOM); 1980s participation in non-stop picket of the South African embassy, organised by the London Anti-Apartheid Group (also targeted).
Early 80s
Left Wing
Mike Hartley.
Revolutionary Communist Party

A Trotskyist organisation formed in 1978, known as the Revolutionary Communist Tendency until 1981. Supporting Irish republicanism was central to the work of the RCP; founded the Irish Freedom Movement (IFM) in 1982.
Early 80s
Left Wing
Malcolm Shearing.
Revolutionary Communist Party of Britain (Marxist/Leninist)

Communist party, rejected Maoism and aligned with Albania in 1979. In 1981 its 2nd Congress adopted the policy of giving unconditional support to the armed struggle of the Irish people and to its Republican leadership. Political struggle over the position on Ireland continued; RCL’s activists left the Troops Out Movement , and worked in the pro‐Republican, Irish Solidarity Movement .
Early 80s
Left Wing
Malcolm Shearing.
Revolutionary Communist Tendency

Spilt of from the Revolutionary Communist Group in 1976, which itself was a split of from the IS (later SWP) in 1973. Active in Workers Against Racism. Worked on Ireland in the early 1980s, created the Smash the Prevention of Terrorism Act Campaign in 1979, which subsumed into the Irish Freedom Movement in1982.
Late 70s/Early 80s
Left Wing
Tony Williams.
Revolutionary Internationalist League

 Founded in November 1984, it was the British section of the International Trotskyist Committee until 1991. In turn RIL founded the Movement for Justice, and often acted with them in supporting justice campaigns.
Early 90s
Left Wing
Peter Johnson.
Real name: Peter Francis. Other cover names: Pete Daley and Pete Black.
Revolutionary Socialist Students Federation
See also: SpecialBranchFiles.uk

From the founding meeting in 1968, the aims are: ‘opposition to the control of education by the ruling class, support of all anti-imperialist struggles and solidarity with national liberation movements, opposition to racialism and immigration control, and workers’ .power as the only alternative to capitalism.’
Late 60s
Left Wing
John Graham
Ricky Reel Campaign

The family launched a campaign to try to find out what actually happened to Ricky, 20-year-old student, and how he came to his death. His body of this was discovered in the river Thames a week after he was abused by racists in 1997. Police inquiries only happened after pressure of the family; noone was ever found responsible for Ricky’s death.
Justice campaign
No name yet.
See: See Inquiry docs p.23-28.
Informed by the Met they were spied on. Shown a photo of Dave Hagen; unclear if there were other spycops.
Roger Sylvester Campaign

In 1999, Sylvester slipped into a coma and died after being restrained by eight police officers. An inquest jury ruled that he had been unlawfully killed. Officers had the verdict overturned on appeal.
Justice campaign
No name yet.
See: See Inquiry docs p.23-28.
Informed by the Met they were spied on. No further info yet.
Rolan Adams Campaign

Family-driven campaign to get justice for Rolan Adams, a 15-year-old who was killed by a gang of 15 youths in south-east London in 1991.The family felt neglected by police, prosecutors and the media as they sought answers to what had happened. Supported by The Monitoring Group. In 2014, the family has been told by the Met that they were spied on.
Justice campaign
No name yet.
See: See Inquiry docs p.23-28, and also:The Independent
Informed by the Met they were spied on, no further info yet.
Saving Iceland

An international environmental campaign to defend the Icelandic Wilderness – the largest remaining wild area of Europe – from heavy industry, which started in 2004.
Early/Late 00s
Mark Stone.
Real name: Mark Kennedy.
Sengul Family Must Stay Campaign

Campaign ran by Movement for Justice in November 1997 to stop the deportation of Hakki Sengul, a Kurd, to northern Cyprus.
Late 90s/Early 00s
Justice campaign
Dave Hagan
See also: UndercoverResearch.net
Active in MfJ while it supported this campaign.
Sinn Féin (London)

A left-wing Irish republican political party active in both the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. The original organisation was founded in 1905, it took its current form in 1970 after a split within the party (with the other side becoming the Workers’ Party of Ireland) and has historically been thought of as the political wing of the now disarmed Provisional Irish Republican Army (IRA).
Late 60s/Early 70s
Left Wing
Irish solidarity
Sean Lynch.
Smash EDO

