Industrial Networks

The Solidarity Federation consists of both Locals and Industial Networks. The three active networks we have at present are Education (EWN), Tech & Digital (T&DWN) and Students (SN). We also have three general networks which all members who don't belong to one of the more specific networks belong to: Public Services, Private Sector and Unwaged (UWN). The general networks are intended to put members in touch with one another, with a view to forming more specific industrial networks. Click on the links for more information.

While Locals group members by geography, Industrial Networks group members by industry. Larger, more active networks like the EWN have formed Industrial Locals such as the London Education Workers Network. As industrial networks grow, they will develop from networks of individuals to federations of local and job branches, forming industrial unions. They'll also subdivide into more specific industries (e.g. from education in general to primary, secondary, further and higher education).