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Mass for Shut-ins (podcast)
Political Science prof. Writer etc. Podcast: Mass for Shut-ins emburmila@gmail
Mass for Shut-ins (podcast) 2 t
India's role as the only major cotton producer in the British Empire explains why so many words related to cotton fabrics are of Urdu or Hindi origin - khaki, dungaree, calico, muslin, shawl, gingham, etc.
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Mass for Shut-ins (podcast) 2 t
Svarer @necropoIitan
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Mass for Shut-ins (podcast) 2 t
It's almost like the ancient boomer leadership of the Democratic Party is out of step with modern politics and is congenitally wired to do things like argue about the V-chip circa 1996.
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Mass for Shut-ins (podcast) 4 t
tired: Curse of the Presidents Trophy strikes again in TB woke: rolled the dice at the trade deadline and it's paying off
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Mass for Shut-ins (podcast) 4 t
Svarer @RyanDEnos
I agree, it's a great survey but there's definitely an aspect of "cheap talk" to hypotheticals like this.
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Mass for Shut-ins (podcast) 18 t
Natural male enhancement for old white guys
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Mass for Shut-ins (podcast) retweetede
Ari Kohen 12. apr.
I want to give you some sense of what it’s like to spend a lot of time under threat. Hopefully it’s not something you’ve experienced. I have, for almost this entire academic year, and I’d like to let you in on it. So here’s a thread:
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Mass for Shut-ins (podcast) 12. apr.
Svarer @eitanhersh
My feeling is that the Democratic Party accepts him as a candidate in the primaries because he’s far more damaging running as an independent.
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Mass for Shut-ins (podcast) 12. apr.
Svarer @KevinKBanda
People who think west wing is real
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Mass for Shut-ins (podcast) 12. apr.
In Chicago it is incredible how often white people will start saying racist shit to other white People as soon as they know no one will overhear, assuming that I too was just waiting to be alone so we could get real racist.
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Mass for Shut-ins (podcast) 12. apr.
Svarer @ErikLoomis
Kenneth Rose’s “myth and the greatest generation” covers this as well as the readily forgotten cultures of draft dodging and malingering that proliferated during wwii.
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Mass for Shut-ins (podcast) 12. apr.
Great Granddad was not the monster you all think, writes Brayden Hitler
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Mass for Shut-ins (podcast) 12. apr.
Svarer @sgadarian
I hate it when people complain that someone is showing off on twitter. This entire profession is a series of rejections, let people enjoy the occasional success.
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Mass for Shut-ins (podcast) 12. apr.
Svarer @IRHotTakes
Congratulations, don’t do it
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Mass for Shut-ins (podcast) 12. apr.
If elected, Bernie Sanders would be the first Jewish president, any of the female candidates would be the first woman president, Mayor Pete would be the first openly gay president, and Beto would be the first fuccboi-American president.
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Mass for Shut-ins (podcast) 12. apr.
So well deserved! I am extremely excited for , who is great to work with.
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Mass for Shut-ins (podcast) 12. apr.
Not only is the US population density among the lowest in the industrialized world, but only 10 states (mostly tiny ones like RI, DE, and CT) even have a pop density higher than the United Kingdom (272/sq mi), which is decidedly not full.
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Mass for Shut-ins (podcast) retweetede
Mass for Shut-ins (podcast) 11. apr.
Tulsi is Bernie for 9-11 Truthers who listen to Dream Theater and own a blacklight
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Mass for Shut-ins (podcast) retweetede
Victor Ray 12. apr.
This week, and write about the "white male template" in political science. How a white male template produces barriers to minority scholars throughout their careers (opinion)
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Mass for Shut-ins (podcast) retweetede
Mike Konczal 11. apr.
"The Roosevelt Institute report is an effort to provide a unified analytical approach and coherent policy agenda for this progressive moment in the Democratic Party." We're trying! Great write-up of new report and the stakes of the moment by .
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