
To contribute translations, editing-corrections and/or original material for publication, such as updates from the streets, reportbacks from actions, responsibility claims, texts of imprisoned or persecuted comrades, calls, brochures, opinion articles, etc.: contrainfo(at)


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[USA] Fire Ant: Anarchist Prisoner Solidarity #1

Fire Ant is a new publication focused on spreading the words of anarchist prisoners and generating material solidarity for our imprisoned friends. Begun as a collaboration between anarchist prisoners and anarchists in Maine, Fire Ant seeks to raise material aid for anarchist prisoners while fostering communication between anarchists on both sides of the walls.

Issue […]

North-Carolina, USA: Action report

received 6/22/18

Amidst the early morning fog on the 22nd of June we immobilized and sprayed up multiple pieces of heavy construction equipment along US 220 in North Carolina. An excavator, a bulldozer, and a number of front loaders all tasted exquisite venom, by way of maple syrup and bleach. Fire extinguishers on-site were […]

Harrisburg, USA: Solidarity action for la ZAD

Received on 15/06/2018:

In the early hours of the 8th of June we immobilized an earth mover in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania at a new development project.

This small gesture was taken in solidarity with la ZAD of Notre-Dam-des-Landes, France, where rebels have fought to maintain an autonomous zone, free from the state and […]

Philadelphia, USA: Attack on Construction Vehicle in Solidarity with the ZAD and Camp White Pine

A bulldozer is only wanted after it has been destroyed…

received on 14.04.18

Dear international anarchist thugs, illegalists, casseurs, and defenders of wildness,

we are reporting live from Philadelphia. An attack has just been made, throwing a wrench in the cogs of the machinery of progress… well more literally some wires were cut and windows […]

[USA] Become Ungovernable! – A video compilation in solidarity with J20 defendants

received on 25.01.18

A video compilation of anarchist street activity in 2017 throughout so-called America.

In solidarity with the J20 defendants.

in portuguese

[USA] J20 Solidarity call-out

Received on 27.12.17

Call for an International Day of Solidarity with Inauguration Day Defendants on January 20, 2018

On January 20, 2017, tens of thousands of people greeted President Donald Trump’s inauguration with large protests ranging from creative blockades to militant street actions. Among the demonstrations that day was an “anti-capitalist and anti-fascist bloc” led with banners […]

Greenville, USA: The ALF prisoner anarchist comrade Walter Bond on hunger strike

received on 11/22/2017

Walter Bond – the Animal Liberation Front political prisoner – has started a hunger strike to protest mistreatment in prison

The comrade is in the SHU (solitary confinement) and is only permitted use the phone for 15 minutes per month. Walter has been on hunger strike for 6 […]

[July 20-27] International week of solidarity with the J20 defendants in the US

The week is being held to raise awareness of a case in which ~215 comrades in the United States were arrested during demonstrations against the inauguration of Donald Trump. They are facing very serious charges and several decades in prison.

The call is online here.

in German


[J11] Komotini, Greece: Solidarity with long-term anarchist prisoners – “Sean Swain Was Here”

On Monday, June 12th 2017, we hung a banner at the Old Law School in Komotini as a small sign of solidarity with all long-term anarchist prisoners. We do not forget the comrade Sean Swain.

– Utopia A.D. anarchist squat

in Greek


Athens, Greece: Banner drop in solidarity with Berkeley comrades

Banner drop in solidarity with the comrades who once again clashed with the patriotic mob that hit the streets of Berkeley on April 15th 2017. We don’t recognize any fatherland, we don’t kneel down before any national symbol, and we don’t dialog with any sort of fascists: we crush them!


Themistokleous […]

Ohio: ColumbisDEAD

received on 4/14


on 4/11 part II of the AbolishColumbus music compilation was released.  This comes on the heals of the week against repression but is a continuation of that struggle.


Locals of the so-called capital of Ohio [note – ‘the heart of it all’] are resisting the normalization of oppression by contributing […]

Bloomington, Indiana: Sabotage in memory of Lambros Foundas (USA)

A few nights ago we sabotaged about 50 parking meters by gluing their locks, coin slots, and card readers. This was a simple act which took no specialized skill. Get some superglue, cover your face, keep your eyes peeled for cops or loyal citizens, and act.

These parking meters were targeted because they fund the Bloomington […]

Athens: Incendiary solidarity with the comrades in the U.S.

On Thursday January 26th 2017 at 10pm we attacked with molotov cocktails against the MAT anti-riot forces that guard the offices of PASOK in Harilaou Trikoupi St., in Exarchia.

