Earth First Summer Gathering 2019

14-20 August, North East England

6 days of skill-sharing for grassroots ecological direct action and animal rights – make links, share ideas, and get involved in the struggles against fracking, coal, nuclear, new roads and more. This year’s gathering will take place in solidarity with anti-coal resistance in the north-east – with some fun stuff happpening after the weekend!

Tell your comrades, bring your friends!

Earth First! is based on principles of non-hierarchical organisation and direct action to stop the destruction of the Earth and its inhabitants

The summer gathering is a chance for people and groups from across the country to network, share practical skills, ideas and inspirations – it’s friendly and inclusive so no worries if you don’t know anyone; you will soon meet people in workshops and at meal times which are made vegan and collectively.

The gathering includes a programme of workshops that will be uploaded closer to the date, with over 100 workshops in total – some more ‘hands-on’, some more theoretical (and everything in-between). We’ll also have a kids workshop schedule, kids kitchen and more!

What To Bring

The Gathering will be camping at a rural site (accessible by public transport) so you’ll need to bring a tent, sleeping bag, torch and suchlike. Meals are provided by the Gathering’s collective kitchen and there’ll be a snack shop. Everyone is crew, so the site, including toilets and running water, will be run by us all. Remember to bring your instrument if you want to play during the acoustic open mic.


For more information on the gathering, offers of help etc., please e-mail
For practical site issues please e-mail
For workshop enquiries, please e-mail