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Recent Video

Josh Hoxie: Ten Years Without A Raise

Longest Period Without Fed Minimum Wage Increase Since Law Enacted in 1938

Laura Flanders: Aging Isn’t a Problem, Ageism Is

Someone turns 65 every 8 seconds in this country, and as our elderly population grows, so does the need to build an economy around our future selves

Khury Petersen-Smith: Trump Oversees Death and Destruction in Syria, Afghanistan, and More

Amnesty International released a major report about US-led massacres of more than 1,600 civilians in Raqqa, Syria from June to October of 2017

Noam Chomsky: The 2020 election

Interview on Bernie Sanders and the 2020 election to the challenges posed by Big Tech

Bernie Sanders: Town Hall with Bernie Sanders, Part 2

2020 Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders discusses immigration, national security, Mueller’s report, and more during his town hall

Roger Hallam: Why International Rebellion?

Explaining the concept behind the forthcoming International Rebellion starting from April 15, 2019

Jaisal Noor: Hopkins Students Sit-In to Oppose University Police and ICE Contract

The protestors say they will occupy Hopkins until officials end the militarization of its campus

Leonard Cohen: Everybody Knows


Gregory Wilpert: The Origins of Venezuela’s Economic Crisis

Venezuela has become a popular argument against socialism amongst conservatives because of the deep economic crisis it is currently traversing

Extinction Rebellion: Extinction Rebellion – Press Briefing

Extinction Rebellion – Press Briefing

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Demolishing GOP Claim That Green New Deal Is “Elitist”

Speech in defense of the Green New Deal

Glenn Greenwald: The Media and Political Humiliation from the Mueller Report

I obviously intended to write about the fallout from Attorney General William Barr’s summary of the Mueller report: specifically his definitive finding that “the Special Counsel did not find that the Trump campaign, or anyone associated with it, conspired or coordinated with the Russian government” and that “the report does not recommend any further indictments, nor Read more…

Aaron Bastani: The Coup in Venezuela, Explained

Sanctions and oil prices are to blame for the country’s economic plight, while it boasts a far greater tradition of democracy than critics often realize let alone dare to admit

Lucas Koerner: Coup in Progress in Venezuela?

Interview on a “coup attempt”

Ralph Nader: A “Massive Outlaw”

Interview on Single Payer, Climate Devastation, Impeachment

Yanis Varoufakis: On Julian Assange and the Political Economy & future of Europe

Interview on the socio-economic transformations taking place within the core of the European Union and how much time is left until it disintegrates

Chris Hedges: Crucifying Julian Assange

Chris Hedges and Joe Lauria, journalist and editor-in-chief, Consortium, discuss efforts to force #WikiLeaks publisher, #JulianAssange, out of the Ecuador Embassy in London and extradite him to the USA to stand trial.

Steve Ellner: Trump Putting Venezuela on ‘State Sponsor of Terrorism’ List?

The Trump administration is actively exploring the option of placing Venezuela on the state sponsor of terrorism list, to further intensify sanctions that have already caused significant damage to Venezuela’s economy

Phyllis Bennis: The Crisis in Gaza and a Potential Ceasefire

Discussing the recent Israeli special forces operation inside the Gaza Strip that killed 7 Palestinians and one Israeli soldier, as well as Israeli air strikes and a potential ceasefire

Glenn Greenwald: The Lessons from the Victory of Brazil’s Jair Bolsonaro

Bolsonaro’s victory is highly consequential in its own right: for the 210 million people who live within the borders of the country he and his tyrannical movement now dominate, as well as for the region and the globe

Michael Albert: Planting Seeds of the Future in the Present

This talk took place on 10th October 2018 at The Pearce Institute, Govan, Glasgow

Norman Solomon: On the Democratic Party

Interview on the sequel to a report on how the Democratic party can revitalize and compete in 2018 and beyond

Steve Ellner: Venezuela under siege

The siege-like conditions which Venezuela has been subjected to from both foreign interference and domestic opposition present a myriad of challenges for the country to move forward

Dave Zirin: Sports History

Interview on Ali, Kap, MJ & More

Vincent Emanuele: Struggles in Organizing

Interview on different approaches to organizing, issues within the anti-war movement, and trying to make real change in society

