Friday, 15 April 2016

LSHG forum: 100 Years since the 1916 Easter Rising

100 years since the 1916 Easter Rising


Saturday 30th April, Institute of Historical Research, Senate House, University of London, Malet St, London WC1 - lower ground floor conference area

Admission free, donations towards costs welcome, no advance registration necessary

1916 Agenda

Midday: registration

12.30pm Start & introduction, Keith Flett


Chris Bambery: Was the Easter Rising doomed from the start?

Catherine Bergin: ‘The Irish fight for liberty is the greatest Epic of Modern History’ : The Irish revolution and African American radicals.'

James Heartfield: '1916: The Rising and the British Empire'

John Newsinger: 'Sylvia Pankhurst, the Easter Rising and the Women’s Dreadnought'


Close: 4pm

Organised by the London Socialist Historians Group

Tuesday, 5 April 2016

The Non-Stop Connolly Show

LSHG members may be interested in a staged reading of Margaretta D'Arcy and John Arden's "The Non-Stop Connolly Show" about the life of James Connolly. It is part of an effort to commemorate the centenary of Dublin's Easter Rising of 1916. The production is directed by acclaimed Irish director Shane Dempsey and will be performed at the Finborough Theatre in London in April. It is the first time that the entire piece has been performed in the UK in over 40 years. We hope to draw Irish and British communities together in the commemoration of the Easter Rising. A key feature of the play is the often-forgotten part that socialism played in the Easter Rising, and how one of the tragedies of Irish history is that the socialist values later faded in the war for Irish independence.
For more information please see here: