The Ford-Maguire society of Leeds studies and organises events around the socialist, feminist and radical history of Leeds. It was formed in 1994.

It is named after Isabella Ford and Tom Maguire, two notable Leeds socialist pioneers.

Joining is easy.

Forthcoming conference for details of the programme go here –

Celebrating the Centenary of the Leeds Convention 1917

Next event:

To mark the centenary of the historic Leeds Convention of 3 June 1917, where some 3,500 democrats and socialists pledged solidarity with the Russian Revolution and voted to set up Worker’s and Soldiers’ Councils in Britain, Leeds Trades Council and the Ford-Maguire Society with the generous support of the Lipman-Miliband Trust are holding a one day event at the Swarthmore Centre in Leeds on Saturday 3 June from 10-4pm. Speakers include Michael Meadowcroft on the Leeds Convention, John Newsinger on the Russian Revolution, Janet Douglas on Arthur Ransome, Leeds and the Russian Revolution, and Jill Liddington on ‘Leeds Suffrage Stories: Isabella Ford, Mary Gawthorpe and Leonora Cohen’. There will also be an evening event with American folk singer David Rovics performing at the Fox and Newt in the evening.

For more details please contact me Christian Hogsbjerg   or Garth Frankland