A campaign aiming to close down EDO-MBM, a US company that was a major supplier of Raytheon as well as an arms manufacturer. It did so through a mix of direct action and mass demonstrations between 2004 and 2012.
Mid/Late 00s
Marco Jacobs.
Socialist Workers Party
(International Socialists)

(SWP) A far-left political party in Britain. Founded as the Socialist Review Group by supporters of Tony Cliff in 1950, it became the International Socialists (IS) in 1962 and the SWP in 1977. The SWP has founded several united front organisations such as the Anti-Nazi League in the late 1970s and the Stop the War Coalition in 2001.
Late 70s/Early 80s
See: The Guardian
Interviewed as ‘Geoff’ by BBC True Spies, 2002.
Socialist Workers Party
(International Socialists)

(SWP) A far-left political party in Britain. Founded as the Socialist Review Group by supporters of Tony Cliff in 1950, it became the International Socialists (IS) in 1962 and the SWP in 1977. The SWP has founded several united front organisations such as the Anti-Nazi League in the late 1970s and the Stop the War Coalition in 2001.
Late 60s/Early 70s
No full name found. Fell in love with activist, divorced, married her, they had a child. She’s abroad and can’t be found.
Socialist Workers Party
(International Socialists)

(SWP) A far-left political party in Britain. Founded as the Socialist Review Group by supporters of Tony Cliff in 1950, it became the International Socialists (IS) in 1962 and the SWP in 1977. The SWP has founded several united front organisations such as the Anti-Nazi League in the late 1970s and the Stop the War Coalition in 2001.
Late 70s/Early 80s
Micheal James.
Spied on more groups, not yet identified by the Inquiry.
Socialist Workers Party
(International Socialists)

(SWP) A far-left political party in Britain. Founded as the Socialist Review Group by supporters of Tony Cliff in 1950, it became the International Socialists (IS) in 1962 and the SWP in 1977. The SWP has founded several united front organisations such as the Anti-Nazi League in the late 1970s and the Stop the War Coalition in 2001.
Late 80s/Early 90s
John Clinton.
Spied on more groups, not yet identified by the Inquiry.
Socialist Workers Party
(International Socialists)

(SWP) A far-left political party in Britain. Founded as the Socialist Review Group by supporters of Tony Cliff in 1950, it became the International Socialists (IS) in 1962 and the SWP in 1977. The SWP has founded several united front organisations such as the Anti-Nazi League in the late 1970s and the Stop the War Coalition in 2001.
Late 70s/Early 80s
Colin Clark.
Spied on more groups, not yet identified by the Inquiry.
Socialist Workers Party
(International Socialists)

(SWP) A far-left political party in Britain. Founded as the Socialist Review Group by supporters of Tony Cliff in 1950, it became the International Socialists (IS) in 1962 and the SWP in 1977. The SWP has founded several united front organisations such as the Anti-Nazi League in the late 1970s and the Stop the War Coalition in 2001.
Early/Mid 70s
Bob Stubbs.
Spied on more groups, not yet identified by the Inquiry.
Socialist Workers Party
(International Socialists)

(SWP) A far-left political party in Britain. Founded as the Socialist Review Group by supporters of Tony Cliff in 1950, it became the International Socialists (IS) in 1962 and the SWP in 1977. The SWP has founded several united front organisations such as the Anti-Nazi League in the late 1970s and the Stop the War Coalition in 2001.
Mid 70s
Jeff Slater.
Withdrawn early due to ill health.
Socialist Workers Party
(International Socialists)

(SWP) A far-left political party in Britain. Founded as the Socialist Review Group by supporters of Tony Cliff in 1950, it became the International Socialists (IS) in 1962 and the SWP in 1977. The SWP has founded several united front organisations such as the Anti-Nazi League in the late 1970s and the Stop the War Coalition in 2001.

