The Debate Over the Fed Begins

Editorial of The New York Sun
July 7, 2019

It can’t be entirely a coincidence that the first move by a major newspaper against the confirmation of Judy Shelton as a governor of the Federal Reserve should come from the Washington Post. It is, after all, the only newspaper in America to hav...

Happy Independence Day

Editorial of The New York Sun
July 3, 2019

We hope the Democrats can find a way to enjoy this Independence Day. They seem to be in a terrible swivet over what the San Francisco Chronicle calls “A Trumped-up Fourth of July.” The idea that the president of America might speak on the Nation...

Boris Beware: Only Brexit Is Indispensable

By STEPHEN MacLEAN, Special to the Sun
July 3, 2019

Brexit is no equal to Paradise. I raise the point only to counter Victorian poet Robert Browning, who opined that “a man’s reach should exceed his grasp, or what’s a heaven for?” That is to say, Brexit should be within the grasp of Britons who a...

Trump’s Federal Reserve Moment

Editorial of The New York Sun
July 2, 2019

President Trump’s arrival home from a successful G20 summit in Asia strikes us as a perfect time to turn to the Federal Reserve. He has two openings to fill on our central bank’s seven-person board of governors. Given the inherently political natu...

The ‘Zuck’ Challenges Greenback

By IRA STOLL, Special to the Sun
July 2, 2019

More than a decade ago The New York Sun unleashed a series of editorials marking the collapse of the value of the dollar as measured in gold and proposing to rename the greenback to personalize the blame. One such editorial was headlined “The Pelosi...


Erdogan’s Setback Could Yet Tilt Turkey to U.S.

By BENNY AVNI, Special to the Sun
June 25, 2019

Turkish voters dealt the country’s once-invincible president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, a sharp slap in the face Saturday. America should use the moment to nudge Ankara, a NATO member and erstwhile stalwart of the Atlantic alliance, back into the Wester...

Happy Brexit Day, Despite the Wait, Says Our Diarist

By STEPHEN MacLEAN, Special to the Sun
June 23, 2019

Your Diarist would be amiss were he not to wish, all and sundry, a happy “Independence Day.” Doubtless you think either I’m having an “episode” or it’s already the Fourth of July (after the speediest fortnight in history). Well, I can assure yo...

Brexit: How To Prove Rousseau Wrong

By STEPHEN MacLEAN, Special to the Sun
June 23, 2019

Boris Johnson vs. Jeremy Hunt. Conservative MPs have whittled the list of contenders down to two colleagues, who will now canvas the party membership for support. The prize? To be leader of the Tories and British prime minister. Achieving both is...


Delacroix Shines At Met Museum

By JOEL BABB, Special to the Sun
December 20, 2018

If you want a gift over Christmas, treat yourself to the Delacroix exhibition now at the Metropolitan Museum. It’s a once in a lifetime chance to see the full range of the artist’s work — portraits, history paintings, early academic studies of...

New Mystery Of ‘Mona Lisa’ Is in the Eyes — Da Vinci’s

By JOEL BABB, Special to the Sun
October 28, 2018

Speculation that the “Mona Lisa” was made possible by the inability of Leonardo da Vinci to see straight, well, let me just say that the theory certainly caught my eye. Not only am I an artist who has spent my entire adult life trying to capture t...

Postcards of the Mind

By XICO GREENWALD, Special to the Sun
October 16, 2018

Based in a Pennsylvania suburb, artist Anne Canfield makes frequent trips to Japan and Germany. Her home base in Landsowne, Pennsylvania, and the towns she visits during her travels abroad have inspired the delicately colored landscapes currently on...


Trump in North Korea

Editorial of The New York Sun
June 30, 2019

It’s hard to think of an encounter quite like President Trump’s spur-of-the-moment summit with Kim Jong Un at the demilitarized zone between the communist and free halves of Korea. We watched on the internet from Maine. As Mr. Trump stepped toward the demarcation line at Panmunjom only to be swarmed by photographers, we suddenly wondered whether he might be kidnapped.

Joking With Putin: A Sampler

Editorial of The New York Sun
June 29, 2019

What is one supposed to make of the “new furor,” as the New York Times put it, that has erupted over President Trump’s joke about Russia’s meddling in our presidential election? This thighslapper happened when the American leader sat down with the Russ strongman, Vladimir Putin, on the sidelines of the Group of 20 summit at Osaka and a reporter piped up to ask whether Mr. Trump would tell Russia not to meddle in American elections.

Jared Kushner Places His Bet

Editorial of The New York Sun
June 25, 2019

Although we’re not a fan of American peace-making in the Middle East, we have developed a respect for the attempt by President Trump that his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, is starting to unveil at Bahrain. It may be that the $50 billion economic portio...


Tax Rates Loom As Debate Poser For Democrats

By IRA STOLL, Special to the Sun
June 26, 2019

The Democratic presidential candidates open their first debates this evening at Miami. If precedent holds, they’ll be less debates than group interviews, driven in large part by the agenda of the journalists posing questions. That gives the anchors...

Iowa Shows Democrats Moving Left

By BETSY McCAUGHEY, Special to the Sun
June 15, 2019

Events in Iowa this week show the Democratic Party is skidding off the rails. Nineteen Democrats running for president took the stage at Cedar Rapids on Sunday to woo voters. It was a circus of left-wingers going bonkers for things most Americans...

America’s Superpower Problem

By SETH LIPSKY, Special to the Sun
June 14, 2019

Everyone is shocked — shocked — that President Trump tweeted that he might be prepared to accept information from foreign governments in an election. Fair enough. No less a sage than Judge Napolitano says it would be a felony. How, though, are a...