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    • The origins of Israeli racism lie in our hyper-militarized society

      Israel was established and continues to exist in a mentality of constant war. Our racism is only a symptom. One of the most influential institutions in Iranian politics is the Guardian Council. Among its many roles, the Council filters out presidential candidates, deciding who can and who cannot run in the elections. It even has the power to disqualify former presidents, such as Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, from running again. And as befits a religious dictatorship, its considerations are far from democratic. [tmwinpost] And yet, after Ehud Barak announced his return to Israeli politics last week, I couldn’t help but envy the power…

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    • Should Palestinian children be able to call parents from prison? Israeli court will decide

      Palestinian children in Israeli jails classified as 'security prisoners' are denied the right to speak to or see their families, sometimes for months on end. Israel’s top court will hear arguments about whether Palestinian children held in Israeli prisoners should be allowed to call their parents on the phone. [tmwinpost] Palestinian minors classified by Israel as “security prisoners,” including those awaiting trial for crimes such as stone throwing, are subject to numerous restrictions identical to those imposed on adult prisoners such as the denial of telephone contact with their parents. The prison service allegedly refuses to treat minors classified as…

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    • PODCAST: Israel wants to deport this human rights defender

      On the latest episode of The +972 Podcast, Human Right Watch's Omar Shakir talks about Israel's case against him, which he believes is a watershed moment for democracy and free speech in Israel. Listen here: iTunes/Apple Podcasts | Google Play | Spotify   For more than a year now, Israel has been trying to deport the Israel and Palestine Director of Human Rights Watch, Omar Shakir. The ongoing litigation began in May 2018, when Israel decided to revoke Shakir’s work authorization in Israel, largely based on an intelligence dossier that the Ministry of Strategic Affairs compiled of Shakir’s political activity and statements before joining Human Rights…

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    • Palestinian kids are arrested every day. This time it's my friend's son

      All my friend's son wanted to do was pass his high school exit exams and go on to study at a university. Now, like thousands of other Palestinians before and after him, he is behind bars. No one knows why. Several days ago, a dear friend who lives in the West Bank city of Jenin called to tell me that his son had been detained by the Israelis. Perhaps “kidnapped” would be a more precise way of putting it, since no one bothered informing the family of his whereabouts. It took two whole days to find out where he was being…

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    • How the media helped turn an innocent Palestinian into a child rapist

      Mahmoud Katusa, who was falsely accused of raping a 7-year-old Jewish girl, fell victim to a press and a public atmosphere that views Palestinians as guilty until proven innocent. By Uzi Benziman In order to understand the false allegations against Mahmoud Katusa, a Palestinian man from the West Bank who was wrongfully accused of raping a 7-year-old Jewish girl, one should listen to what Dr. Suzy Ben Baruch, the former head of the Israel Police Juvenile Department, told Army Radio last week. [tmwinpost] Speaking on an evening show, Ben Baruch firmly stated that Katusa's was “the perfect case.” The victim's "early…

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    • The unwritten history of Israel's alliance with the Shah's dictatorship

      For years, Israel maintained close political, economic, and security relations with the Shah of Iran. Newly-declassified documents reveal that Israeli leaders were well aware of his murderous suppression of political opponents. By Eitay Mack This year marks the 40th anniversary of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, during which the Ayatollahs took control of the country and brought down the Shah’s absolutist monarchy. The Iranian masses, who were undergoing various ideological changes at the time, overthrew the Shah’s corrupt and oppressive regime. Much has been written over the years about Israel’s ties with Mohammad Reza Shah and his dictatorship. When it was convenient…

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    • Palestinians have every right to reject another Oslo

      With the Bahrain workshop, the Trump administration is relying on the same old Oslo model of economy before politics. What needs to be done is to hold Israel accountable. By Sam Bahour After 52 years of Israel’s military occupation of Palestine, there is a fact that cannot be brushed aside: Israel is addicted to the Palestinian economy. This addiction is the product of decades of systematic and forceful actions by the Israeli government to make the Palestinian economy structurally dependent on Israel. Just as with a drug addict or an alcoholic, external intervention is imperative for the sake of the…

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    • In Morsi's death, Israel proves it prefers a non-democratic Middle East

      Israel is not interested in democracy as a value. On the contrary — it has a great deal of interest in making sure it keeps bearing the title of 'the only democracy in the Middle East.'  While many Palestinians were perturbed by the death of Egypt's former president, Mohamed Morsi, and Knesset members of four of the Arab parties called for an investigation of the circumstances of his death, official Israel ignored Morsi’s death almost entirely. The only thing that Israel was interested in, in that regard, is the question of whether the government in Cairo can “handle the challenge,” meaning, whether…

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