Submitting Articles to New Politics

New Politics welcomes submissions to its print issue and to its website. The print issue appears twice a year; print articles will also be made available online. Articles that are written exclusively for the website are posted on a daily basis.

Please indicate on your submissions whether you are submitting your article for the print issue or for the website. If you wish, you can submit to both, but if accepted for the print issue, an article will not appear online before it appears in print.


From its inception, New Politics has sought to provide “a forum permitting and encouraging a free play of discussion, controversy and counterposition of ideas.” As the editors wrote in the very first issue, in 1961, “our journal is sponsored by socialists and radicals of widely differing opinions, and will be run editorially on this basis. Thus, heterogeneity of opinion in its pages will be sought after. However, the sole criterion of editorial selection will be neither conformity nor heterogeneity, but rather the ability of articles to stimulate thought and debate, and to contribute in some way to thinking out acute questions of politics and theory.”

More than fifty years later, this nicely captures our editorial mandate. We are committed to publishing a smart, provocative, and principled journal of leftist analysis and debate. We are on the lookout for well-written, stimulating articles, reviews, and essays on topics of compelling interest to a broad, leftwing audience. We are particularly interested in material that addresses our core concerns of labor, race, gender, social movements, intellectual history, and foreign policy. We are interested in strengthening our coverage of the arts and culture.

New Politics is glad to consider articles for publication.

  1. For both print and online submissions we generally do not publish articles that have been published elsewhere. Please let us know when you submit whether the article has appeared anywhere else.
  2. Please send submissions as MsWord or other compatible attachment to Do not send pdfs.
  3. Please keep footnotes and/or endnotes to an absolute minimum.
  4. For print submissions, articles should generally be between 1,500-3,600 words, though in special circumstances longer articles are acceptable.
  5. For online only articles, articles should generally be between 1,000-4,500 words, though in special circumstances longer articles are acceptable.


Submitting Reviews to New Politics

New Politics welcomes the submission of book and film reviews for its print issue or for online. If you wish to get a review copy of a book, please contact us. Length should be 500-2,000 words. Please indicate your connection to the author of the book.


Submitting Letters to New Politics

New Politics welcomes letters responding to articles published in its pages.

Letters intended for publication should be sent by e-mail to: newpoliticsjournal@gmail.comwith the words “for publication” at the top.

Replies to on line articles should generally be submitted as comments on the bottom of the page where the article appeared.