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Recent Comments

gary olson: Who Made San Pedro Sula Murder Capital of the World?
Excellent summary. Shared to my FB page.
Mark Evans: Shut Down The Business School
It is very nice of you to say so Carol! I'm glad you found the interview as inspiring as…
Barry Wood: Police Tear-Gas Climate Campaigners in Paris
The capitalist system is irrevocably broken! This is the alternative: www.thevenusproject.com
Anarcissie: NY Times publishes call for Palestinian “national suicide”
If you take South Africa as a model, then the correct course for Palestinians is to accept the facts on…
David Dobereiner: Carmageddon: it’s killing urban life
George Monbiot's excellent article does not go far enough. Cars are only part of the problem. Even if…
Michael: The West is Silent Over Morsi
My god! Fisk is good and right. Gutless, unethical, violent, selfish...just a few of the words…
Israel Lagos: Socialism or Participatory Society
participatory democracy
Michael: Yes, Liz Cheney, AOC is right
Obviously, this is more than an argument about rhetoric or vocabulary. Whatever we call these camps--concentration, internment, holding cells,…
Elizabeth Marxsen: Forget Bernie vs. Warren
Forget growing the progressive base. This is a house on fire emergency. Focus on getting Trump gone!…
Carol Groves: Shut Down The Business School
What a brilliant pair of minds are at work here. Mark's thought ful and enabling questions have provided Martin Parker…
Michael: The 2020 election
I've been reading and listening to Noam Chomsky for many years. He causes me to think. He has…
owlishdog: Our toxic political system produces toxic leaders
The Guardian doesn't help, having plenty of toxic writers.
Anton Glaving: AMLO in office: from megaprojects to militarization
so by building a railroad, an oil refinery, thermal power plants, wind turbines and a canal, one automatically becomes ”neoliberal”,…
Kim Scipes: US Foreign Policy Exposed
I may be wrong, but why don't you call it what is is: the US Empire? It is…
Michael Albert: RevolutionZ: Life After Capitalism Podcast
I agree that reaching a viable audience for RevolutionZ is going to depend on people helping with the task. Users…
Alan Bromborsky: Why Billionaires Have No Right to Their Wealth
The economics described is anything but classical, it is neoliberal economics as practiced by every Republican and Democrate since Reagan.…
Daniel Lazare: Why Billionaires Have No Right to Their Wealth
It's a myth that railroads were natural monopolies or that they "could charge whatever the traffic would bear," a pretty…
Kim Scipes: Look to U.S. executive suites, not Beijing, for why production is moved
Excellent article, and a point absolutely on point: it's US corporate executives who make the choices as to where…
Michael: Explanations for the Current Crisis in Venezuela
An important article, of course. The problem is while specialist may read it, how many non-specialist will give the…
Michael: The US & Nicaragua: Historical Amnesia & Blindness
I read Mr. Kovalik's article on June 12, 2019. I have also lived in Nicaragua, although I do not…
Michael: While the World Watches Trump
Fisk is painfully and absolutely right. While we are people inundated with data, we are not well-informed or knowledgeable…
Susan Sheinfeld: The US & Nicaragua: Historical Amnesia & Blindness
Thank you for your article. It is beautifully reasoned and well- supported.
Vince Taylor: Why an “Apology Tour” Is Needed
This is a great article, summarizing pointedly all of the bad history of Joe. Unfortunately, what appears…
Anil Eklavya: RevolutionZ: Life After Capitalism Podcast
I understand. It is difficult to get audience in these day for any serious discussion, so much dumbing down has…
Michael: Walmart: A Study in Wretched Excess
Like it or not, Walmart tells the world what we are, more or less.
Andreas weiland Andreas weiland: The End of Empire?: Violence and US Hegemony in the Middle East
I remember very clearly how Dennis Kucinich warned against Western military intervention in Libya, saying that it would destabilize countries…
Erik Mar: Surviving violence and Ortega in Nicaragua
There are many sides to the "on the ground" stories. For example, D.B., a 21 year old rojinegra (sandinista) medical…
Erik Mar: Nicaragua at the Barricades
Rebecca, thanks for writing this. I admired all of you WfP volunteers - and if you were in…
Erik Mar: Violent Coup Fails in Nicaragua
Paul, while I can't speak to all of the maneuvering at the higher levels, I can speak to what I've…
Michael Albert: RevolutionZ: Life After Capitalism Podcast
I think the best I can do for that, with a podcast, is to welcome Email, and answer questions and…
Michael Albert: RevolutionZ: Life After Capitalism Podcast
Very sorry, it had a typo - it should be okay now.
Matthew Allen: RevolutionZ: Life After Capitalism Podcast
So excited to listen to this! Great work, Michael!
Kalani Cotner: RevolutionZ: Life After Capitalism Podcast
click buzzsprout link and then click on each individual recording and it will bring up another window with details such…
Brit: RevolutionZ: Life After Capitalism Podcast
Can you post a link for the downloads on a PC? (" You can always find the latest episode and…
Anil Eklavya: RevolutionZ: Life After Capitalism Podcast
I definitely think there is need for such initiatives. However, my strong view is that we need to get out…
Michael: You Can Almost Count on Each New Mass Shooter Being a Veteran
We live in a society that elevates violence, guns, war, and military to exalted status. I wish it were…
Robert Graf: LeBron James’s Partnership With Walmart Sparks Criticism
Why do we need high profile celebrities to energize and educate people about serious economic and social issues? Why do…
Michael: LeBron James’s Partnership With Walmart Sparks Criticism
Cyndi Murray's comments are certainly thought-stopping: "...over half of the associates are food insecure..." referring to Walmart employees. And,…
Michael: Trump’s “Economic Boom” Is a Sham
Second paragraph where it says "...the group has not reached two dozen..." should read "...has now reached two dozen..."
Michael: Trump’s “Economic Boom” Is a Sham
Noam Chomsky for many many years has been proven to be right about a broad and deep range of issues.…
Paul D: Debunking Myths About Wealth and Race
"The impacts of slavery, sharecropping, Jim Crow, white capping, red lining, mass incarceration, and predatory subprime lending, among many other…
James Lovering: Trump’s $34 Trillion Deficit & Debt Bomb
Interesting video, I have seen many but that one hit the spot for me regards Govt Bonds and why they…
Robert Graf: We Must Stop War with Iran Before It’s Too Late
The short sightedness and hubris of the ruling elite is a sight to behold. Kissinger says the US supported a…
Michael: May’s Resignation Will do Nothing to Arrest Britain’s Long-Term Decline
I assume that leaders like May believed that hitching England's welfare to the US is more important than participation in…
Erwin Mill: Remembering, This Memorial Day Weekend
Thank you for your disservice which was far more important than any "service". While the donald snorted coke, and had…
Michael: Shut Down The Business School
Martin Parker makes really good points. The university business school is a bastion of conservatism, and here conservatism is…
James: 200+ Economists Send Letter to Congress Endorsing Medicare for All
Can said same 200 economists, together with perhaps 200 or 1000 or 10,000 or 100,000, high profile radical and revolutionary…
Clive Ray: Russia and the Future of Europe
Surely the bottom line is that the Kremlin gets alleged - by hook or by crook - to have backed…
Barry Wood: Chelsea Manning is Showing Us What Real Resistance Looks Like
“During periods of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act”. George Orwell.
Barry Wood: ‘This Is About Attacking Journalism’
“This is about retaliation for publishing evidence of U.S. war crimes and other crimes by the most powerful nation on…
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