
MUP currently has foreign rights available for many of our publications.

For rights enquiries regarding MUP publications please contact mup-contact@unimelb.edu.au.

Permissions FAQs

Do I need permission to reprint material (text, illustrations, cover art) published by Melbourne University Publishing?

All material published by Melbourne University Publishing is protected by the Copyright Act of 1968. However, there are certain conditions under which it is possible for you to publish copyrighted material without written permission:

  • If the extract is not an ‘important, distinctive or essential part’ of the original work you do not need to apply for permission; for instance, if you wish to quote 100 words from a 70,000-word book, it is unlikely that you would need to seek permission. However, any amount of words extracted from poetry or song lyrics would be deemed to be ‘important, distinctive or essential’.
  • If you are quoting copyrighted material with the intention of reviewing or offering an opinion of it, you may not require permission to reproduce it.
  • If the copyright on the material you are quoting has expired—generally considered to be 70 years after the death of the creator—you do not require permission to reproduce it. Note that under Australian copyright law, all work by creators who died before 1 January 1955 is now in the public domain.

If you wish to reprint or reproduce any material that falls outside those three categories from one of our publications, you must obtain written permission from Melbourne University Publishing. If the work from which you are requesting permission is an anthology, consult the credit or acknowledgments page and apply to the original source for permission to use the copyright material. This also applies to photographs and illustrations.In all circumstances the quoted material should be attributed to MUP, along the lines of:

This extract is reproduced from [Author’s name], [Title of the Book], Melbourne University Press, Carlton, [year of publication].

If you are unsure whether or not you need to apply to MUP for permissions, please visit the Australian Copyright Council at http://www.copyright.org.au, or the Australian Society of Authors at https://www.asauthors.org/guidelines-to-permissions.

What should I include in my permission request?

We have provided a permission request form for your use, which can be downloaded here or from the download link at the bottom of this section. It requires you to provide us with the following information:

  • Full applicant details (name, date, company, address, contact phone and email)
  • Full details of the MUP book from which you wish to reproduce material (title, author/editor, ISBN publication date, page number/s, approx word count)
  • Reproduction details (type of work, title, format, word count, print run, territory, RRP)
  • Attachment of text/image that you wish to reproduce

Where should I send my permission request?

Please fill out a permissions request form and email it to mup-contact@unimelb.edu.au.

How long does it take to process a permission request?

Generally, it takes around a month to process a permission request. Please allow enough time in your editorial schedule to clear permissions.

Are there fees for permissions?

A permission (or copyright) fee may be charged to compensate the author and/or illustrator for use of their work. However, in some circumstances the publisher may waive a fee.We use the recommended formula for calculating permission fees from the Australian Society of Authors, which can be found via their website at https://www.asauthors.org/guidelines-to-permissions.

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