Game On

Shadow is The High Performance Gaming Computer, Accessible From Multiple Devices

Tackle New Games On Any Device

Shadow provides all of the power you expect from a high-end gaming computer, without the hardware.

Always Top-of-the-Line at No Additional Cost

Shadow’s components are upgraded regularly and never need expensive repairs. Unlike a physical PC, Shadow stays up to date.

You Don’t Need a Gaming PC for PC Gaming

Turn your work laptop, Mac, smartphone, tablet, TV, or even your five-year-old PC into a gaming beast.

Shadow is Expanding Fast

Shadow's team is working hard to build secure data centers across the country, bringing the highest level of service to each area. Shadow is currently available in the highlighted states and will be going nationwide soon.

The High-Performance Computer Delivered Through an App

For gaming and anything else, you can use your Shadow from nearly any device with the Shadow app.


Just got my new @Shadow_USA computer! Playing @DOOM and @PlayOverwatch in Ultra Graphics on my 13” mac book pro. #smoothasbutter #doom Thank you sooo much @Shadow_USA for existing!

May 9


Something about the @Shadow_USA graphics makes all the games look better. Can actually play Cook Serve Delicious 2 with no glasses as I am near sighted. But I cannot do this with just my laptop. Strange but awesome!

May 9


Big shout out to @Shadow_USA customer service team! Thank you for helping me get my subscription dates adjusted!

May 7


Mobile streaming and gaming rig, how do I game and stream from a laptop. @Shadow_USA can tell you. 💪Gaming power!

May 3


#CloudGaming ALL THE WAY

May 2


Do you have a potato PC? Do you wanna not play games at 30fps.... Go check out @Shadow_USA new cloud gaming service 😘

5 Sep


I wish i knew about @Shadow_USA before! Super smooth for a mac air

18 Oct


Just got my @Shadow_USA all set up. It's crazy running Windows on an iPad.

24 Oct


@Shadow_USA thanks for letting me be able to play at work on my phone. Best decision ever.

29 Aug


I love having my computer beside me. Serenity is a huge part of who I am. I built her myself. However I can't nor will I take her everywhere I go, I travel a lot. I want to game from anywhere on anything. I can do that with Shadow. With better quality than my PC.

27 Aug


Shadow makes me happy because I feel like I can start my OverWatch career on there along with my game making career and host fortnite community nights for my Esports organization

Sep 5


I love Shadow because I can render my “Happy little trees” in full HD while gaming in HD at the same time, all from my tablet! #BobRossShadow

4 Sep


Shadow lets me play on my phone during the most boring class lectures and it lets me wow my friends as they wonder how in the world im playing such good games on an older phone.

Sep 4


Welcome to the future!! @Shadow_USA

Apr 23


Been playing wow a bit more recently. I’ve been using the @Shadow_USA virtual game service and I’ve been thoroughly impressed. It works unreasonably well. I hadn’t realized how much my potato computer was negatively impacting my enjoyment of wow. It’s nice to be raiding again.

Mar 27