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The Race to Be the Next Failed President Keeps Getting More Crowded

Hmm Daily

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The Worst Thing We Read Yesterday™

Esposadas a la Mara Salvatrucha

El Inter Cambio

El número de mujeres presas en Guatemala se ha cuadruplicado en los últimos cinco años. El auge de los megaoperativos policiales aumentó la cantidad de procesadas por delitos vinculados a la extorsión. La historia de una presunta colaboradora de una pandilla muestra que el sistema judicial acusa con mayor facilidad a las mujeres.

A Sea Goddess Told Me to Destroy the World


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Gou’s claim that his run was ordained by Mazu was a calculated political move.

Undocumented Immigrants Struggle to Access Dialysis Treatment in New Jersey


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New Jersey state’s network of dialysis providers are at a breaking point as charity services hit capacity.

Have You Seen The Moth Man? Student’s Posters Urge Chicagoans To Call In Monster Sightings — And Her Phone Is Blowing Up

Block Club Chicago

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An Art Institute student's posters were part of a school project that's become something much bigger.

Quemaron el auto de la madre de una víctima de violencia de género


El vehículo pertenece a la madre de una joven que meses atrás denunció por violencia de género a su ex pareja, Bruno Zunino, quien fue condenado el martes pasado a seis meses de prisión en suspenso.

New York In Prison

The River

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New York State counties ask: Do we really need a jail?

Civil is a network that’s come together for ethical, independent journalism. Newsrooms have editorial independence and freedom, but being part of the Civil network makes us part of a community that’s testing new models for sustainability.”

David Moore, Co-founder, Sludge

David Moore

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Even If Your Blood Is Clean(Ish)

The Small Bow

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Sometimes the more insidious part of alcoholism is how we become addicted to the way other people make us feel.

We Really Need Political Strategists Leading On Climate Change -- Not Academics


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In a March Philadelphia Inquirer piece unpacking the dangerous health effects of climate change, Rutgers University professor Janet Golden and Drexel’s Michael Yudell posed a pivotal question: How do you make people pay attention and demand action?

How does a rural Colorado county with three people per square mile send 30 students to an Ivy League institution?

Colorado Sun

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A 19th-century lawyer came to Las Animas County to save his life. He built a fortune and, one generation later, inspired the scholarship that created a pipeline to Princeton University.

Life on the Border

Global Ground

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Cambodia’s Vietnamese (part 1)

S4 EP05: When Your Gut Tells You It’s Time to END Your Company

Zig Zag

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Grace Bonney is shutting down her influential site Design*Sponge. And it's making some people uncomfortable.

CNN’s Perplexing Choice of Czech News Partner

Transitions Online

A station whose management openly instructed reporters to put a negative slant on migration is about to join the American network’s stellar international team.

An Orthodox Teenager Is Running The Most Unorthodox Presidential Campaign


The 2020 presidential race is only a few months underway and has already seen many firsts among its major candidates, including the first Asian-American, Hindu and openly gay contenders. It’s also the first race where a serious candidate’s campaign manager is a teenage

We’re very proud to be pioneering the blockchain archiving system developed by Civil. It provides the strongest protection that technology can give speech rights and press freedom.”

Maria Bustillos, Editor, Popula

Maria Bustillos

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Delta’s Anti-Union Propaganda Came From PR Shop Busted for Posing as Journalists for ExxonMobil


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The firm, FTI Consulting, has produced astroturf campaigns for some of the world’s biggest polluters including Exxon, BP, and Halliburton

Sol Serrano: “Estamos pagando el error más cruel de nuestra historia, que es haber abandonado a los niños pobres”

The Clinic

La historiadora y primera mujer en recibir el Premio Nacional en su disciplina repasa las inquietudes que atraviesan su abultada investigación sobre la Iglesia católica, la educación pública y la democracia.

Illinois Lawmakers Consider Home Grow and Expungement Changes to Cannabis Legalization Bill

Cannabis Wire

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A deputy governor and other proponents of an adult use measure say they will consider changes to the bill in the coming days.

Rappler movers amplify local voices in the elections


Even before the midterm polls, Rappler movers have provided updates on the local race through live tweets, photos, and videos. They also wrote political profiles of their local candidates

Black Boys, Ready to Die


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Dr. Michael Lindsey, director of the McSilver Institute for Poverty Policy and Research, discusses his work leading the working group for the Congressional Black Caucus’ newly convened emergency Task Force on Black Youth Suicide and Mental Health.

10 Things to Know About Presidential Candidate Bill De Blasio's Policy Record

Gotham Gazette

Mayor Bill de Blasio on Thursday officially launched his campaign for president, declaring a progressive vision that would put “working people first” while taking on President Donald Trump’s policies that have benefited corporations and the wealthy.

Periodistas nicaragüenses rompen el cerco informativo desde el exilio en Costa Rica

El Faro

“Hacemos periodismo desde el exilio, con pocos recursos, pero lo importante es seguir denunciando lo que pasa en Nicaragua”

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