Recent ZMagazine

Jonathan Cook: Three Lessons for the Left from the Mueller Inquiry

In the combined success-failure of the Mueller inquiry, the left has an opportunity to understand in a much more sophisticated way how real power works and in whose favor it is exercised

Kathy Kelly: “Every War Is a War Against Children”

Atrocities of war accumulate, horrifically. We in the United States have yet to realize both the futility and immense consequences of war

Federico Fuentes: Who are Venezuela’s Colectivos?

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Laura Finley: VAWA and the NRA

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Norman Solomon: The Toxic Lure of “Guns and Butter”

The current political brawl over next year’s budget is highly significant

Stephen Bergstein: Ruth Bader Ginsburg: A Life

A review of Ruth Bader Ginsburg: A Life

Marjorie Cohn: Trump’s “Troika of Tyranny” Meddles in Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua

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John Pilger: Chelsea Manning Locked Down Again

Why aren’t they massing in support of Chelsea Manning? This is the most significant act of principle, an inspiration to all decent people. People should be in the streets

Boaventura de Sousa Santos: The Age of Pardon or the Age of Aggression?

The anti-colonial struggles waged in Latin America (19th century) and then Africa and Asia (20th century) aimed to ensure historical justice, restore territories to their inhabitants and allow people to be the builders of their own future

Jack Rasmus: Trump Whacks the Middle Class & US GDP 1st Qtr 2019 Analysis

It’s clear Trump’s 2018 tax cut is making the middle class pay for corporations, businesses, investors and the wealthiest 1% households historic tax cuts totaling no less than $4.5 trillion over the next decade

John Pilger: The Assange Arrest is a Warning from History

The glimpse of Julian Assange being dragged from the Ecuadorean embassy in London is an emblem of the times. Might against right. Muscle against the law. Indecency against courage

Richard Greeman: Yellow Vests Struggle To Reinvent Democracy  

Hundreds of autonomous Yellow Vest activist groups from all over France each chose two delegates (one woman, one man) to gather in the port city of St. Nazaire for a weekend of deliberation

Al Gedicks: Brazilian Tailings Dam Disaster: Is Wisconsin Next?

On January 25, 2019, a 28-story high tailings dam in Brumadinho, in southeastern Brazil failed, releasing almost 3 billion gallons of sludgy mine waste

Noam Chomsky: Rousing the Multitudes

Fear that the “rascal multitude” will threaten the property of the self-designated “men of best quality” traces back to the first modern democratic revolution in 17th century England

John Pilger: The War on Venezuela is Built on Lies

A war has been declared on Venezuela, of which the truth is “too difficult” to report

Martha Rosenberg: Drug Company Executives Defend Their Prices on the Hill

Pharma has two lobbyists for every member of Congress. It spends more on lobbying than tobacco, oil and defense contractors combined

Cal Winslow: Labor’s Spectacular Revolt

On February 6, 1919, Seattle’s workers struck—all of them. In doing so they took control of the city

Jack Rasmus: Financial Imperialism

U.S. neocons are once again back in charge of U.S. foreign policy, driving the U.S. toward yet another war and attempt at regime change of a foreign government

Ron Daniels: African Diaspora Rising

The Year of the Door of Return to Africa

Medea Benjamin: Iran Sanctions

When the Trump administration unilaterally pulled out of the Iran nuclear agreement in May 2018 and announced it would reimpose sanctions against Iran, the European Union (EU) declared its commitment to preserving the agreement and finding ways for its companies to circumvent U.S. sanctions. Now, eight months later, the Europeans finally announced the creation of Read more…

Danica Jorden: ICE Announces “New Normal”

ICE agents may also make “collateral arrests,” detaining anyone in the area who is not capable of providing official documentation to prove their citizenship or legal status at their discretion

Gerald Coles: Education, Jobs and Capitalism

American capitalism has a hate-love relationship with the nation’s schools

Marjorie Cohn: Trump Moves the World Closer to “Doomsday”

It is incumbent upon all of us to resist the inexorable march toward nuclear winter

Alex Jensen: Tosepan: Resistance and Renewal in Mexico

Since the mid-1980s, Mexico has been a poster child for globalization. Through free trade treaties and structural adjustment policies imposed by international financial institutions, the country has been “liberalized”—opened up to unfettered corporate investment and imports—to an extent matched by few other countries. Though the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is the most well-known Read more…

Kathy Kelly: Securing Peace

I admire the APV blend of idealism and practicality, doing “the things that make for peace,” even as they face daily anxieties in the chaos and upheaval that mark life in a war zone

Norman Solomon: Media Trashing

Some people are attached to the idea that the Democratic National Committee will “rig” the presidential nomination against Bernie Sanders. The meme encourages the belief that the Bernie 2020 campaign is futile because of powerful corporate Democrats. But such fatalism should be discarded. As Frederick Douglass said, “Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never Read more…

Hilary Klein: Lessons to Learn on the 25th Anniversary of the Zapatista Uprising

The Zapatista movement has a deep sense of community, the unquestioned assumption that the collective well being takes priority over the individual

Martha Rosenberg: How Medical Conflicts of Interest Get Dangerous, Expensive Drugs in Your Medicine Cabinet

How bad is Pharma’s brazen financial infiltration into U.S. medicine?

