
To contribute translations, editing-corrections and/or original material for publication, such as updates from the streets, reportbacks from actions, responsibility claims, texts of imprisoned or persecuted comrades, calls, brochures, opinion articles, etc.: contrainfo(at)


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Setúbal, Portugal: 2nd Anniversary Program at À da Maxada (30.03-1.04.2018)

Friday 30.03.2018

10:00 Yoga/Tai-chi (bring your mat) 12:00 Juggling workshop* 13:00 Welding workshop (bring your mask if you have) 15:00 Tattoos session with Ouch Tattoo 16:00 Hoola hoop workshop* (bring hoola hoop if u have) 17:00 DJ workshop 19:00 Circus workshop* 19:00 Ciclo de Cinema Nu Sta Djunto 22:00 Performances – Hephaistos dreams – Trash Circus […]

Italy: News from Florence

received 10/05/17

[This text explains the recent police operation against anarchists in Florence, Italy]

On the 1st of January 2017, following the explosion of home-made bomb in front of the fascist bookshop in which a policeman from the bomb disposal unit lost a hand and an eye, several homes of comrades were searched. The police were hoping […]

Exarchia: Themistokleous 58 Squat attacked (4 seriously injured in the hospital)

August 16, 2017

The squat Themistokleous 58, also known as TH58, in Exarchia, was attacked by people wearing helmets. This was a mafia style attack which resulted in 4 injured comrades in serious condition and who are hospitalized.

Information about the attack and its causes will be announced by the TH58 Assembly.


The latest […]

[UK] SLAP! Squatters of London Action Paper Issue 7

Issue seven of Squatters of London Action Paper in A3 prints.

Athens: List of needs of Themistokleous 58 squat

The banner reads “Death to patriots (A)” in Albanian

After more than a year of existence, Themistokleous 58 anarchist squat and housing project for people with and without papers in Exarchia, downtown Athens, still needs some very practical solidarity to stay functional. Here goes our current list of needs.

Food supplies: Oil (olive oil/corn oil), […]

Spain: Month of solidarity (19 November/19 December): 10, 100, 1000 occupied social centres

We understand occupation (squatting) as a tool of fight whose main purpose is far from the idea of shaping recreational places. It is an strategy to fight, theoretically and practically, against property as a key pillar of capitalist democracy. Occupation (squatting) is beyond merely logistic.

It brings partnership among comrades, builds affinity networks and solidarity, as […]

Exarchia: Benefit party at Themistokleous 58 Squat – November 13th

[Athens] November 1st: Morning gathering in defense of the Squatted Prosfygika

On Monday October 31st 2016, a group of comrades from Themistokleous 58 Squat were also present at the Squatted Prosfygika to assist the neighborhood’s defense in the face of coordinated attacks by cops and Nazis. We took a stand in the ongoing social war with stones, body-to-body skirmishes and our antipatriotic convictions resounding during clashes […]

Amsterdam: Oct. 29th, Infonight Housing for all//Cologne + KoZe//Hamburg

At the end of October, two collectives from Cologne and Hamburg will be in Amsterdam in order to exchange ideas and experiences about the local struggles for housing and the establishment of solidary structures in our cities and beyond its limits.

Koze is the ‘Collective Center/Kollektives Zentrum’ in Hamburg, that was founded through a squatting action […]

Greece: Lets destroy them first! Statement after evictions in Thessaloniki

received August 14th 2016

This is an individual statement after the trial that followed an action against the Orthodox Church in Thessaloniki. Although this statement doesn’t represent anybody except myself and may include an uncompleted picture, I decided that it should be spread. Never trust the media!

Unsurprisingly, the three evictions in Thessaloniki on […]

Komotini, Greece: Banner and flyposting in solidarity with Biblioteca KAOS in Brazil

Biblioteca KAOS is threatened with eviction on August 4th 2016. The anarchist squat Utopia A.D. hung a banner and put up posters in the city of Komotini, in a minimum display of solidarity with the companheirxs in Porto Alegre.Solidarity with the anarchist squat Biblioteca KAOS in Brazil! Conflict is the only answer!

