We offer training

When we would ask folks if they’d speak, their Impostor Syndrome stopped them. We created a workshop that busts through that. It is short, 4-hours, hands-on, and impactful.

We offer consulting

We help your conference or company make the culture shifts needed to help diverse folks feel more welcome.

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What We've Achieved In WordPress

In 2018, the 12 cities in 6 countries who ran the workshop in WordPress started at 10% or less speakers of underrepresented groups, and within months, most had 50% or more diverse speakers!

Now we are expanding to other conferences and companies.
pie charts: before (10%) to after (50%)
  • Testimonial

    Jill’s work has done a lot to further the diversity and inclusion effort in WordPress.

    Andrea Middleton, WordPress Community Organizer

    Jill's work has done a lot to further the diversity and inclusion effort in WordPress. I would heartily recommend her. The initiative she helped develop has already had a powerful impact on WordPress communities.

    Read full letter from Andrea

Service Types

How we can help!

Are you a Conference Organizer?

Would you like to get more speaker applications from women and other underrepresented groups?

Are you a CEO or in HR?

Would you like to attract and develop more diverse employees, speakers, and leaders?

Leadership Team

Who we are

Jill BinderFounder and Chief Consultant / Trainer

Jill Binder

Founder and Chief Consultant / Trainer

Jill Binder is a Diverse Speakers in Tech Consultant and Trainer. She leads the Diversity Outreach Speaker Training working group in the WordPress.org Community Team which encourages underrepresented people to speak at WordPress events. She helped organize the first BuddyCamp and for three years co-organized WordCamp Vancouver. She was named one of the top 100 Influencers of WordPress in 2014 by Torque Magazine and one of the top 10 Women of WordPress by CloudWays.

Advisory Board
    Andrea Middleton
    Follow Andrea Middleton on

    Andrea Middleton

    Community Organizer, Automattic

    Gilad Babchuk
    Follow Gilad Babchuk on

    Gilad Babchuk

    Executive Director, Co-founder, Groundswell

    Elena Yugai
    Follow Elena Yugai on

    Elena Yugai

    Investment Manager, Helder Ventures

  • Testimonial

    Jill’s work has done a lot to further the diversity and inclusion effort in WordPress.

    Andrea Middleton, WordPress Community Organizer

    Jill's work has done a lot to further the diversity and inclusion effort in WordPress. I would heartily recommend her. The initiative she helped develop has already had a powerful impact on WordPress communities.

    Read full letter from Andrea

  • Testimonial

    From underestimating my experience to becoming more comfortable and confident.

    Kirsten, Web Developer, Vancouver

    It had never occurred to me before that I had anything worthwhile to offer the WordPress community. Through the workshop, I saw that I had been underestimating my experience and perspective, and I became comfortable and confident about speaking on a topic I felt would be of interest to others.

  • Testimonial

    An unprecedented 60% growth of women speakers thanks to Jill.

    Nichole Betterley, 2017 WordCamp Seattle Speaker Wrangler

    The Diversity Speaker training workshops we ran at local meetups using Jill’s material were highly successful and helped us achieve an unprecedented 60% of women speakers that year. I highly recommend it to anyone who is conscientious of encouraging more women and other diverse groups to speak at technical events.

  • Testimonial

    Jill helped us find the strength we needed to overcome our fear of public speaking.

    Simona Simionato, WordCamp Milan Italy organizer 2018

    At WordCamp Milan 2017, we had only 4 women out of 19 speakers. After we ran the workshop as well did some personal outreach, in 2018 45% of applications were made by women and there were 11 women out of 21 speakers! One of them was also an LGBT community member. The workshop helped people find the strength needed to overcome the fear of speaking in public, and helped folks find topics – solving the “I do not know what to say” issue.

  • Testimonial

    Jill’s diversity work paved the way for the highly effective public speaking workshop at Automattic.

    Kathryn Presner, Theme Whisperer/Happiness Engineer at Automattic, Montreal

    Jill Binder’s diversity work paved the way for the public speaking workshop I developed with my colleagues at Automattic. I’m really excited to see Jill expanding her diversity work and would highly recommend it to anyone looking to broaden their speaker rosters or other professional pathways.

  • Testimonial

    I highly recommend Jill to anyone who is trying to increase diversity at their conference.

    Morgan Kay, Founder of WordPress Study Group for Women, Seattle

    I can attest that Jill’s workshops are very effective at getting a much more diverse speaker pool. I highly recommend Jill and her work to anyone who is trying to increase diversity at their conference or event.

  • Testimonial

    The impact of Jill’s speaker diversity project is highly impactful and inspirational.

    Angela Jin, Community Organizer at Automattic

    I’ve really enjoyed the work we do in the WordPress Diversity Outreach Speaker Training project, and can see its impact. It is super inspirational!

  • Testimonial

    I would recommend Jill to conferences and organizations looking to push the envelope and do things they never believed possible.

    Nicolas Demers, Web Developer, Vancouver, Gay

    Before Jill’s workshop I did not think I had it in me to speak in front of a crowd. But she gave me the confidence and tools to get on that stage and deliver a well-received presentation. I would recommend Jill to anyone looking to push the envelope and do things you never believed possible.

Cups of Tea

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