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Recent ZNet

Jack Rasmus: US vs. China: From Tariff War to Economic War

Nextgen technology development is at the core of that restructuring and restoration of US hegemony. Trump is just the appearance, the historic vehicle, behind the deeper global capitalist transformation in progress

Richard Greeman: Police Tear-Gas Climate Campaigners in Paris

If the social struggle rises again next Fall, as it must in this increasingly unequal society with a long revolutionary history and a hereditary hatred of the contemptuous aristocrats who rule over it, who knows what will happen?

Tom Athanasiou: Global Inequality in a Time of Climate Emergency

Our world’s richest have a great deal of money. They also have the power to decide whether our civilization sinks or swims. So what can we do?

Dilip Hiro: Keep America Great (Don’t Count on It!)

Two Years Later, Trump Has Failed to Reverse America’s Decline

Kevin Zeese: Popular Movements Are The Invisible Hand Of Social Change

It is essential that the popular movement continues to demand economic, racial and environmental justice as well as peace during the elections and after

Norman Solomon: After Biden’s Sharp Decline, Investors Are Reassessing Other Blue Chips

Investors are pondering where to put their money this week after the sudden decline in the assessed value of presidential candidate Joe Biden

Juan Cole: Dear Trump: CO2 is Polluting our Atmosphere and Acidifying our Water

They aren’t “the Cleanest”

Robert Fisk: The Autocrats of the Middle East are No Longer a Global Anomaly

Iran’s president, Hassan Rouhani, is absolutely right about Donald Trump. One wonders how he might describe Boris Johnson

Richard Falk: Moving Toward the Brink of War

Provoking Iran for What? For Whom?

Leslie Cagan: Queer Liberation NOT Rainbow Capitalism

24 hours from now thousands of people will be gathering for the Queer Liberation March, the alternative to the Heritage of Pride/World Pride Parade. I’ll be there – will you join? We will take to the streets to honor those who were part of the Stonewall Rebellion 50 years ago. Tomorrow, we will demand an end to Read more…

David Swanson: This Is Really Not a Drill

We all need to be part of the urgent all-hands-on-deck-immediately efforts to prevent both worsening of environmental collapse and nuclear and all war.

Shaun King: Concentration Camps Should Be Liberated

We Can’t Wait Until 2020

Andrew Levine: Socialism: Democratic Party Style

We are approaching a point where genuine progressives need urgently to unite not just against Trump and Pence and the sadistic incompetents Trump has empowered, but also against the last Clintonites – Joe Biden especially

Mel Gurtov: The Trump way of war

Notice how similar are the Trump administration’s interactions with Iran and North Korea? The pattern in both cases is dangerous, ill-informed, and bound to fail

Andy Kroll: ‘Tragically Wrong’

6 Brutal Lines from Justice Kagan’s Gerrymandering Dissent

Joe Emersberger: Trump Sanctions Have Killed Thousands of Venezuelans

The study is the clearest evidence of the devastating impact US policy is having on the people of Venezuela

David Hearst: Egyptian officials threatened Morsi days before death

Deposed former president was told to disband Muslim Brotherhood or face consequences in secret talks with top officials, sources tell Middle East Eye

Marjorie Cohn: Calling Trump’s Rationale “Contrived,” Supreme Court Halts Citizenship Question

In a surprise decision, Chief Justice John Roberts, joined by the four liberal members of the Supreme Court — Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen Breyer, Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor — halted the Trump administration’s plans, at least temporarily, to add a citizenship question to the 2020 census. The Court thought the stated motive for adding Read more…

Hernan Vargas: New Socialist Communities

A powerful social movement to reclaim urban space also has ideas about how to overcome the crisis in Venezuela

Juan Gonzalez: Refugees in Desperate Need of Help in Airports Across U.S.

Co-host Juan González was at the Dallas/Fort Worth airport this past Sunday, where he encountered Central American refugee families recently released from detention centers. The families, who were from Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras, had been left there by Immigration and Customs Enforcement without guidance or a translator to help them navigate their flight information. Read more…

Sam Pizzigati: Presidential Candidates Believe in Billionaires

A clear majority of candidates for the Democratic Party’s 2020 nomination seem to have no problem with the presence of grand private fortunes

Vijay Prashad: Reason will not deter hawks gathering to make war on Iran

With ties to big business that admits to gaining from disruption in the Middle East, key men in the US seem hellbent on regime change in Iran – using any and all means necessary

Thomas Scott Tucker: The Stonewall Rebellion

Now Is The Time To Remember, Now Is The Time To Go Forward

Stacy Mitchell: Walmart’s Monopolization of Local Grocery Markets

In 43 metropolitan areas and 160 smaller markets, Walmart captures 50 percent or more of grocery sales, our analysis of 2018 spending data found

