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episode one of the dr. who revival was absolutely balls to the walls. some exec was probably like let’s do something normal that kids and adults will love! and mister russell t davies was like get that shit out of my face immediately. we’re doing an episode on a sentient pile of goo, bad cgi lightning, evil garbage cans, and mannequins with guns, or we riot

episode TWO of the dr. who revival was absolutely balls to the walls. some exec was probably like okay NOW let’s do something normal that kids and adults will love! and mister russell t davies was like i thought i told you to get that shit out of my face. we’re doing an episode on a sexy tree lady, an evil flap of skin, toxic by britney spears, handholding, and the inevitable fiery doom of planet earth, or we riot

? pseudonymsobriquet:
? klubbhead:
? halcyonjester:
? xmagnet-o:
? cfluffiness:
? Someone in facebook also posted this too
This shit?s infuriating
Oh, this is a type of shorthand!
There are 3 main types, but from my...


when you’re on a roll drawing even though you have no idea what you’re doing

? deadbeforedeath:
?He no like vegetals 🚫🥗
Part two: Chikin


Call me a commie, but I think it’s a bit unreasonable that people have to crowdfund their cancer treatment.

? pangur-and-grim:
? oh looks guys! it?s the funny number! we did it!
(also this is what comes of reblogging an ask meme & then immediately forgetting about it)
Pangur?.. your branding is so strong??.. ?
?I paint my kitty🐈




It’s honestly both very sweet and very metal that Aziraphale and Crowley both chose to manifest as middle-aged from day one

They could have been shredded twenty-five year olds for eternity but without even giving it a test run were both just like, eugh no thank you who wants to deal with that

Given every option they both chose to present as the age at which the maximum percentage of people would leave them alone to indulge their weird-dad hobbies in peace and frankly it’s inspiring

#assigned dads at birth

?I took this pic of my friend?s cat and I can?t contain myself
?Helpful students