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NACDL Leadership

NACDL's leadership is comprised of a Board of Directors and Executive Officers. The Board of Directors oversees the policy and management of the Association.  The Executive Committee consists of the elected officers, an appointed parliamentarian, and two representatives of the Board of Directors, and acts on Association business and transactions during the interim period between Board of Directors meetings.

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors oversees the business and affairs of the organization and sets organization policy. The Board meets at least four times per year. It is comprised of 35 directly elected Directors and 4 Affiliate Representatives, all serving three-year terms of office. The seven officers of the association and the past presidents are also voting members at meetings of the Board of Directors. In addition, a parliamentarian, who is appointed by the president, serves as a non-voting participant at all Board meetings. Read more about NACDL's Board of Directors.

Executive Committee and Officers

The seven Officers of the Association are the President, President Elect, First and Second Vice Presidents, Treasurer, Secretary, and Immediate Past President. Together with a parliamentarian who is appointed by the president and serves as a non-voting participant at all Board meetings, and two representatives from the Board of Directors, the Officers serve on the Executive Committee which meets at least monthly and acts on Association business and transactions during the interim period between Board of Directors Meetings. Read more about NACDL's Executive Committee and Officers.

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