Late 70s
Vince Miller.
Socialist Workers Party
(International Socialists)

(SWP) A far-left political party in Britain. Founded as the Socialist Review Group by supporters of Tony Cliff in 1950, it became the International Socialists (IS) in 1962 and the SWP in 1977. The SWP has founded several united front organisations such as the Anti-Nazi League in the late 1970s and the Stop the War Coalition in 2001.
Early 70s
Stewart Goodman.
Socialist Workers Party
(International Socialists)

(SWP) A far-left political party in Britain. Founded as the Socialist Review Group by supporters of Tony Cliff in 1950, it became the International Socialists (IS) in 1962 and the SWP in 1977. The SWP has founded several united front organisations such as the Anti-Nazi League in the late 1970s and the Stop the War Coalition in 2001.
Mid 70s
Roger Harris.
Socialist Workers Party
(International Socialists)

(SWP) A far-left political party in Britain. Founded as the Socialist Review Group by supporters of Tony Cliff in 1950, it became the International Socialists (IS) in 1962 and the SWP in 1977. The SWP has founded several united front organisations such as the Anti-Nazi League in the late 1970s and the Stop the War Coalition in 2001.
Early 80s
Phill Cooper.
Socialist Workers Party
(International Socialists)

(SWP) A far-left political party in Britain. Founded as the Socialist Review Group by supporters of Tony Cliff in 1950, it became the International Socialists (IS) in 1962 and the SWP in 1977. The SWP has founded several united front organisations such as the Anti-Nazi League in the late 1970s and the Stop the War Coalition in 2001.
No name yet.
Socialist Workers Party
(International Socialists)

(SWP) A far-left political party in Britain. Founded as the Socialist Review Group by supporters of Tony Cliff in 1950, it became the International Socialists (IS) in 1962 and the SWP in 1977. The SWP has founded several united front organisations such as the Anti-Nazi League in the late 1970s and the Stop the War Coalition in 2001.
Late 80s
No name yet.
Socialist Workers Party
(International Socialists)

(SWP) A far-left political party in Britain. Founded as the Socialist Review Group by supporters of Tony Cliff in 1950, it became the International Socialists (IS) in 1962 and the SWP in 1977. The SWP has founded several united front organisations such as the Anti-Nazi League in the late 1970s and the Stop the War Coalition in 2001.
Mid 80s
Nicholas Green
Socialist Workers Party
(International Socialists)

(SWP) A far-left political party in Britain. Founded as the Socialist Review Group by supporters of Tony Cliff in 1950, it became the International Socialists (IS) in 1962 and the SWP in 1977. The SWP has founded several united front organisations such as the Anti-Nazi League in the late 1970s and the Stop the War Coalition in 2001.
Mid 80s
Mike Hartley.
Socialist Workers Party
(International Socialists)

(SWP) A far-left political party in Britain. Founded as the Socialist Review Group by supporters of Tony Cliff in 1950, it became the International Socialists (IS) in 1962 and the SWP in 1977. The SWP has founded several united front organisations such as the Anti-Nazi League in the late 1970s and the Stop the War Coalition in 2001.
Late 80s/Early 90s
Mark Kerry.
Socialist Workers Party
(International Socialists)

(SWP) A far-left political party in Britain. Founded as the Socialist Review Group by supporters of Tony Cliff in 1950, it became the International Socialists (IS) in 1962 and the SWP in 1977. The SWP has founded several united front organisations such as the Anti-Nazi League in the late 1970s and the Stop the War Coalition in 2001.
Mid 80s
Lee Bonser.
Socialist Workers Party
(International Socialists)

(SWP) A far-left political party in Britain. Founded as the Socialist Review Group by supporters of Tony Cliff in 1950, it became the International Socialists (IS) in 1962 and the SWP in 1977. The SWP has founded several united front organisations such as the Anti-Nazi League in the late 1970s and the Stop the War Coalition in 2001.
Late 70s
Graham Coates.
Socialist Workers Party
(International Socialists)

(SWP) A far-left political party in Britain. Founded as the Socialist Review Group by supporters of Tony Cliff in 1950, it became the International Socialists (IS) in 1962 and the SWP in 1977. The SWP has founded several united front organisations such as the Anti-Nazi League in the late 1970s and the Stop the War Coalition in 2001.
Mid 70s
Gary Roberts.
Socialist Workers Party
(International Socialists)

(SWP) A far-left political party in Britain. Founded as the Socialist Review Group by supporters of Tony Cliff in 1950, it became the International Socialists (IS) in 1962 and the SWP in 1977. The SWP has founded several united front organisations such as the Anti-Nazi League in the late 1970s and the Stop the War Coalition in 2001.
Late 90s/Early 00s
Dave Evans.
Socialist Workers Party
(International Socialists)

