Welcome to the Department of Anthropology

Anthropology is a discipline that equips you with the skills to think critically and work creatively in an increasingly globalized and complex world. Explore how people are subjected to, participate in, and contest the processes of living in a world that is interconnected by powerful economic, cultural and technological forces. Gain the tools necessary for critical analysis of our place in the social and cultural diversity of the world. Engage in topics such as development and the environment, media and culture, health and illness, gender and sexualities, religion and science, and displaced peoples. Learn to think critically about how concepts such as class, race, gender and ethnic identities are produced and expressed. Our goal is to prepare you to ask questions about contemporary, past and future social life. [read more...]

We offer comprehensive and engaging programs of study focusing on four areas.

Expand your anthropological education by studying abroad in our iBA (international BA) program, through the York International Internship Program or, by taking our International Field School in Greece.  For more information  click here.

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