
To contribute translations, editing-corrections and/or original material for publication, such as updates from the streets, reportbacks from actions, responsibility claims, texts of imprisoned or persecuted comrades, calls, brochures, opinion articles, etc.: contrainfo(at)


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Gap, France: Freedom for the «7 of Briançon» !

sent 11/1/18

They are facing potential incarceration for helping migrants in danger in the French Alps. Bastien, Benoit, Eléonora, Juan, Lisa, Mathieu et Théo will face justice on November 8th in Gap.

They are prosecuted for «helping undocument foreign nationals to enter national territory, in organized gang”. The envisaged penalty is […]

Milano, Italy: Villa Vegan Squat is under eviction threat! Days of resistance!

Updates – Tuesday 30th October

This morning Villa’s eviction didn’t happen. We stand ready to defend the place.

In the last few days lots of people came bringing solidarity and we continued organising the resistance together, working on the barricades and  discussing on what to do in case of actual eviction.

The Halloween Taz organized by Telos Collective […]

Poland: Two comrades are imprisoned

received 28.10.18

On 19 October our two comrades were arrested because of a court sentence given to them for taking part in anarchist protest against European Economic Congress (EEC) 2015 which was held in ceKatowi.

Our friends where sentenced to community services because of the crime called “infringement of privacy”. They were protesting in empty abandoned tenement […]

[Portugal]”No one who doesn’t want your total liberation can be considered your ally”


If we do not extend the critique of fascism to democracy, capitalism, prisons, homelands, patriarchy, property, speciesism and any regime that involves being governed: we are condemning ourselves to a unique historical entanglement that only will eventually stop give way to an uninhabitable […]

[Russia] campaign statement about the accused in the Network Case

“Your torture won’t kill our ideas.” Anarchists and antifascists march in Petersburg on May Day 2018 campaign statement about the accused

In February 2018, a campaign was launched in Russia to support those accused in the Network case. Among the main goals of the campaign were fundraising for legal costs, organizing humanitarian support […]

Hambach Forest: Jazzy and Winter released from jail with requirements

source: ABC Rhineland

Tuesday, October 2nd 2018, Jazzy and Winter were released after their court hearing.

Both of them sat more than two weeks in pre-trial detention. Now the Düren district-court decided not to continue enforcing the restriction-order.

Both of them are now free, and their identities still unknown to the authorities!


Hambach Forest: Two anarchists, evicted from the Hambach Forest, imprisoned

source ABC Rhineland

For two weeks RWE, with the assistance of a large police-deployment from all over the country, has been evicting the Hambach Forest-occupation, near the city of Cologne. Since Sunday 9/16 further two people are in custody jail. This means that all in all five activists are imprisoned in custody jail.

The […]

Germany: ABC South-West newly founded

received 9/20/2018

Hello World.

This is ABC South-West speaking. We would like to introduce ourselves as the newly-founded Anarchist Black Cross (ABC) group for Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany and its surrounding areas. ABC’s goals are to show solidarity with prisoners and people suffering from repression, to connect those […]

[Hambach Forest] A forest friend fell from a tree and died during a police attempt to evict the tree house village


“A friend who has accompanied us as a journalist for a long time in the forest, fell today from a suspension bridge over 20 meters high in Beechtown and died. At that time police and RWE tried to evict the tree house village. The SEK was in the process of arresting an activist near the […]

St. Petersburg, Russia: Anarchist Arman Sagynbayev tortured by the FSB

Protest against the Penza-Petersburg “terrorism” case on the steps of FSB headquarters in Petersburg, February 2018.

received 10.09.18

Arman Sagynbayev: I Was Tortured by the FSB

“Two Wires Came Out of the Box”: Penza-Petersburg “Terrorism” Case Suspect Arman Sagybayev Says FSB Tortured Him with Electrical Shocks in Minivan

Antifascist and anarchist Arman Sagynbayev, who was arrested and remanded […]

[Italy] Furor Manet

received  08/14/18


2016, September. Operation “Scripta Manent”, carried forth by the turinese prosecutor Sparagna, leads to the arrest of 8 comrades, the main accusation being the creation of a subversive organization with terrorist aims.

Along with this, the imputation includes several other attacks, all signed FAI (informal anarchist federation) […]

New Zine: Starting an Anarchist Black Cross – A Guide

received 7/7/18

The Anarchist Black Cross is an international network of anarchist groups and individuals engaged in practical solidarity with prisoners and broader anti-repression struggles that started over 100 years ago.

