Saturday, 24 November 2018

CfP: Work - Recording change in working lives

The Oral History Society (in association with Llafur and Britain at
Work) will be holding its 2019 annual conference at Swansea University
on the subject of 'Oral History @ Work: Recording Change in Working
Lives'. The conference will take place on 5-6 July 2019.

We are currently seeking proposals for conference papers (closes on 14
December 2018) and would appreciate it if you could forward this email
to friends, colleagues and mailing lists who may be interested.

Note on proposals

The deadline for submission of proposals is 14 December 2018. Each
proposal should include: a title, an abstract of between 250-300 words,
your name (and the names of any co-presenters, panellists, etc), your
institution or organisation, your email address, and a note of any
particular requirements. Most importantly your abstract should
demonstrate the use of oral history or personal testimony and be
directly related to the conference theme. Proposals that include audio
playback are strongly encouraged. Proposals should be emailed to the
Oral History @ Work conference Administrator, Polly Owen, at They will be assessed anonymously by the
conference organisers, and presenters will be contacted in
January/February 2019.

Further information on the conference can be found here:

Friday, 16 November 2018

Telling the Mayflower story

Launch of the Socialist History Society publication: "Telling the Mayflower Story, Thanksgiving or Land Grabbing, Massacres & Slavery?" by Danny Reilly and Steve Cushion.

Fri 30 November 2018
UCL Institute of the Americas
51 Gordon Square

In the autumn of 1620 the ship Mayflower, with 102 passengers, landed in North America and started the colonisation of the area that became known as New England. The Mayflower had landed in a region where the Sachem of the local Wampanoag Nation was Massasoit, who subsequently helped them survive. In the autumn of 1676, following the defeat of a war of rebellion led by Massasoit’s son Metacomet (King Philip), the ship Seaflower set sail from New England with a ‘cargo’ of Indigenous American slaves bound for the English Caribbean colonies.

The creation of the New England colonies by thousands of English colonists in the seventeenth century involved the rapid decline in the indigenous population, the violent seizure of territory and slavery. However, the 400-year anniversary commemorations in the UK seem to be overlooking this. 

The Mayflower journey was part of Early English Colonialism:
• The invasions of Virginia, New England and the Caribbean were accompanied by land seizure wars against the Indigenous peoples of North America
• The economic success of New England depended on trade with the slave colonies of the Caribbean, and included the trafficking of slaves
• The colonists established a pattern of ‘extravagant’ violence in the wars they conducted against Indigenous Nations that was continued for 300 years
• The establishment of a tradition of sanitizing the story of English colonialism in the Americas that has lasted 400 years

Danny Reilly is a support tutor working in higher education and a volunteer ESOL teacher who has worked in a voluntary capacity for several refugee support groups. He has been an anti-racist activist for many years, a founder of the Campaign Against Racism and Fascism and worked at the Institute of Race Relations from 1977 to 1993 as information officer.

Steve Cushion is author of "The Hidden History of the Cuban Revolution: How the Working Class Shaped the Guerrillas’ Victory", "Killing Communists in Havana: The Start of the Cold War in Latin America" and "Up Down Turn Around: The Political Economy of Slavery and the Socialist case for Reparations". He is joint author, with Dennis Bartholomew, of "By Our Own Hands: A People’s History of the Grenadian Revolution". His current research is on German and Italian volunteers who fought in the French Resistance.
Attendance to this event is free of charge but registration is required- use link below