Noam Chomsky: The Future of Capitalism

Interview with Noam Chomsky

Marc Ribot: “Bella Ciao (Goodbye Beautiful)”

“Bella Ciao (Goodbye Beautiful)” by Marc Ribot (feat. Tom Waits) from the album ‘Songs Of Resistance 1942 – 2018,’

Boots Riley: Riding Through Oakland

Take a ride through Oakland with Boots Riley, frontman of the politically-charged hip-hop group ‘The Coup’, as he reflects on his music, his future, and his relentless revolt against capitalism

Jason Isbell: Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit – White Man’s World

From Jason Isbell & The 400 Unit — The Nashville Sound

Noam Chomsky: From Geopolitical Conflict to Nuclear Abolition

Noam Chomsky delivers the keynote address, “Fate of Humanity”

Ron Daniels: Dr. Ron Daniels Delivers his Final Lecture

A talk on his political world view and on his vision and priorities for IBW moving forward.

Bill Fletcher: The History of Race and Labor in the U.S.

Interview on the history of race and racism in the US from African slavery to today

Arundhati Roy: Bodies, Borders, Resistance, Rebirth

Interview on the political upheaval in India with PM Modi at its front, fueled by increased violence towards Muslims, queers, Dalits, women, and more

Norman Finkelstein: Life in Gaza

Interview on Gaza, its people, and its future

Glenn Greenwald: Trump and NSA Surveillance

Interview on Donald Trump, NSA Surveillance, Facebook Scandal, Russiagate, Syria, Israel, Gaza & Yemen

Noam Chomsky: International Solidarity in the Nuclear Age

Interview on the state of nuclear geopolitics, international solidarity and more

Badri Raina: Democracy – Past, Present and Future

Indian democracy is at crossroads because it did not experience any intellectual revolution

Noam Chomsky: Will organized human life survive?

Noam Chomsky is Political Awareness Committee Student Organization Speaker at St. Olaf College

Noam Chomsky: Discussing Nuclear War

A discussion on nuclear policy and war

Norman Solomon: The Democratic Party in Crisis

Talk on “Autopsy: The Democratic Party in Crisis,” recorded April 25, 2018 at Kane Hall, University of Washington, Seattle

Taya Graham: New Student Movement Seeks to Change Hopkins from Within

A student-led group called Youth Against War and Racism is partnering with the community to lead a fight against Hopkins’ connection to government agencies like the CIA and end its role in military research

Laura Flanders: Workers, Wildcats & New Models for Labor Organizing

Interview on worker wins, challenges, and some new models for organizing

Naomi Klein: The Battle for Paradise

The post-Hurricane Maria recovery is seized by one overarching question: Who is Puerto Rico for: islanders or wealthy outsiders?

Gerardo Reyes Chavez: Farmworkers Bring Human Rights Fight to Wendy’s

Dozens of farmworkers with the Coalition of Immokalee Workers have entered their last day of a 5-day fast

Francis Boyle: Boycott, Divest, Sanction

Stopping Zionist Genocide Against the Palestinians

Brendan Muckian-Bates: West Virginia Teachers Offer a Lesson in Organizing

With a deal reached in the West Virginia teachers strike, there is talk of revived labor activism nationwide

Gregory Wilpert: US Efforts to Sabotage Venezuelan Elections Intensify

Lucas Koerner is a journalist at Venezuelanalysis based in Caracas, Venezuela. Gregory Wilpert a German-American sociologist who earned a Ph.D. in sociology from Brandeis University in 1994. Between 2000 and 2008 he lived in Venezuela, where he taught at the Central University of Venezuela and then worked as a freelance journalist, writing on Venezuelan politics Read more…

Mark Weisbrot: Trump Renews Venezuela Sanctions

Trump renewed Obama’s sanctions against Venezuela, declaring it an “unusual and extraordinary threat” to the US, violating international law in the process

Vincent Emanuele: Red State Rebellion In The Age of Trump

Vincent Emanuele, Open University of the Left, 2-24-2018, Chicago, Illinois, Red State Rebellion In The Age of Trump.

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