Professional end-to-end publication support and guidance to submit with confidence

  • 00+
    Papers Edited
  • 00+
    Authors Served
  • 00+
    Subjects Covered
  • 00+
    Subject Experts
How It Works
Choose a service
Step 1
Choose a service

Select a service and upload your manuscript using our secure server

Choose a service
Step 2
Pay and confirm

Upload your manuscript details, pay, and confirm quote

Perfect your manuscript
Step 3
Perfect your manuscript

Our experts get working on your paper

Manuscript details
Step 4
Download your file

Your edited file is now ready to download

Our Guarantee
Quality Services
Quality Services

We aim to deliver an error-free manuscript, ready for publication. If you’re the slightest bit dissatisfied, we will re-edit your manuscript free of cost.

Subject Specialists
Subject Specialists

Our unique Editor Selection algorithm ensures that your manuscript is edited by matching qualified experts in your subject area.

Data Security
Data Security

Creating a risk-free environment with secure servers and a confidentiality agreement for authors and their valuable research is our top priority.

Let us give you the support you need to get published.