Articles by Murray Waas

Murray Waas is senior investigative reporter for International Business Times.  Previously, Waas has  worked as the investigations editor for VICE, as an investigative reporter for Reuters, and as a senior editor for National Journal.  He has also written or reported for the New Yorker, the Atlantic, the Boston Globe, the Los Angeles Times,  ABC News, and the PBS documentary series, "Frontline".

For much of his career, he has specialized in reporting about national security and intelligence matters, but has most recently also taken on reporting about the financial crisis and the regulation of Wall Street and big banks.

Murray Waas has been a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize and a winner of Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School's Goldsmith Prize for Investigative Reporting for his reporting about covert U.S. foreign policy leading up to the first war with Iraq;, a winner of the Society of Professional Journalists' Award for Depth Reporting for some of the first reporting skeptical of Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr's investigation of then-President Bill Clinton;  and most recently a  winner of the Barlett  & Steele Aard for Investigative Business Reporting and the Society of American Business Editors and Writers' Investigative reporting prize-- both for writing a "searing expose" of the health insurance industry.

So Much For Hope And Change

Justice Department officials say the first African-American president isn't using his financial muscle to protect jailed minority youths.
 South China Sea

Philippines Protests China's Militia Flotilla

Calling the deployment of Chinese militia ships a threat and vastly dwarfed militarily, the only recourse the Philippines has is to file diplomatic protests and appeal to international arbiters...