Category Archives: Uncategorized

En Solidaridad con Ayotzinapa y lxs 30,000 desaparecidxs

Comunidad Migrante Levántate!   20 de noviembre 2014 [English – click here] La Embajada de México en Estados Unidos distribuyó un comunicado “urgente” a sus consulados, instruyendo a “minimizar el impacto” de las protestas dentro de este país que se van … Continue reading

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Solidarity with Ayotzinapa and the 30,000+ disappeared

Rise up!  November 20, 2014 “We Want them All Alive – Vivos los Queremos” – Para Español Aga Click Aqui The Mexican Embassy in the United States sent out an urgent memo to all the consulates, instructing them to “minimize … Continue reading

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Fue el Estado – No Dialogue with State Terror!

Para Español Aga Click Aqui Protest at the Mexican Consulate – 204 S Ashland Ave, Chicago October 27, 2014, 4:00 PM

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The border is the problem: Resisting the “humanitarian” solution to child migration

Recently, images of migrant prison warehouses on the US-Mexico border have been leaked to the media. These images are grotesque, illustrating the inhumane conditions of incarceration inside warehouses nicknamed “coolers” or “ice boxes”. This is where people who are captured … Continue reading

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MDC Launches New Campaign

[Español abajo] New Website and Campaign focus on exposing the ways powerful NGO’s co-opt, police and sell out autonomous struggles. Announcing the 2014 Bullshit Organization of the Year Awards: June 5, 4:30PM – 6:30 PM Chicago: Meet at 55 … Continue reading

Posted in Poop Month, Uncategorized

What Happened on May Day 2014

(Inglés Abajo) Te invitamos a escuchar testimonios sobre como SEIU y la ICIRR se apropiaron de la manifestación del Primero de Mayo y usaron a sus coordinadores de desfile, junto a los cuerpos policiales contra grupos autónomos. Estos hostigamientos, encapsulaciones … Continue reading

Posted in News, Poop Month, Uncategorized

Solidarity with Hunger Strikers

Moratorium on Deportations Campaign has always confronted the deportation/detention system and border militarization as mechanisms that designate entire populations as less worthy of humanity. Hospitals have been nodes in the structures of the immigration/militarization/prison industrial complex, places that have funneled … Continue reading

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Hunger Strike Portraits

This gallery contains 6 photos.


Call for Solidarity

The strikers are staying 24/7 at Our Lady of Guadalupe Mission, 3442 W 26th St. How you can help: SUPPLIES: water, gatorade, or comfy sleeping pads if you can spare them; also, sign-making or banner-making supplies are needed: stop by … Continue reading

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Protesters Call On Obama To Reject Keystone Pipeline, Stop Deportations (VIDEO)

From: Progress Illinois, Ellyn Fortino – May 29, 2013. “Rozalinda Borcila with the Moratorium on Deportations Campaign said the bill in the U.S. Senate is really about militarization, increased enforcement and increased criminalization of most undocumented immigrants. Here’s more from … Continue reading

Posted in Immigration Reform, In the News, Uncategorized

March for a Moratorium – “Ni Uno Más”

~~Scroll down for English version~~ Campaña Moratoria a las Deportaciones se suma a la marcha para un alto a las deportaciones “Ni Uno Más” Lunes 21 de Enero a las 11:00AM De la Plaza Daley a la Plaza Federal (Calles Washington … Continue reading

Posted in Immigration Reform, Uncategorized

No More Guantanamos!

Guantanamo Bay has come to represent an unthinkable level of state violence gone global, where laws are suspended and “exceptional” rules are used to justify torture and degradation by the state. As people committed to social justice, we join our … Continue reading

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