
Call for June 11th, 2019

June 11th: the international day of solidarity with Marius Mason and long-term anarchist prisoners. In the 15 years this tradition has been observed, June 11th has facilitated support and action inspired by imprisoned anarchists — from noise demonstrations outside of jails to letter-writing nights, from fundraisers to arson. Setting aside this day is one way of remembering anarchists who are serving long prison sentences, generating support for them, and inspiring solidarity actions. Continue reading “Call for June 11th, 2019”

Leipzig (Germany): Benefit gig

Wagonplatz benefit gig for Russian ABC, with talks beforehand about Anarchist prisoners in Russia and Italy. Part of the Decide Today set stopped to talk about Marius Mason and the “long term” emphasis of the June 11th campaign.

Bellingham, Washington (USA): 5 prisoner transport cars vandalized

June 11 — Midnight — occupied Coast Salish/Lummi territory

In observance of June 11, the day of solidarity with anarchist prisoners, we graffitied the body and slashed the tires of 5 prisoner transport vehicles belonging to WA state’s department of corrections, bellingham facility. All 5 vehicles are no longer in service.

To Salish Sea anarchists, agitators, malcontents, & eco-defenders: the owners and their lap dogs have brought an unprecedented heat wave to our region. Our turn to bring the heat. Fry, Pig!

from Puget Sound Anarchists

Bristol (UK): Solidarity graffiti for anarchist prisoners by Eco-anarchist vandals – FAI/IRF

For June 11 – Solidarity for long term anarchist prisoners

Just outside the city limits of Bristol tucked away in the dark is a poultry farm (Ivy Farm) owned by P&S Mitchell LTD. Located in Whitchurch Lane, Dundry, the birds never see the light of day. Despite the CCTV, the grain silo and broiler house were both spray-painted with the words “Animal Prison”.

A new McDonalds restaurant that is not welcome is being built in Fishponds Road, but maybe the “Burger Off!” posters in local’s front windows isn’t enough. Graffiti was sprayed inside the building site – “McWork Prison”.

Vinney Green, hidden in Emersons Green on the edge of Bristol is a special secure detention unit for 10-17 year old “dangerous kids”. The unit holds up to 24 detainees. A large hole was cut in the perimeter fence and then the next inner security fence was broken through by bending back the bars, causing a second human size gap. Then the prison buildings themselves were sprayed with the words “Child Prison”, “Screws Work Here”.

Solidarity to Brian Vaillancourt who is serving a 9 year sentence in the USA for an arson of a McDonalds. To the imprisoned comrades in Italy who are fighting from inside the cells on hunger strike. To the 3 comrades arrested for bank robbery in Thessaloniki, Greece. To Lisa held in Spain. For all the imprisoned anarchists around the world.

Freedom for everyone!

Eco-anarchist vandals – FAI/IRF


from 325

Montreal, Quebec (Canada): Lemay Vice President’s Car Set on Fire

Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info

On the day of solidarity with long-term anarchist prisoners, the BMW belonging to André Cardinal, parked in front of his private residence in NDG, was set on fire. André Cardinal is the Vice President of Lemay, the architecture firm designing the migrant prison in Laval.

May fires burn for all that the worlds of prison and borders have stolen from us.

June 11th, 2019 statement from Miguel Peralta

The cell where I live is kind of dark. Fragments of light enter from two directions. On one side, there are the shadows of a fence with four vertical bars and four horizontal bars, all of which are not visible. Next to that, another fence can be seen but in the form of blinds, elongated, not very wide. The other side where the light enters is almost the same, but disfigured. The scarce shadows manage to reflect small figures in the shapes of small squares with different shades. Outside, in the corridor, by the window that has 24 bars covering it, is a wall, recently painted with a blue sign that says: RESTRICTED AREA.

And if you lift up your head and look, behind the wall, there are nine young almond trees, aligned, green almost all year. On more than three occasions they have been pruned, which has limited their growth. If one looks further, behind the almond trees there is an old leafy mango tree. In three years it has only come to bloom once, since the month of January. It has not produced mangos and I do not have the least idea what it needs. Even further, is a very tall coconut palm tree, approximately 25 meters in height. Its fruits are small, you almost can’t see them. Further in the distance you can look at the stars, the clouds, freedom and a bit of the universe.

