National Poop Month

June 2014 is National Poop Month, a call to communities everywhere to expose and resist the ways powerful NGO’s have installed themselves as leaders of our movements, while co-opting and selling us out. These organizations are not in the business of challenging the status quo. They are not invested in systemic and radical social change. Instead, they work to prevent communities from self-organizing beyond the logic of corporate patronage and electoral politics. They co-opt and police emancipatory movements, undermining the collective potential for political expression, kettling our bodies and the social imagination.

Please see – National Poop Month website

Migrant Justice activists deliver a “Bullshit Organization of the Year Award” to Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (ICIRR) in recognition of ICIRR’s consistent, manipulative disinformation campaign promoting Comprehensive Immgration Reform while lying about the actual provisions of the bill.
2013 Bullshit Organization of the Year Awards

On Mayday 2014 two powerful NGO’s cooperated with police resulting in the arrest of two activists: Anne-Meredith Wooton and Jose Garcia, who is also under deportation proceedings.
Solidarity Action to protest NGO-Police Cooperation

MDC and No Name Collective launch a Call for a Different Kind of Solidarity ! In supporting friends and loved ones facing deportation, allies and advocates often reproduce the distinction of “worthy” and “non-worthy” immigrant imposed by the state. Our resistance must refuse the narrative of the few exceptional cases and must stand with all those labeled “illegal”, or “criminal” or “deportable”.
A Call for a Different Kind of Solidarity


SEIU coopting and restricting the militant desires of workers

How Influential Immigrant Rights Group Used Police to Suppress Other Immigrant Rights Activists on May Day

March organizers will point out anarchists to police

MDC against the “worthy immigrant” campaigning tactics of NGO’s


Making Money, making Change (impossible) – an analysis of white profiteer “allies” in the struggles against SB1070 in 2010

Check out the work of INCITE to analyze and organize beyond the Non Profit Industrial Complex

Beware the Funders of Immigrants’ Rights

Indigenous Anti Colonial, Anti Capitalist Established Infoshop Established in Flagstaff, Arizona

Fast food unionism: the unionization of McDonald’s and the McDonaldization of Unions


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