(SWP) A far-left political party in Britain. Founded as the Socialist Review Group by supporters of Tony Cliff in 1950, it became the International Socialists (IS) in 1962 and the SWP in 1977. The SWP has founded several united front organisations such as the Anti-Nazi League in the late 1970s and the Stop the War Coalition in 2001.
Late 70s/Early 80s
Billy Biggs.
Socialist Workers Party
(International Socialists)

(SWP) A far-left political party in Britain. Founded as the Socialist Review Group by supporters of Tony Cliff in 1950, it became the International Socialists (IS) in 1962 and the SWP in 1977. The SWP has founded several united front organisations such as the Anti-Nazi League in the late 1970s and the Stop the War Coalition in 2001.
Early/Mid 80s
Alan Bond.
Socialist Workers Party
(International Socialists)

(SWP) A far-left political party in Britain. Founded as the Socialist Review Group by supporters of Tony Cliff in 1950, it became the International Socialists (IS) in 1962 and the SWP in 1977. The SWP has founded several united front organisations such as the Anti-Nazi League in the late 1970s and the Stop the War Coalition in 2001.
Early/Mid 00s
Simon Wellings.
Socialist Workers Party
(International Socialists)

(SWP) A far-left political party in Britain. Founded as the Socialist Review Group by supporters of Tony Cliff in 1950, it became the International Socialists (IS) in 1962 and the SWP in 1977. The SWP has founded several united front organisations such as the Anti-Nazi League in the late 1970s and the Stop the War Coalition in 2001.
Late 90s/Early 00s
Dave Hagan.
South London Animal Action / Aid

Mid 90s
Christine Green.
South London Animal Movement (SLAM)

Mid 80s
Mike Blake.
Real name: Mike Chitty.
Spartacist League of Britain

Late 70s/Early 80s
Barry Tomkins.
Spied on more groups, not yet identified by the Inquiry.
SPEAC Campaign

Short for Stop Primate Experiments At Cambridge, the group campaigned against the plans for a research complex that would carry out experiments on monkeys. In 2004, the South Cambridgeshire district council turned down the planning application from Cambridge University. The group continued as SPEAK.
Mid 00s
Animal Rights
Not confirmed.
Not known
SPEAK Campaign

The campaign was born out of the success of its predecessor SPEAC stopping the a research lab in Cambridge. From 2004-2006, SPEAK campaigned against the proposed animal laboratory at Oxford University, and after its opening in 2008 continued as ‘SPEAK – The Voice for the RIGHTS of Animals’ against animal cruelty there.
Late 00s
Animal Rights
Gary & Abigail.
Not confirmed.
Not known
Stephen Lawrence Campaign (& Duwayne Brooks)

Family-driven campaign to get justice after Stephen Lawrence was stabbed in a racist attack in 1993. Supported by The Monitoring Group, it exposed the lack of a serious investigation, corruption and it led to the Macpherson Public Inquiry which concluded that the Metropolitan Police were institutionally racist. The campaign was also spied upon, which was one of the reasons to start the current Inquiry.
Late 90s/Early 00s
Justice campaign
Dave Hagan.
See also: UndercoverResearch.net
Active in MfJ while it supported this campaign.
Stephen Lawrence Campaign (& Duwayne Brooks)

Family-driven campaign to get justice after Stephen Lawrence was stabbed in a racist attack in 1993. Supported by The Monitoring Group, it exposed the lack of a serious investigation, corruption and it led to the Macpherson Public Inquiry which concluded that the Metropolitan Police were institutionally racist. The campaign was also spied upon, which was one of the reasons to start the current Inquiry.
Justice campaign
No further names yet.
See: The Guardian
Informed by the Met they were spied on. No further info yet.
Stephen Lawrence Campaign (& Duwayne Brooks)

Family-driven campaign to get justice after Stephen Lawrence was stabbed in a racist attack in 1993. Supported by The Monitoring Group, it exposed the lack of a serious investigation, corruption and it led to the Macpherson Public Inquiry which concluded that the Metropolitan Police were institutionally racist. The campaign was also spied upon, which was one of the reasons to start the current Inquiry.
Mid 90s
Justice campaign
Peter Johnson.
See: The Guardian, Jun 2013
Real name: Peter Francis. Other cover names: Pete Daley and Pete Black.
Stoke Newington and Hackney Defence Campaign

This community campaign was set up by local activists after 21-year-old black man, Colin Roach, died in the foyer of Stoke Newington police station in north-east London in 1983.
Mid 80s
Justice campaign
Timothy Spence.
Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty

