Mosireen Collective

Mosireen is a non-profit media collective in Downtown Cairo born out of the explosion of citizen media and cultural activism in Egypt during the revolution.

Armed with mobile phones and cameras, thousands upon thousands of citizens kept the balance of truth in their country by recording events as they happened in front of them, wrong-footing censorship and empowering the voice of a street-level perspective.

Egypt’s march towards the future its millions demanded did not end with Mubarak leaving power, it began.

Mosireen, which is a play on the Arabic words for “Egypt” and “determined” was founded in the wake of Mubarak’s fall by a group of film makers and activists who got together to found a collective space dedicated to supporting citizen media of all kinds. We film the ongoing revolution, publish videos that challenge state media narratives, provide training, technical support, equipment, organise screenings,  and events and host an extensive library of footage from the revolution.

Within three months of publishing videos we were the most watched non-profit youtube channel in Egypt of all time, and in the whole world in January.

The Mosireen workspace is open to everyone, regardless of their level of experience or ability to pay. We see a large part of our role as helping to network between a wide variety of initiatives and projects, especially those born out of a spirit of civic engagement. As well as connecting those with skills, we are also working to share our skills with others and have run free training courses for more than 250 people so far.

All our services are run on a pay-what-you-can basis. All our videos are available to download or stream completely for free and openly for all non-commercial viewing, screening, distribution.


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Beyond the Border

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Magazine — Issue 8