Anarchist Comrade In Canada Released

Anarchist comrade Cedar Hopperton has been released after spending nearly a month in jail for allegedly violating their parole conditions after giving a speech arguing that police should not be part of the queer community and applauding those at Pride who stood up to the police and fascists.

Despite the fact that they weren’t at Pride, Cedar spent weeks in jail in a clear case of retaliation by the Hamilton police against Cedar for expressing their anarchist convictions. Cedar went on hunger strike after their arrest, and the queer and anarchist communities of Hamilton mobilized in their support.

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Call for Solidarity for Mexican Anarchist Miguel Peralta

Compañerxs from different geographies:

We send our greetings from Mexico, where we are engaged in a struggle to
free our compas from state capture and tear down the prison walls.

We are a small solidarity group who have spent the last four years
accompanying Miguel Peralta, Indigenous anarchist prisoner of
Eloxochitlán de Flores Magón, Oaxaca. Miguel was detained for defending
the traditional forms of organization in his community and denouncing
the abuses of a cacique group that holds economic and political power
there. This group has maintained an environment of repression and
harassment in the community for over nine years.  

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Solidarity for Andreas Krebs

From ABC-Viena:

Our friend and companion Andreas is currently imprisoned in Naples (Italy). Since his imprisonment in Germany Andreas has been known as a rebellious prisoner. In April 2019 he was sentenced in Italy to 24 years in jail. In addition, Andreas has recently been diagnosed with kidney cancer. His health is deteriorating and we fear for his life. Actually, he should undergo surgery months ago, but the Italian authorities refuse to transfer him to a hospital.

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The Death of Will Van Spronsen

On July 13, a comrade by the name of Will Van Spronsen was killed will engaging in an action against the Northwest Detention Center in Tacoma, Washing. While the facts of this case are still coming to light what is known is that he was an anarchist. He was an anti-fascist. He was one of ours. The media and the State are attempting to paint him as a person engaging in a violent act against individuals. Let us be clear, he was engaging in an act against property; property that is used to rob people of their liberty and dignity as human beings. He will be remembered by the anarchist community as a person who took action while the rest of the world stood by and did little.

To his friends, family and the Puget Sound anarchist community. We wish to express our sorrow and solidarity with you all. We can only imagine that right now your hearts must be broken over the recent news of Will’s death. We cannot begin to imagine the feelings of loss and confusion that has covered over your community. But we are with you during this period of loss and we will continue to be with you until the sun breaks through. We know that desperate acts often take place when attempting to struggle for humanity in an inhumane situation. We can only imagine that this is exactly what Will was trying to do. We value this. You are our comrades and you have claimed Will as your own. We will do the same. 

To quote Pietro Gori’s “The First of May”:
“Give flowers to the rebels who failed, Their sight fixed upon the break of dawn, To the bold rebel who fights and works, To the far-seeing poet who sings and dies”

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Anarchist Prisoner Luis Fernando Sotelo to be Released

Luis Fernando Sotelo, anarchist political prisoner in Mexico City, is set to be released on July 12th after 4 years and eight months in prison.

Luis Fernando Sotelo Zambrano was arrested alongside Sergio Pérez Landero on November 5, 2014, near University City in Mexico City, following the Third Global Day of Action for Ayotzinapa. During the demonstration, a Metrobús station and a Metrobús (a rapid transit bus service) were burned.

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New Warchest Fund Report for June 2019

The ABC Federation prides itself on accountability, especially when it comes to the funds received and disbursed as part of the ABCF Warchest. As part of this effort in accountability, the ABCF issues the Warchest Fund Report, which shows the recent activity of the Warchest. Click here in order to view the report. Please note that the funds for Running Down the Walls are not listed in this current report. The ABCF is waiting for all funds to be sent in before we list these funds. They will be added to the next report.

Eddie African Has Been Paroled

Great news for MOVE 9 supporters. Eddie Africa has also been released. This is the fifth release of in the last year of members of the MOVE 9. Eddie was released on June 21st and is spending time with his friends and family. This leaves Chuck and Delbert Africa remaining – the last two members of the Move 9 imprisoned for over 40 years.

Janet and Janine Africa Have Been Freed

After 41 years in prison, Janet and Janine Africa have been released. Wonderful News! Both women, along with seven others, have been in jail since the 1978 police assault on the MOVE house in Powelton Village by Philadelphia police, which left one police officer dead. Nine members of the organization were convicted of the officers death and were sentenced to 100 years in prison.

In 1998, Merle Africa passed away in prison. In 2015, Phil Africa also died behind the prison walls. In June of 2018, Debra Africa was paroled, followed by Mike Africa in October 2018. Chuck, Eddie, and Delbert are the only Move 9 members remaining in prison.

New Warchest Flier for May 2019

The Anarchist Black Cross Federation has always attempted to stay transparent in regards to how donations are dispersed. Here is an updated Warchest flier which highlights the most recent donations and disbursements. As indicated on the flier, due to recent fundraising efforts and donations, we have added two more individuals (Abdul Azeez and Ed Poindexter) to the Warchest list. This brings the number of Warchest recipients to 15 political prisoners who receive monthly stipends. With support from the larger community, we hope to add more in the future.