(SHAC) (1999-2014) was a major international animal rights campaign to close down Huntingdon Life Sciences (HLS), Europe’s largest contract animal-testing laboratory. HLS tests medical and non-medical substances on around 75,000 animals every year, from rats to primates. The campaign employed a diversity of tactics.
Late 90s/Early 00s
Animal Rights
Dave Evans.
Stop the 70 Tour

An anti-apartheid campaign which significantly disrupted the tours of the South African rugby and cricket teams of the UK in 1970. It was chaired by Peter Hain.
Left Wing
See: The Guardian
Real name: Mike Ferguson. Handler: Wilf Knight. Interviewed by BBC True Spies, 2002.
Sumac Centre

An anarchist social centre in Nottingham. It provides resources, meeting spaces and workshops for groups and individuals. It supports campaigning for human rights, animal rights, the environment, peace and co-operation worldwide. It is part of the UK Social Centre Network. The vegan caterer supporting activists Veggies is based there. Until 2002 it was called the Rainbow Centre.
Early/Late 00s
community centre
Mark Stone.
Real name: Mark Kennedy.
The Monitoring Group

(TMG) Established in Southall (west London) in the early 1980s by community campaigners and lawyers to challenge the growth of racism in the locality. They supported family justice campaigns including those of Kuldip Singh Sekon, Ricky Reel, Micheal Menson, Stephen Lawrence, Zahid Mubarek and Victoria Climbie.According to the public inquiry, Suresh Grover, a founder and current director, ‘has been notified that he has been the subject of intelligence reports and has seen a redacted six-page summary’.
Justice campaign
No name yet.
See: See Inquiry docs p.23-28.
Informed by the Met they were spied on. No further info yet.

TRAPESE (2004-2011) stood for ‘Taking Radical Action through Popular Education and Sustainable Everything!’. Used interactive workshops, games, films, trainings, to campign against border control and mostly to promote a radical perspective on climate change.
Early/Late 00s
Mark Stone.
Real name: Mark Kennedy.
Trevor Monerville Justice Campaign

In 1987, Trevor Monerville, then 19, was held at a police station and beaten; he suffered brain damage as result. A campaign to get justice for him was set up. In 1994, he was stabbed to death by five men. No one has ever been convicted of his murder. Police have admitted that the campaign had been spied upon.
Mid/Late 90s
Justice campaign
Mark Cassidy.
Real name Mark Jenner.

Leftwing paper which was, according to the Inquiry, published by this organisation ‘that allied itself to leftwing elements in Asia, Africa and Latin America’. However, the only zine of that name was published in Havana, Cuba.
Late 60s/Early 70s
Left Wing
Douglas Edwards.
Known as Doug.
Troops Out Movement

London-based Irish soldarity group formed in 1973, demanding British Troops withdraw from Northern Ireland, and for a united Ireland. A campaign supported by the International Marxist Group, Big Flame, and varying Trotskist groups.
Late 80s/Early 90s
Left Wing
Irish solidarity
Kevin Douglas.
Had a meeting in 1992 in a safe house with David Shayler, the MI5 officer and whistleblower.
Troops Out Movement

London-based Irish soldarity group formed in 1973, demanding British Troops withdraw from Northern Ireland, and for a united Ireland. A campaign supported by the International Marxist Group, Big Flame, and varying Trotskist groups.
Mid 70s
Left Wing
Irish solidarity
Rick Gibson.
Real name: Richard Clarke.
Troops Out Movement

London-based Irish soldarity group formed in 1973, demanding British Troops withdraw from Northern Ireland, and for a united Ireland. A campaign supported by the International Marxist Group, Big Flame, and varying Trotskist groups.
Late 70s/Early 80s
Left Wing
Irish solidarity
Micheal James.
Spied on more groups, not yet identified by the Inquiry.
Uist Hedgehog Rescue

Local campaign widely supporterd by mainstream wildlife organisations to stop the slaughter of over 5000 hedgehogs on the Hebridean Island of Uist, Scotland to protect birds in 2003.
Mid 00s
Animal Rights
local group
Not confirmed.
Not known
Union of Construction, Allied Trades and Technicians

(UCATT) A British and Irish trade union operating in the construction industry. It was founded in 1971, and merged into Unite on 1 January 2017.
Mid/Late 90s
Left Wing
trade union
Mark Cassidy
Real name Mark Jenner.