Flyposting […]

Heraklion, Crete: Incendiary solidarity with squats

In the early hours of August 1st 2016, we placed an incendiary device at the church of Aghios Dimitrios in the city of Heraklion, Crete. We carried out this action as a minimum response to the recent operations of Church S.A. in cooperation with the prosecutorial and police forces in the city of Thessaloniki, where […]

Greece: Housing squats in Thessaloniki evicted

‘Solidarity with Squats – Squat the World’ (slogan spray-painted on Cephalonia Island, Greece, 28.07.2016)

On July 27th 2016, at the crack of dawn, Greek police forces raided and simultaneously evicted three housing squats in the city of Thessaloniki: Orfanotrofio housing squat for migrants (property owned by the Church), Hurriya community on Karolou Diehl Street […]

Exarchia, Athens: Statement by Kleous 96

Received June 29th: On June 8th 2016, we occupied a building on 96 Themistokleous Street in Exarchia with the aim of building a community based political space. As a diverse group with a variety of backgrounds we were aware that although we had many common goals and the same political strategy, we disagreed on tactics […]

Athens: Kleous 96 squat in Exarchia raided by cops; 3 arrested; house re-squatted

“Hands Off Kleous 96 Squat – Immediate Release of the 3 Arrestees”; banner on Alexandras Avenue during gathering outside GADA (Athens police headquarters) in solidarity with the 3 arrested squatters

A privately-owned building located on 96, Themistokleous Street in the neighbourhood of Exarchia was squatted just a few days ago.

On June 14th 2016, the […]

Athens: A brief announcement from Cat’s spirit squat in Exarchia

Since April 21st 2016, we have occupied an abandoned private house on 119, Zoodochou Pigis Street. It’s Cat’s spirit, where we want to have a base for anarchist people, especially new people arriving in Exarchia. The plan is to create an open space for both anarchists and refugee activists, but also for people in emergency […]

Exarchia, Athens: Gathering in solidarity with the Occupied Gini Building – June 1st from 9am


On Tuesday morning 31/5/2016 an employee of the Athens Polytechnic School (NTUA) showed up at the entrance of the Occupied Gini Building in order to deliver an announcement of the Rectorate, thus making official the threats of eviction that had already been addressed verbally to us over the last period, […]

[Greece] Fuck Nations, Squat the World – Callout for coordination of polymorphous anarchist action under the theme of squats

Black December Was Only the Beginning…

Click image for English translation of the callout, received May 2nd 2016 from Papamichelaki 39 squat (Rethymno); original text in Greek here.

Marseille: Message from friends that were in custody following the Manba squat eviction, rue Bel Air

Without repeating here and right now everything that happened, a short recap, we’ll start by informing you that all 3 people have been freed yesterday [April 14th]. Two amongst us have been summoned to the criminal court on June 10th at 2pm for: destruction/criminal damage/defacement of a building intended for worship, as a group, and […]

Marseille: Eviction of third Manba ends with 3 comrades in custody, as well as home raided

Manba 2 that was evicted last week on Rue Chape. The banner reads: Self-managed social centre Manba.

This afternoon April 12th, the latest Manba was evicted by numerous cops, we faced two arrests and police violence. This squat opening followed the eviction of Manba 2 (last week). Article updated (again), April 16th.

Manba was opened […]

[UK] SLAP! Squatters of London Action Paper Issue 3

Issue three of Squatters of London Action Paper in pdf format (1mb).

Click here for Issue 1 & 2.

Athens: Gesture of solidarity with the squatters in Vancouver Apartman


Late in the evening of March 13th 2016, the Vancouver Apartman building which is squatted for a little over a decade came under attempted arson attack, when a Molotov cocktail landed in front of a door on Mavromataion Street.

At a time when the anarchist squat in […]

Athens: Fascist Molotov attack at Vancouver Apartman squat

On Sunday, 13/03, at Vancouver Apartman squat we were attacked with a Molotov cocktail by the local fascist group A.M.E.

The group published a text on their blog, taking the responsibility and threatening that they will come back. They didn’t reach their goal because no damages were done, as the bottle failed to set the house […]

Athens: Info event with a comrade from Uruguay

Wednesday, March 2nd 2016, at 19:00 in Gini building of the Athens Polytechnic School

Discussion with a compañera from Uruguay concerning the threat of eviction of the squatted social centre La Solidaria in Montevideo and broader anarchist struggles in the region

Squatted Gini building* inside the Athens Polytechnic School (entrance from Stournari Street, Exarchia) _

* Following an […]

SLAP! Squatters of London Action Paper Issue 2

Issue two of Squatters of London Action Paper in pdf format.

Click here for Issue 1.