This action is in solidarity with the hundreds of comrades arrested in Washington D.C. and across the U.S. during the combative manifestations against the inauguration of Donald […]

Athens: Banner drop against DAPL in Exarchia Square

“From Standing Rock to Greece: throw back the tear gas, choke the police – Against the pipeline in Dakota”

In the afternoon of November 24th 2016, we dropped a banner in Exarchia Square against the Dakota Access Pipeline, currently under construction in the US. This oil pipeline runs a distance of nearly […]

Exarchia, Athens: Banner drop in solidarity with Kara Wild

The banner reads: “Freedom for Kara Wild, anarchist incarcerated in France”

On May 18th 2016 in Paris, in the context of combative protests against the new labor law, a patrol car of the French police was smashed and burned down. A week later, on May 26th, Kara Wild, an anarchist trans woman from the US who […]

[US prisons] Sean Swain: Greece and the Dignity of Rebellion

Below is a statement that longterm anarchist prisoner Sean Swain sent for the presentation by comrades from Bloomington ABC on November 23rd 2016 at Gini building of the Athens Polytechnic School in Exarchia, Athens. The comrade’s words were read out loud in English and Greek, and printouts of his text were shared during the discussion […]

[Athens Polytechnic, November 23rd] Against Prison Society: Discussion with comrades from Bloomington ABC

Discussion about the struggle against prison society in the US with comrades from Bloomington Anarchist Black Cross (Indiana)

Wednesday November 23rd at 20:00, Gini building Athens Polytechnic School (entrance from Stournari St.), Exarchia

Themistokleous 58 Squat & Contra Info translation counter-information network

Athens: Car belonging to a fascist smashed up in Exarchia

On Wednesday noon November 9th 2016, at the junction of Tositsa and Bouboulinas St. in Exarchia, a white Volkswagen with the liscense plate IZY 5183 was spotted having on display the nazi newspaper Empros on the inside of the front windshield. A group of comrades mobilized fast and smashed up the vehicle.

We send isurrectionary signals […]

Greek prisons: A writing by CCF members for the US prison mobilization and anarchist prisoners in Italy (released Sept. 12th)

NON SERVIAM – I WILL NOT SERVE YOU“Worse than enslavement is getting used to it…”

Life in the modern civilized world comprises false representations, false patterns, and false formalities. Formalities that determine our upbringing within a family, our education, our professional career, our relationships, our emotions, our smiles or tears. Patterns that castrate the scope of […]

Czech prisons: Solidarity message to US prison rebels from anarchist Lukáš Borl (Sept. 10th)

Anarchist prisoner Lukáš Borl, currently held in a remand prison in the Czech Republic, has expressed his solidarity with all oppressed and exploited people around the world regardless their origin, sexual orientation or gender. From this perspective, he decided to send a few words of solidarity to every striking person in prisons across the US.

On […]

Greek prisons: A statement in support of the US prison mobilization by CCF-FAI/FRI Urban Guerrilla Cell (released Sept. 9th)

Soledad Brothers (from left to right): John Clutchette, George L. Jackson (September 23, 1941 — August 21, 1971) and Fleeta Drumgo

“Gentlemen, the Dragon Will Fly Out” In Support of September 9th Mobilization in US Prisons

“Gentlemen, the dragon will fly out” is a saying attributed to prisoner George Jackson. On August […]

Austria: Poster in solidarity with the US prison strike as contribution to a global Week of Action

The poster „Against Prison! Against Slavery!“ is a small contribution from anarchists in Austria to the global Week of Action from 15th to 22nd October.

We send our solidarity to all prison rebels! Strength to the striking prisoners in the US and beyond!


Call for renewed worldwide actions in solidarity with the prison strike, October 15-22

It hardly seems necessary to summarize what has gone down inside U.S. prisons since September 9th. Hunger strikes, work stoppages, and riots have spread throughout the country on a scale that we likely aren’t even fully aware of yet. Some uprisings appeared took us by surprise, such as in several Florida prisons, while […]

[Exarchia] Themistokleous 58 Squat: Graffiti in solidarity with the U$ prison struggle

Fire to the prison society

Strength to the fighting prisoners in the U$

From Greece to America, fire and blast at every prison

Against every type of incarceration, fire to the foundations of civilization

On Saturday evening October 1st, that was proposed by ABC cell […]

US prisons: Keep an eye on Holman

Report from Holman | September 27th 2016

About 12:00am a prisoner was stabbed by another prisoner while in the bed asleep. The disturbance came after the perpetrator ran out the dorm. The pigs let the prisoner in C-dorm even after being told earlier not let anyone in C-dorm by prisoners who are housed in C-dorm. Prisoners […]