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Love beautiful code? We do too.

The PHP Framework For Web Artisans


class Idea extends Eloquent

	 * Dreaming of something more?
	 * @with  Laravel
	public function create()
		// Have a fresh start...



class Idea extends Eloquent

	 * Dreaming of something more?
	 * @with  Laravel
	public function create()
		// Have a fresh start...

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Did someone say rapid?

Elegant applications delivered at warp speed.

Expressive, beautiful syntax.

Value elegance, simplicity, and readability? You’ll fit right in. Laravel is designed for people just like you. If you need help getting started, check out Laracasts and our great documentation.

class Purchase implements ShouldQueue

	 * Purchase a new podcast.
	public function handle(Repository $repo)
		foreach ($this->purchases as $purchase)

Tailored for your team.

Whether you're a solo developer or a 20 person team, Laravel is a breath of fresh air. Keep everyone in sync using Laravel's database agnostic migrations and schema builder.

~/Apps $ php artisan make:migration create_users_table
Migration created successfully!

~/Apps $ php artisan migrate --seed
Migrated: 2015_01_12_000000_create_users_table
Migrated: 2015_01_12_100000_create_password_resets_table
Migrated: 2015_01_13_162500_create_projects_table
Migrated: 2015_01_13_162508_create_servers_table

Modern toolkit. Pinch of magic.

An amazing ORM, painless routing, powerful queue library, and simple authentication give you the tools you need for modern, maintainable PHP. We sweat the small stuff to help you deliver amazing applications.

Route::resource('photos', 'PhotoController');

 * Retrieve A User...
Route::get('/user/{user}', function(App\User $user)
	return $user;

The Laravel Ecosystem

Revolutionize how you build the web.

Instant PHP Platforms On Linode, DigitalOcean, and more. Push to deploy, PHP 7.2, HHVM, queues, and everything you need to launch and deploy amazing Laravel applications.

Launch your application in minutes!

Forge UI Preview
And so much more!

A Laravel development environment for Mac minimalists. No Vagrant, no Apache, no fuss.


Laravel Mix makes front-end a breeze. Start using SASS and Webpack in minutes.


If all you need is an API and lightning fast speed, try Lumen. It’s Laravel super-light.


Cachet is the best way to inform customers of downtime. This is your status page.


Powerful SaaS application scaffolding. Stop writing boilerplate & focus on your application.


Need a CMS that runs on Laravel and is built for developers and clients? Look no further.