FullSizeRender(2)The ISE online course Ecology, Democracy, Utopia introduces students to social ecology – an interdisciplinary body of ideas that examines social and ecological issues from a transformative and holistic perspective. Participants learn the foundations of social ecology and apply these insights to a variety of contemporary political and ecological problems, sharpening their understanding of the world while developing visionary ideas to change it. Through a combination of video lectures, readings, interactive forums, and weekly online discussion sessions, the course explores a broad range of interconnected themes:

•    What is Social Ecology?
•    Understanding Social Hierarchy and Domination
•    What is Nature?
•    Capitalism, Critique, Alternatives
•    Technology, Agriculture, and Society
•    Politics, Direct Democracy, and the State
•    From Protest to Social Transformation
•    Reconstructive Vision: Reclaiming Utopia

The course is available in two different formats. EDU Seminar is an 8-week seminar with weekly online classes; it is offered quarterly. The course is also available in a self-directed format featuring the same materials minus the fixed time commitment of the weekly seminar (recordings of the lectures and discussions are available) and which can be started at any time.  The course fees are $100 and $50 respectively. To enroll, write us at social-ecology@mail.mayfirst.org.

Join us – we look forward to learning and changing the world together!