Your privacy is very important to us.

MUP does not – and never will – sell or share your data with third-parties.

MUP believes that the responsible use of personal information collected on our website is critical to our business objectives and reputation. As part of our commitment to privacy, we have adopted this Online Privacy Statement. This Online Privacy Statement has been developed in accordance with the Commonwealth Privacy Act 1988 (Privacy Act) and applies to the collection, storage, use and dissemination by us of your personal information. Access to our website is conditional on your acceptance of the terms of this Online Privacy Statement.

Your consent

By your use of our website you consent to the collection, storage, use and dissemination of your personal information in accordance with this Online Privacy Statement, as otherwise permitted under the Privacy Act and otherwise in accordance with your consent. If you cannot agree to this Online Privacy Statement you must not use this website. Our use of the personal information we collect is necessary in order for us to maintain the website and facilitate users’ use of the website.

Information collected

When you visit our website we make a record of your visit and log information for statistical purposes, including information such as your IP address, and (if you provide them) your name, postal and billing addresses and email address; the date and time of your visit to the website; the duration of your visit; the pages you accessed and documents you downloaded; and the referring site (the site that directed you to ours). We also collect credit card details from you to facilitate orders and payments.

SSL protection

We use Security Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption technology to encrypt sensitive personal information (such as your payment information and geolocation) before it travels over the internet. Credit card numbers are never stored on our database or servers.


Our website uses cookies. We use cookies to identify you when you interact with the site, including for the purposes of placing orders. We use Google Analytics and Fieldwork for website statistical analysis. A cookie is installed in your browser to help track your progress through our website, and reports to us information similar to that described above. You should be able to configure your computer so that it disables cookies or does not accept them.

Access to information collected

In the unlikely event of an investigation required by law a law enforcement agency, or other government agency, may exercise its legal authority to inspect our website.

Use of information collected

We will use all reasonable endeavours to ensure that any information we collect in relation to you is kept in a secure environment. However, security cannot be guaranteed due to the nature of the internet. We do not pass on/sell/swap any of your personal details with any third party other than as set out in this Online Privacy Statement or otherwise with your consent. Personal information provided by you will be retained only for as long as necessary to fulfil the purposes for which the information was collected or as required by law.

Third parties and your information

Users’ personal information is uploaded to and kept on severs that we maintain or that are maintained by third parties that comply with strict contractual privacy obligations. It is not otherwise transferred internationally except where a copy is sent to the user itself at their request. Users consent for their personal information to be transferred and stored in this manner at the time of registration.Although our website may link directly to websites operated by third parties (Linked Sites), you acknowledge that Linked Sites are not operated by us. We encourage you to always read the applicable privacy statement of any Linked Site on entering the Linked Site. We are not responsible for the content or practices of the Linked Sites nor their privacy policies regarding the collection, storage, use and dissemination of your personal information. We will keep a users’ personal information confidential and not sell or knowingly divulge user information to advertisers or any other third parties, unless:(a) we are required to share your information with a third party in order to comply with the law or to comply with a court order or subpoena; (b) to enforce our website rules; (c) if it is necessary to provide it to our third party service providers, if any, such as data storage providers, who will be subject to strict contractual privacy obligations; or (d) to protect the safety and security of our users and our website.

Social media

MUP accepts no responsibility whether express or implied for the accuracy, currency and completeness of any information posted on MUP's social media pages or its relevance and suitability for any purpose.

MUP does not endorse or otherwise support any view and opinion posted by a user or contributor on MUP's social media pages.

Queries and corrections

We recognise our responsibility for protecting the privacy of your personal information. If you have questions or comments about our administration of your personal information, please contact us.We may reasonably provide, where possible and subject to any exemptions allowed under the Privacy Act, access for providers of personal information held about them.Queries in relation to this Online Privacy Statement or requests for access to your personal information held by us should be addressed to:

Melbourne University Publishing

Level 1, 715 Swanston Street

Carlton, VIC, 3053

Changes to this Privacy Statement

We may from time to time, modify this Online Privacy Statement to reflect changes in the law, self-regulatory initiatives and/or technology. You will be deemed to have consented to such variations by your continued use of the website following such changes being made.