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Tim Pool
Journalist and Technologist Making Documentaries, VR, Drones, and Live Video | Former - VICE, Fusion |
Tim Pool 5h
The internet doesnt have context and sarcasm
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Tim Pool retweeted
emily bell 9h
get in
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Tim Pool retweeted
emily bell 9h
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Tim Pool 10h
Its funny that these far leftists in media are saying Andy Ngo isn't a journalist because by that standard they aren't either.
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Tim Pool 12h
As a mixed race victim of Antifa death threats, racist attacks, and violence I can say assuredly that your reasoning is incorrect. A large group of white men in all black threatening me and attacking me is tantamount to white supremacy. So no they certainly are not fighting it
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Tim Pool 13h
Because today there is only right wing twitter and left wing twitter.
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Tim Pool 13h
We can confirm that something somewhere has happened. Seems like something big may have actually happened though
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Tim Pool 14h
it doesnt work that way. If this account is banned all your accounts get banned
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Tim Pool 14h
This is why I stopped supporting Bernie. He is playing into the left's ridiculous identitarianism for political power The tweet shared by Don Jr was from a black man and it was based on a conversation Don Lemon started in February
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Tim Pool 15h
Much respect to Eric for calling out the violence.
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Tim Pool 17h
Excellent work from CNN Grateful that this issue is getting the coverage it deserves.
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Tim Pool Jul 1
Andrew Yang is a good person
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Tim Pool retweeted
Jim Banks Jul 1
In light of events this weekend in Portland, Oregon, I call on , , & to investigate & declare them a domestic terrorist organization. Their avowal of violence & routine intimidation, harassment, & assault of Americans has no place in our country.
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Tim Pool Jul 1
Remember when I tweeted proof the left flipped the order of events to make it look like Jack Posobiec made up the cement thing? This is how they push their disinfo campaign. Police said cement, Jack said was this it? Far left inverts order to discredit police
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Tim Pool Jul 1
Replying to @TRHLofficial
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Tim Pool Jul 1
Replying to @Timcast
in Portland a large group of white identitarians, Antifa, viciously attacked a gay Asian journalist
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Tim Pool Jul 1
Antifa is one of the largest white identitarian groups in the US. Albeit it is decentralized and they hate white people (themselves) but its still true.
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Tim Pool Jul 1
Replying to @Timcast
But heaven forbid Meghan Murphy tweet that men aren't women, that is a bannable offense. Telling people to throw bricks and justifying violent assault is fine for Twitter I guess.
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Tim Pool Jul 1
Replying to @Timcast
There are now verified profiles calling for people to be dragged from their homes and beaten to death. I am not exaggerating. They are calling for people to throw bricks. They are now encouraging cement to be thrown at people Twitter allows this
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Tim Pool Jul 1
Replying to @Timcast
it starts with the fringe groups, the alt right, and most people hate them anyway. The media sociopaths defend the attack and it goes viral, Twitter allows it. Now its moved on to gay people of color who film things. Seriously, thats all Ngo did. 2/x
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