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Ruck Cohlchez
The world is full of idiots who don't understand what's important. But you ask me, the light is winning. Obnoxious outspoken lefty. 🌹
Ruck Cohlchez retweeted
process truster 4h
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Ruck Cohlchez retweeted
hannah πŸ’ŒπŸŒΉ 12h
When you see someone being rude to a minimum wage waiter
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Ruck Cohlchez retweeted
Zaid Jilani 4h
Replying to @ZaidJilani
You shouldn't run for offices preaching a politics that is about nothing, not addressing people's problems and concerns
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Ruck Cohlchez retweeted
Zaid Jilani 4h
Replying to @ZaidJilani
Politics isnt about left right or center thats the way analysts describe it in an academic setting. Politics is about people
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Ruck Cohlchez retweeted
Zaid Jilani 4h
Replying to @ZaidJilani
I am just describing the things Ossoff did wrong because he didnt have politics that connects with human beings. He was an algorithm.
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Ruck Cohlchez retweeted
Zaid Jilani 4h
I'm an independent, don't tell you how to vote, left, right, or center politics doesn't matter. Honest, conviction oriented politics matters
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Ruck Cohlchez 4h
Replying to @cushbomb
Pepsi: For every Pepsi drinker we lose by changing our formula to diarrhea, we'll gain two Coke drinkers in the suburbs
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Ruck Cohlchez retweeted
Clint Smith 10h
There's no way to watch that dash cam video & come to any conclusion other than that Philando Castile was murdered by that police officer.
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Ruck Cohlchez 4h
Do those icons in your username stand for "smooth brain"
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Ruck Cohlchez retweeted
Walker Bragman 4h
., did you mean to 'like' this tweet which calls Sanders progressives "comie suporters," or did you misfire with your mouse?
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Ruck Cohlchez retweeted
mike casca 6h
me, an idiot: folks seem to like health care and higher wages. dem strategist, wise: maybe if we target more digital ads to country clubs.
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Ruck Cohlchez 4h
Replying to @cushbomb
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Ruck Cohlchez retweeted
Matt Christman 4h
It owns that a universally-dogshit brand like the Democrats is one of the major parties. It's like the two big sodas were Coke and Diarrhea
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Ruck Cohlchez 4h
The latter. And yeah, they have lists. If you follow the Rude People or like the Rude Tweets.
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Ruck Cohlchez retweeted
Nina Illingworth 4h
So wanna try a cute trick? I know D Feinstein told Wolf Blitzer that she personally still hadn't seen evidence of Trump-Russian collusion
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Ruck Cohlchez retweeted
Peter Daou's Tears 4h
Read this and then try to tell yourself that care one fucking bit about you and your life.
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Ruck Cohlchez retweeted
Julie Ann Johnson 4h
Have you considered going left?
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Ruck Cohlchez retweeted
rosa cucksemburg 5h
rob quist loses with no dccc cash: the sanders strategy is a miserable failure jon ossoff loses with a billion dollars: a moral victory!
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Ruck Cohlchez retweeted
Walker Bragman 5h
I keep telling myself "2018 is not too far off." This is the only way I keep from screaming at my feed. Establishment Democrats are losers.
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Ruck Cohlchez 4h
lol I'm blocked by the guy you're quoting and I've never interacted with him
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