This zine is a resource for anyone wanting to start an Anarchist Black Cross group. It was a collective effort of people from […]

Madrid: Attack in solidarity, in response of G20 repression

received 6 / 28 /18

In the early morning between june 20th and 21th, the Santander bank office of Ciudad Universitaria (Universitary City) in Madrid, was torched. We don’t need an international financial summit to hate and attack the Capitalism and its enterprises. We want with this action send all our strength and solidarity […]

Hamburg, Germany: Attack on russian visacenter

received 6 / 24 /18

Unknown persons destroyed the windows of the russian visacenter in Kanalstr. 14a, Hamburg, the night of the 22.06. Also “FUCK FIFA!”, “FIGHT REPRESSION!” and”(A)” was spraypainted on the fassade.

Since autumn 2017 there are repressive attacks against anarchists in different russian cities, in Belarus and in the Crimea. With torture, […]

Indonesia: Anarchist in trouble, Brian Valentino, needs our support

received 5 / 17 / 18

Our comrade Brian Valentino is being held in Polda prison Yogyakarta, the main police headquarter of Yogyakarta (special feudal region within Central Java territory)

Since the day of his arrest, May 1st until May 16th 2018, our comrade, who were  beaten and tortured, have been denied of his rights […]

Information about former police infiltrator Mark Kennedy

received 5/11/18

pdf for download

Yogyakarta Special Region: Mari Berdonasi / Let’s raise donation

received 5/6/18

Yogyakarta, Indonesia: Anti-anarchist Repression after March Against Feodalism (May Day)

– Yesterday, 44 of our comrades were arrested accused of property destruction, provocation, and fighting with the police. Night legal team tried to reached them but still cant make it, as they have been isolated (02.05.18) – One of the Legal Aid was arrested and beaten. – Until now our 12 comrades are still imprisoned […]

June 11, 2018: A Day Against Oblivion

June 11th is an international day of solidarity with Marius Mason and all long-term anarchist prisoners. A spark in the eternal night of state repression. A day set aside for honoring those who have been stolen from us. On this day, we share in songs, events, and actions to celebrate our captured comrades and loved […]

Solidarity with la ZAD from Wiradjuri country, in so-called Australia

received 4/13/18

For almost a decade la ZAD in Notre Dame Des Landes has been an autonomous zone, liberated from the French republic. The zone is currently being attacked by a massive police operation intent on the complete destruction of this seed of another possible world, a world free from the logic of capital.

ZAD […]

Berlin, Germany: Courtdate in the eviction case against the groundfloor of Rigaer 94

“OUR IDEAS ARE NON-NEGOTIABLE” – Courtdate in the eviction case against the groundfloor of Rigaer 94

In Court

On the 14th of May 09:00 AM, the doors of the court will open up again to enforce German law. The discussion will revolve around paragraphs that were created to protect and perpetuate the capitalist system, paragraphs that value property […]

Notre-Dame-des-Landes, France: Targeted evictions begin Monday, 9 th. April

received 4/6/18


On February 10th, a few weeks after the airport project was dropped, dozens of thousands of people converged again to Notre-Dame-des-Landes to root the future of the zad. Since then, the assembly of uses(*) has laid the foundations of […]

Belarus: A state crackdown on anarchist Internet resources

received on 06.04.18

Belarusian state prolongs attack on anarchist web-resources. Recently it blocked several social media accounts of anarchist collective “Pramen” and its mirror on

Read more about how Belarusian anarchists fights the state censorship on


France: Info on New Repression against Anarchists

received: 4/4/18

Last week saw a new wave of repression targeting anarchists in France, with raids occurring almost simultaneously in several locations. On March 27 in Toulouse, two houses were raided and two people were placed in detention, but they were taken 300km away to the city of Limoges. These two people were released […]

Finland: Solidarity events for Russian anarchists and anti-fascists in February and March

Support concert in Helsinki 4.3.2018. Banner in Finnish says “Freedom for Anti-fascists in Russia”.

received 3/24/18

This is a summary of resent support events in Finland for the repressed comrades in Russia.

On the 4th of February, Anarchist Black Cross Helsinki organized “Amazing Vegan Sunday Soli Lunch” at Lymy. The event was a […]