ISS Detector


See the ISS and more with the satellite tracker: ISS Detector by RunaR. The easiest way to spot the station 🛰️

Beigetreten August 2009


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  1. 1. Mai

    It looks like Starlink 6 is moving in two packs. Select them in the Famous Objects in ISS Detector, the tracking information has been updated. The two pack are named Starlink 6a and Starlink 6b.

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  2. hat retweetet
    30. Apr.

    A new splendid still view of the release of 60 satellites just 20 minutes after launch, photographed from The Netherlands with a manually tracked 10 inch Newtonian telescope

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  3. hat retweetet
    25. Apr.

    SpaceX's latest batch of Starlink satellites flying past Venus tonight. Spotted them thanks to and

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  4. 24. Apr.

    If you still experience the crash. Remove and install ISS Detector again. Or clear the app cache. There will be an update later today with a fix for this problem.

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  5. 23. Apr.

    Something is wrong in the Google Maps plugin. ISS Detector is crashing. I'm trying to fix, but i'm afraid I can't change it at the moment.

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  6. 23. Apr.

    Starlink 6 train in close formation tonight over Europe around 21:55. Traveling from West to South East. Get the Famous Objects Extension for ISS Detector

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  7. 22. Apr.

    A chance to spot the new Starlink 6 about 20 minutes after launch tonight over Europe 21:50 CET moving from the West to the East. One dot, the satellites are not released yet at that point.

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    21. Apr.

    This is a time-lapse movie of my images of this evening's 5 "fleet" pass over Leiden, the Netherlands. Made from 201 images (5 secodn exposures, Canon EOS 80D + EF 2.0/35 mm, 800 ISO).

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  9. hat retweetet
    21. Apr.

    Stack of 202 photographs taken this evening in a 19 min between 20:01:15-20:20:10 UT, showing the 5 "fleet" passing (30 sats in total in this image). Canon EOS 80D + EF 2.0/35 mm, 800 ISO, 5 seconds. Note the two flaring satellites. Leiden, the Netherlands.

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  10. 21. Apr.

    A couple of Starlink satellites over the Netherlands. Tomorrow night they will pass again between 22:35 and 22:50 CET. To find them get the Famous Objects Extension for ISS Detector

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  11. 21. Apr.

    Tracking numbers for Starlink 5 were updated in ISS Detector to better find the start of the satellite train. Select them again in the Filter menu to keep following them. Want to see Starlink? Get the Famous Objects Extension for ISS Detector

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  12. hat retweetet
    19. Apr.

    Your head is in the clouds with this 2016 atmospheric “3D” landscape over the Philippine Sea. Towering cumulus clouds and anvil formations show off in today’s anniversary image as we countdown to April 22.

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    19. Apr.

    Two stacked images from this evening's parade. One a 115 image stack between 20:26:40-20:38:45 UT, stars from Leo. The other a 68 image stack between 20:39:10-20:45:30 UT, stars Cancri. Canon EOS 80D + EF 2.0/35 mm, 5 seconds exposures, 1000 ISO. Leiden town center.

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  14. hat retweetet
    17. Apr.

    Quite a ride home from today - my profound gratitude to all those that shaped . Thank you! We’ve returned to a different planet, but it remains a spectacular one.

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  15. hat retweetet
    16. Apr.

    Isolation Tip #3 & my last from : Maintaining a healthy diet is important because it acts as your body’s fuel. See how we prepare our food in space. . . Zero gravity makes eating a lot more fun, but I can’t wait to enjoy my first salad on Earth soon!

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  16. hat retweetet
    15. Apr.

    Yesterday flew over almost every place I’ve ever lived, ranging from Canada to France – all within 8 hours. Mother Earth’s way of calling me home? Pictured: origin Caribou, Maine (1), (2), (3) & of course (4).

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  17. hat retweetet
    16. Apr.

    On April 10 and 13, the station orbited over the Indian Ocean southwest of Australia when these photos were captured of the aurora and Earth glow.

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  18. hat retweetet
    14. Apr.

    The six station crewmembers continued promoting health for humans on and off Earth today before splitting up at the end of the week. Read more...

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  19. hat retweetet
    14. Apr.

    Isolation Tip #2 from : Stick to a routine, including keeping up with your daily hygiene. Studies show that suiting up can increase your mood, confidence and productivity. Here’s how we do it on .

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  20. hat retweetet
    14. Apr.

    Lake Balkhash isn’t all that far from where we’ll be landing in our on Friday . . . daydreaming about what it’ll feel like to be immersed in water again. . .

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