Farhang Jahanpour: After Trump’s Breach

Reviewing the history of the nuclear deal or, to give it its full title, the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action

Paul Street: MSDNC, Single Payer, and the Serenity Prayer

As any sentient progressive should know, NBC and MSNBC (hereafter “MSDNC”) are media assets owned by and subservient to the United States capitalist and imperialist ruling class

Jack Rasmus: Capital’s Latest Ideological Offensive

Attacking Medicare for All, MMT, & Socialism

Vijay Prashad: On Twitter, He Declares War on Iran

On Twitter, he has declared war; but his hand hovers over the orders, which he has not yet signed. But he could – at any moment. That is the mercurial attitude of Trump

Juan Cole: Saudi Arabia erases Science

Blocks Progress at Bonn Climate Summit, Pushing Dirty Oil

Conn Hallinan: A Wounded Erdogan Could Be Dangerous

For the second time in a row, Turkish voters have rebuked President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s handpicked candidate for the mayoralty of Istanbul

Ben Beckett: Bernie to Student Loan Sharks: Drop Dead

Bernie Sanders, Ilhan Omar, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and Pramila Jayapal just introduced a plan to completely eliminate student debt. Now let’s fight like hell for it

Trita Parsi: Iran Says U.S. Has “Permanently Closed Path to Diplomacy”

President Trump announced Monday his administration is imposing a new round of sanctions on Iran, targeting several prominent Iranians including Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and Iran’s top diplomat, Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif. Iran said the move “permanently closed the path to diplomacy” between Iran and the United States. The latest tension comes after Read more…

Paul Atwood: From Cyber War to Omnicide?

As I tell my students all the time- as long as nuclear weapons exist, sooner or later – sooner or later – they will be used

Ramona Wadi: Decolonize Palestine to achieve liberation

Palestinians have rejected the Manama summit taking place today for several legitimate reasons – all pointing to how the US prelude to the so-called “deal of the century” normalises Israel at an unprecedented level

Paul Street: Reflections and Correspondence at the Abyss

Coughing is a Sign of Weakness The television footage of White House acting Chief-of-Staff Mick Mulvaney being kicked out of the Oval Office by Donald Trump for coughing during a television shoot with ABC’s George Stephonopolous was chilling. “Let’s do that over, he’s coughing in the middle of my answer,” Trump said. “I don’t like Read more…

Nick Turse: “What Does War Have to Do With Me?”

Combat Viewed from the Rooftops and Beyond

Meredith Tax: Supporting dictators is not anti-imperialism

Why do so many Western leftists side with dictators in the name of anti-imperialism? A new book seeks to moved beyond the old “the West and the rest”-binary

Richard Falk: Iran War Statement

An American attack on Iran would be an unmitigated disaster for the U.S. and the world

Ali Abunimah: NY Times publishes call for Palestinian “national suicide”

Palestinians have not surrendered despite all the atrocities Israel has committed and commits against them. And op-eds using genocidal terminology in The New York Times will not bring them to their knees either

John Feffer: On Iran, It’s Trump vs. Trump

What would it take to talk Trump out of war with Iran? A good, ripping yarn about peace — with a starring role for himself

Ryan Grim: The Warren Wing

Elizabeth Warren Lays Out a Theory of Change at First Democratic Debate

Chuck Collins: Taxing the Rich Starts With Knowing Who They Are

Not all the rich are created equal, and it will take different policy approaches to redistribute some of their wealth

Charles Pierson: Don’t Leave Nukes on the Shelf. Use Them!

On June 20, the London Guardian ran a curious headline: “Nuclear Weapons: Experts Alarmed by New Pentagon ‘War-Fighting Doctrine.” Last week, a report from the Joint Chiefs of Staff was briefly available to the public on the Pentagon’s website. Titled “Nuclear Operations,” the report describes nuclear war in such upbeat terms that you will almost Read more…

Renée Feltz: Call for Abolition of ICE

Four Democrats voted against a bill: Representatives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley and Rashida Tlaib. Last week, the progressive congressmembers issued a statement condemning the bill and calling for the abolition of ICE

Kathy Kelly: An Honorable Course in Iran

End Sanctions, Resume Dialogue

Extinction Rebellion: They fought like (nonviolent) Scotsmen

Welcome to our 24th newsletter! This fortnight has been so jam-packed with action, we’re starting to think we need another newsletter to pick up the overflow. It’s been an emotional rollercoaster, as ever, but one we are fiercely proud to be riding. We rejoiced with the Scottish Holyrood Rebel Camp, as they came together in Read more…

Vijay Prashad: The Hybrid War Against Iran

Sanctions, the information war, and the American sabotage

Nathan Thanki: The UN climate talks are coming to Britain

The climate justice movement will be ready

Robert Lipsyte: Jockpocalypse

From the Ballpark to Team Trump

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