Largest public sector trades union in the UK. Formed in 1993 when three public sector trade unions merged.
Mid 90s
Left Wing
trade union
Peter Johnson.
See: The Guardian, Mar 2015
Real name: Peter Francis. Other cover names: Pete Daley and Pete Black.
United British Alliance

Fascist, anti-Islamic group.Foreunner of the English Defence League, but smaller and more short lived. Circa 2007.
Late 00s
Far Right
political org.
Rossco Macinnes.
SDS shut down before deployment.
Vietnam Solidarity Campaign

Broad coalition of groups formed in 1968 to oppose US war in Vietnam. Organised two mass demonstrations in London at Grosvenor Square were the US embassy was based in March and October 1968 and fired up other protest. Caused the founding of the spycops unit SDS.
Late 60s
Left Wing
Bill Lewis.
Full cover name William Paul Lewis.
Vietnam Solidarity Campaign

Broad coalition of groups formed in 1968 to oppose US war in Vietnam. Organised two mass demonstrations in London at Grosvenor Square were the US embassy was based in March and October 1968 and fired up other protest. Caused the founding of the spycops unit SDS.
Late 60s
Left Wing
John Graham
Infiltrated VSC north London.
Vietnam Solidarity Campaign

Broad coalition of groups formed in 1968 to oppose US war in Vietnam. Organised two mass demonstrations in London at Grosvenor Square were the US embassy was based in March and October 1968 and fired up other protest. Caused the founding of the spycops unit SDS.
Late 60s
Left Wing
Margaret White.
Deployed for several months as the girlfriend of ‘Don de Freitas’.
Vietnam Solidarity Campaign

Broad coalition of groups formed in 1968 to oppose US war in Vietnam. Organised two mass demonstrations in London at Grosvenor Square were the US embassy was based in March and October 1968 and fired up other protest. Caused the founding of the spycops unit SDS.
Late 60s/Early 70s
Left Wing
Don de Freitas.
Infiltrated the campaign’s branch in Havering, Essex
Vietnam Solidarity Campaign

Broad coalition of groups formed in 1968 to oppose US war in Vietnam. Organised two mass demonstrations in London at Grosvenor Square were the US embassy was based in March and October 1968 and fired up other protest. Caused the founding of the spycops unit SDS.
Late 60s/Early 70s
Left Wing
Dick Epps.
Interviewed as ‘Dan’ by BBC True Spies, 2002.
Vietnam Solidarity Campaign

Broad coalition of groups formed in 1968 to oppose US war in Vietnam. Organised two mass demonstrations in London at Grosvenor Square were the US embassy was based in March and October 1968 and fired up other protest. Caused the founding of the spycops unit SDS.
Late 60s/Early 70s
Left Wing
Sean Lynch.
Vietnam Solidarity Campaign

Broad coalition of groups formed in 1968 to oppose US war in Vietnam. Organised two mass demonstrations in London at Grosvenor Square were the US embassy was based in March and October 1968 and fired up other protest. Caused the founding of the spycops unit SDS.
Late 60s
Left Wing
Barry Morris.
Vietnam Solidarity Campaign

Broad coalition of groups formed in 1968 to oppose US war in Vietnam. Organised two mass demonstrations in London at Grosvenor Square were the US embassy was based in March and October 1968 and fired up other protest. Caused the founding of the spycops unit SDS.
Early 70s
Left Wing
David Robertson.
Vietnam Solidarity Campaign

Broad coalition of groups formed in 1968 to oppose US war in Vietnam. Organised two mass demonstrations in London at Grosvenor Square were the US embassy was based in March and October 1968 and fired up other protest. Caused the founding of the spycops unit SDS.
Late 60s
Left Wing
No name yet.
Wayne Douglas Justice Campaign

Family campaign for justice for Douglas, 26, who died whilst being held at Brixton Police Station on suspicion of burglary. He had been held face down with his hands cuffed behind his back. Despite the jury accepting his death was caused by police restraint, they found that the heart failure was an accident. A further inquest was denied because it would cost too much, and would not lead to a different outcome.
Late 90s/Early 00s
Justice campaign
Dave Hagan (?)
See also: UndercoverResearch.net
Active in MfJ while it supported this campaign.
Wayne Douglas Justice Campaign

