Author Archives: moratoriumondeportations

From ­­#WhereAreTheChildren to #FamiliesBelongTogether – Amerikkka’s ‘New’ Border Crisis

(to contact us please email us at Abomination 2.0 – A new old crisis                         (for article in PDF click here) On May 24, 2018, one day prior to … Continue reading

Posted in Migrant Children Crisis | Tagged , , , , ,

Do it for the Children! Notes for a Counter-Narrative

Across the political spectrum, people are talking about the “illegal immigration” crisis and about Immigration Reform as the best possible “solution.” But these debates do not challenge the root causes of forced migration, and do not consider how or why migration has become so criminalized. Instead, the debates center on the supposed need for a vast expansion of militarization and enforcement, and a national surveillance system. Continue reading

Posted in Migrant Children Crisis | Tagged , ,

Immigration Prison – Shut it Down!

SHUT DOWN PLANS FOR AN IMMIGRATION PRISON IN GARY INDIANA Friday, April 29, at 5pm Glen Theater: 20 W. Ridge Rd. Gary, Indiana There are plans to build a new immigrant prison in Gary Indiana. A “public dialogue” is being organized … Continue reading

Posted in Against Prisons

DAPA and Reformist Politics: Taller y Discusion

Campaña Moratoria alas Deportaciones (MDC) llevo a cabo un taller sobre la reforma migratoria, militarización de la frontera y las acciones ejecutivas de Obama sobre inmigración. Pusieron al descubierto las funciones de algunas de las formas de cómo es que … Continue reading

Posted in Immigration Reform

En Solidaridad con Ayotzinapa y lxs 30,000 desaparecidxs

Comunidad Migrante Levántate!   20 de noviembre 2014 [English – click here] La Embajada de México en Estados Unidos distribuyó un comunicado “urgente” a sus consulados, instruyendo a “minimizar el impacto” de las protestas dentro de este país que se van … Continue reading

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Solidarity with Ayotzinapa and the 30,000+ disappeared

Rise up!  November 20, 2014 “We Want them All Alive – Vivos los Queremos” – Para Español Aga Click Aqui The Mexican Embassy in the United States sent out an urgent memo to all the consulates, instructing them to “minimize … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized

Fue el Estado – No Dialogue with State Terror!

Para Español Aga Click Aqui Protest at the Mexican Consulate – 204 S Ashland Ave, Chicago October 27, 2014, 4:00 PM

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The border is the problem: Resisting the “humanitarian” solution to child migration

Recently, images of migrant prison warehouses on the US-Mexico border have been leaked to the media. These images are grotesque, illustrating the inhumane conditions of incarceration inside warehouses nicknamed “coolers” or “ice boxes”. This is where people who are captured … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized

MDC Launches New Campaign

[Español abajo] New Website and Campaign focus on exposing the ways powerful NGO’s co-opt, police and sell out autonomous struggles. Announcing the 2014 Bullshit Organization of the Year Awards: June 5, 4:30PM – 6:30 PM Chicago: Meet at 55 … Continue reading

Posted in Poop Month, Uncategorized

What Happened on May Day 2014

(Inglés Abajo) Te invitamos a escuchar testimonios sobre como SEIU y la ICIRR se apropiaron de la manifestación del Primero de Mayo y usaron a sus coordinadores de desfile, junto a los cuerpos policiales contra grupos autónomos. Estos hostigamientos, encapsulaciones … Continue reading

Posted in News, Poop Month, Uncategorized

Procession, Vigil and Occupation at Northwestern Memorial Hospital

Depart Sunday, August 11 at 2PM: 3442 W 26th St Arrive: Sunday, August 11 at 7PM: Northwestern Memorial Hospital, 215 E Huron What: Funeral procession and occupation: Sunday night and Monday A few days ago, fourteen people ended their Hunger … Continue reading

Posted in Hunger Strike

Sad news today: Sarai Rodriguez is dying

Sarai Rodriguez (currently at John H Stroger Hospital) is one of the fourteen patients whose loved ones participated in the Hunger Strike for Health Care. Today, her doctors and family have notified us that she is dying. Hunger strikers are … Continue reading

Posted in Hunger Strike