Continue reading “June 11th, 2019 statement from Miguel Peralta”

Cincinnati, Ohio (USA): Letter writing night

We had a really nice time here in Cincinnati. While we had the set up inside, it immediately moved outside due to the weather being so pleasant! For the event we had individual mini sheets with brief bios and mailing information to use while we wrote letters and for people to take home at the end of the night. In my experience, letter writing in social settings can be tricky for some people due to getting easily distracted or general anxiety for newcomers, so we wanted to make sure that writing at home was encouraged too.

My favorite part of these get-togethers is the ability to share ideas and thoughts with each other. We had people experienced with these topics, people without much prior knowledge at all, and people who haven’t seen that there is a local community for this until now. The June 11th statements from prisoners were read aloud and all featured very different tones and ideas. Marius mentioned the concept of “othering” and I think we’re all too familiar with seeing circles break off in different directions when it would be better if they’d work together, or the rejection of new ideas which can turn into our groups becoming smaller and smaller. The different tones, ideas, and concepts in these statements made for really rewarding discussions. We all struggle with figuring out the BEST way to do things. A big topic of discussion was how writing letters can be stressful while trying to figure out what is and is not okay to write about, send, or create. But someone gave their input on how that is purposeful. They want to make it complicated, so that momentum is stopped or so that people are too overwhelmed to start in the first place. It encouraged everyone and cleared our heads, making the process easier and focusing on the positives instead of the negatives, and empowered everyone present.

At the end of the night, everyone walked away with new perspectives and a new momentum. We all know the feeling of being worn down in our continually efforts, and that can come with immense guilt while we compare it to what anarchist prisoners are facing, which can lead to the defeatist attitude the state relies on so heavily. With June 11th and all letter writing to prisoners, the lesson time and time again is that we need to practice empathy and love. It reminds us that we need to do that on the outside as well. It  is another act of solidarity, as we foster the friendships of those around us, welcome newcomers with encouragement, and continue to build something much bigger than ourselves with stability and continued empathy.

That goes to organizers and participants all around the globe. An annual day to remember that we are not alone in our efforts and that these prisoners are not alone while confined to their cages. I cannot express my gratitude to all involved, but we will continue to do our best in showing it through our actions and support.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (USA): Graffiti, banners, BBQ

For June 11th anarchist solidarity in Philly took a few different forms. In the lead up to the 11th stickers and posters were put up. Graffiti for anarchist prisoners was written on the Grays Ferry Bridge.

On June 11th a BBQ fundraiser was held. Vegan food and copies of Fireant were given away and money was collected for anarchist prisoners and local anti-repression efforts.

Anarchist prisoners to the street

Kalamazoo, Michigan (USA): Cookout & info sharing

We grilled food (vegan options available) at a punk rock flea market in Kalamazoo, Mi. We asked for donations to support Marius and talked about his situation while the eaters waited for things to cook. About half the people we grilled for were already aware, half were not. All gave a few bucks, though it was not required

North Rhine-Westphalia (Germany): Police dog training school burned

5th June, North Rhine Westphalia.

“Fight the police, fight the speciesist system!

On June 5th, as members of the Animal Liberation Front, we set fire to a training school for police dogs.

We see the legitimacy of this action in the fact that the police, a classist, sexist and racist institution, has no right to use any animals as weapons of oppression.

Let us remind you that the police serves capitalism and is, therefore, an enemy in the struggle for the liberation of humans and animals.

With this action we want to make it clear that we are growing and spreading; not only in numbers but in strategy; that we are attacking the root problems instead of focusing on symptoms; and that we do not accept the complicity of the police and the animal exploitation industry.

Every time the police arrests one of us (be it for smashing windows or for disrupting a McDonald’s), they collaborate with the animal exploitation industry and attack us all. It’s time for this to stop.

We want to frame this action as a “rage celebration” for June 11th, “International day of solidarity with long term anarchist prisoners”, and send greetings especially to Matthias, who has been imprisoned in Switzerland for more than 6 months still awaiting trial accused of smashing butcher shop windows.

For a world without oppression, without capitalism, and without police – ignite a revolution!

Let’s not forget to mention our McDonald’s-smashing friends, may the broken glass bring us freedom!

Fire to prisons, fire to the police, fire to McDonald’s, fire to the speciesist system!

Animal Liberation Front.”

Source: Indymedia, translation by Unoffensive Animal