Tuesday, 21 June 2016

EU Referendum: What would E.P. Thompson do?


Keith Flett suggests E.P. Thompson  would probably be for #Lexit - which might mean he would possibly be heading up a #HistoriansforLexit campaign...

Friday, 10 June 2016

Seminar - Kevin Davey on J B Priestley

New Anarchist Research Group

Saturday, 25 June 2016 2.00pm to 4.30 pm at the MayDay Rooms, 88 Fleet Street, London EC4Y 1DH - The nearest tube station is St Paul's, but there are others close by.

J B PRIESTLEY: A Good Companion in our times?

Kevin Davey

Author, broadcaster and cofounder of CND, J B Priestley was a loose cannon on the left for most of the twentieth century. Are his ethical socialism, antipathy to the big state and focus on community still relevant today?

Kevin Davey is a libertarian socialist, formerly editor of New Times and chair of the Socialist Society, author of English Imaginaries (1999) and co-author with Paul Anderson of Moscow Gold: the Soviet Union and the British Left (2014).

Thursday, 2 June 2016

SHS meeting on Walter Rodney - socialist historian

Walter Rodney - Socialist (Activist) Historian

Socialist History Society Public Meeting

Walter Rodney, the prominent Guyanese historian, political activist and scholar, was assassinated in Guyana on 13th June 1980. At long last, the report of the Commission of Inquiry into his murder has been handed to the Parliament of Guyana. It is therefore a good time to revisit the legacy of the author of A History of the Guyanese Working People and How Europe Underdeveloped Africa. 
Rodney was also founder of the Working People's Alliance, a political movement in Guyana dedicated to social transformation and unity of the Indian and African workers.  He made a great contribution to revolutionary thought by establishing new thinking on questions of fighting racism and racial domination, the humanisation of the planet and the self emancipation of working peoples. He was murdered for uniting this political theory with practical, militant activity.
Speakers: Cecil Gutzmore & Leland De Cambra
MARX MEMORIAL LIBRARY - 37a Clerkenwell Green nearest tube Farringdon, EC1R 0DU - View Map

To book a ticket see the eventbrite page here