Nicolas J.S. Davies: The Hidden Structure of U.S. Empire

This self-reinforcing vicious circle endangers us all, not least those of us who live at the heart of this corrupt and ultimately self-destructive empire

Danica Jorden: It Has Begun: One in Five Million Protest in Serbia

A common alienation is uniting the people

Bridget Meehan: Living it Large—Life on Benefits

A society that allows many, many people to live on less than £100 per week while a privileged few get by on over £100,000 is surely a great place to live

Patrick Bond: South Africa Searches for a 
Financial Parachute

An open, frank public discussion about the IMF’s regrettable history and current agenda is sorely needed

Jeremy Brecher: Climate Jobs for All

Building Block for the Green New Deal

Richard Greeman: “We Are Not Tired”

The French popular masses are furious at being taken for fools

Noam Chomsky: Moral Depravity Defines U.S. Politics

Humanity faces two imminent existential threats: environmental catastrophe and nuclear war. These were virtually ignored in the campaign rhetoric and general coverage

Jack Rasmus: Global Oil Price Deflation 2018 & Beyond

Global oil prices cannot be understood apart from understanding what’s happening with other financial asset markets and prices

Yves Engler: Destroying Civilization

Is it simply business as usual or a corporate conspiracy to destroy the planet? However one characterizes it, our planet is being cooked so already wealthy people can make even more profit

Ramzy Baroud: Is There A Plot To Depopulate Palestinian Refugee Camps In Lebanon?

Clearly there are those who are keen to rid Lebanon of its Palestinian population

Ron Daniels: Gentrification: The New “Negro Removal” Program

Now is the time to act boldly and courageously to defend Black communities from the destructive forces of gentrification

Kathy Kelly: The horror of the Yemen War is changing minds at last

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Ron Daniels: The Unfulfilled Power of the Black Vote

The forces of reaction realize that if Blacks maximize voter registration and mobilize/organize large voter turn-outs, it is a threat to their retrograde agenda

Danica Jorden: A New Caravan Heads North for the American Dream

They’re gathering in the early morning hours of Friday, October 12, 2018 outside the city. At least 100: nursing mothers and motherless teens, a man on crutches and another pushed by his brother in a wheelchair

Dr. Hakim: Nonviolent Afghans Bring a Breath of Fresh Air

War is not inevitable. It is an obsolete, repetitive choice. Everywhere, each of us can emulate these new-generation Afghans by ushering in breaths of fresh air

Ramzy Baroud: That Single Line of Blood: Nassir al-Mosabeh and Mohammed al-Durrah

This is not simply bad journalism, but part of a calculated Israeli campaign aimed at preemptively justifying the killing of children such as Nassir and Mohammed, and thousands like them

William Boardman: GOP Governor Defends His Trump-Style Ethics?

Instead of forthrightly addressing the reality he created, the governor chose to go paranoid and conspiratorial

Marjorie Cohn: Brett Kavanaugh is a Threat to Racial Justice and Voting Rights

In light of the proliferation of laws that pose obstacles to voting, the Supreme Court will have the opportunity to further eviscerate the Voting Rights Act

Gerry Mohan: BlacKkKlansman a Trump Cop-Out

BlackKklansman is a feel-good film. It’s a great film if we want to keep our feathers unruffled and sleep peacefully at night, embedded in the system, minds comfortably turned off

Steve Early: Big Money in Politics: Are Leading Democrats Really “On The Wagon” (or still sneaking a drink)?

Under pressure from the left lately and in response to strong public support for “clean elections,” putative foes of corporate influence have been forced to rebrand themselves as “progressives” who are free of “independent expenditure” taint

Jonathan Cook: Bolsonaro: A Monster 
Engineered By Our Media

The western elites will decry Bolsonaro in the forlorn and cynical hope of shoring up their credentials as guardians of the existing, supposedly moral order. But they engineered him. Bolsonaro is their monster

Jack Rasmus: Comparing Crises: 1929 with 2008 and the Next

The last decade, 2008-18, is eerily similar to the periods 1921-1929 and 1996-2007

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