Family campaign for justice for Douglas, 26, who died whilst being held at Brixton Police Station on suspicion of burglary. He had been held face down with his hands cuffed behind his back. Despite the jury accepting his death was caused by police restraint, they found that the heart failure was an accident. A further inquest was denied because it would cost too much, and would not lead to a different outcome.
Mid 90s
Justice campaign
Peter Johnson.
See: The Guardian, Jun 2013
Real name: Peter Francis. Other cover names: Pete Daley and Pete Black.
West London Hunt Saboteurs

Focused on protesting fox hunts in the Thames Valley and Hampshire areas, though occasionally going further afield to protest mink hunts in the south west, such as the Ytene. Early 1990s.
Mid 90s
Animal Rights
Matt Rayner.
West London Hunt Saboteurs

Focused on protesting fox hunts in the Thames Valley and Hampshire areas, though occasionally going further afield to protest mink hunts in the south west, such as the Ytene. Early 1990s.
Mid 90s
Animal Rights
Christine Green
Winston Silcott Campaign
Revisited by Stafford Scott

Silcott was convicted of the murder of PC Keith Blakelock during disturbances on the Broadwater Farm estate in London in 1985, but his conviction was later overturned after a campaign for his release.
Justice campaign
No name yet.
See: See Inquiry docs p.23-28.
Informed by the Met they were spied on. Received copies of 16 heavily redacted intelligence files. No further info yet.

W.O.M.B.L.E.S. is the acronym for: ‘White Overalls Movement Building Libertarian Effective Struggles’ which used padding and other defensive equipment to counter agrressive police tactics in street protests. Launched in late 2000 it was one of the many offshoots of Reclaim the Streets, active during international summits, anti-war demos and MayDay protests in the early 2000s.
Early 00s
Jacqueline Anderson.
Known as Jacqui.

W.O.M.B.L.E.S. is the acronym for: ‘White Overalls Movement Building Libertarian Effective Struggles’ which used padding and other defensive equipment to counter agrressive police tactics in street protests. Launched in late 2000 it was one of the many offshoots of Reclaim the Streets, active during international summits, anti-war demos and MayDay protests in the early 2000s.
Late 90s/Early 00s
Rod Richardson.
Women’s Liberation Front

Feminist group set up by Diane Langford, who with Abhimanyu Manchanda was central to the Revolutionary Marxist-Leninist League, a Maoist group that had played a significant role in the events of 1968. In the early 1970s the RMLL developed a focus on feminist issues and the growing women’s liberation movement; the WLF held study meetings and attended protests.
Early 70s
Left Wing
Cannot remember her full cover name and no official record of it exist.
Workers Revolutionary Party

A Trotskyist group in Britain once led by Gerry Healy. In the mid-1980s, it split into several smaller groups, one of which retains possession of the name.
Mid 70s
Left Wing
Peter Collins.
Spied on more groups, not yet identified by the Inquiry.
Workers Revolutionary Party

A Trotskyist group in Britain once led by Gerry Healy. In the mid-1980s, it split into several smaller groups, one of which retains possession of the name.
Early/Mid 70s
Left Wing
Michael Scott.
Young Haganah

The only known group of this name is the Haganah, the pre-state forerunner of the Israeli Defense Force, founded in 1920 in Jewish Palestine by the Labor-Zionists.
Early 70s
unknown political org.
Peter Fredericks.
Spied on more groups, not yet identified by the Inquiry.
Young Liberals

The youth wing of the UK Liberal Party. Later to become the Liberal Democrats when it merged with The Social Democratic Party.
Early/Mid 70s
Left Wing
Michael Scott.
Youth Against Racism in Europe

An anti-racist organisation founded by the Committee for a Workers’ International (the international network of the Militant tendency), involved in justice campaigns in 16 countries in Europe. YRE was launched by an international demonstration of 40,000 people against racism, in Brussels in October 1992.
Mid 90s
Left Wing
Peter Johnson.
Real name: Peter Francis. Other cover names: Pete Daley and Pete Black.
Zero Collective

A London-based group publishing the anarchist / anarcha-feminist magazine Zero in 1977-1978 the late 1970s. Described as ‘a mixed bag 1970s UK anarchist publication. Definitely a paper reflective of the times and elements composing the anarchist movement’.
Late 70s
Graham Coates.