Thursday, 12 November 2015

John Newsinger on the class struggle in Britain

Them and Us : Fighting the class war 1910-1939
Wednesday 18 Nov 6.30pm, Bookmarks Bookshop, London
With John Newsinger
The period from 1910 to 1939 was one of the most explosive in British working class history. Them and Us looks at how the class struggle—embracing the struggles of women workers, immigrant workers, the unemployed and the fight against fascism—was fought in these years.
The Labour Party and trade union leaderships were key players in the conflict, but their actions were often intended to undermine working class struggle. The ruling class had much to thank them for.
Today when the working class is under a sustained and unprecedented attack from the Tories, Them and Us is an essential reminder of how past struggles were fought, of the unscrupulous nature of our enemy and of the need for militancy and solidarity to defeat them. John Newsinger draws on the words and actions of working class activists—and of their enemies—to bring to life key episodes in the struggle.
Admission £2.00 Payable on door
Reserve your place - call 020 7637 1848

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