
Elsipogtog In Five Minutes

In the summer of 2013, the Mi’kmaq in New Brunswick began a campaign against fracking in their territories. Through protests, blockades, and sabotage, they managed to kick SWN Resources out of their territories and inspire indigenous people across the country.

Year 2018 Length 5 MINS

Affinity: Beyond Friendship

Affinity is exactly this: a reciprocal knowledge between comrades, shared analysis that lead to prospectives of action. Affinity is therefore directed on one hand towards theoretical deepening and on the other towards intervention in social conflictuality.

Year 2018 Length 3 mins

Against the Google Campus

In Berlin, people have been opposing the new Google campus. Not only will this project contribute to gentrification and the start-up-ification of the city, but it will also allow Google to grow its empire of technological domination.

Year 2018 Length 3.5 mins

This is Parkdale

The story of the Parkdale Rent Strike, where a community in Toronto came together to fight back against the gentrification of their neighbourhood.

Year 2017 Length 35 MINS

Call for a Week of Solidarity

We are calling for a week of solidarity April 1 to 7 to support everyone targeted for standing up to the Trump regime and rising fascism.

Year 2017 Length 1 MIN

Who Are the Anarchists?

Anarchists are returning once again to the stage of history and the front page of the daily paper. Neither voting nor protest has worked; the popular imagination is shifting towards confrontation.

Year 2017 Length 1 MIN


Video call out for the disruption of Trump’s inauguration

Year 2016 Length 2 MIN

Trap News: The Farce Awakens

History has shown us that voting on elections accomplishes next to nothing, and that real lasting revolutionary change is won through hard work, by real people self organizing, and not by elected politicians. Yet every four years, the spectacle of the Democrats VS Republicans entices millions and makes them forget these proven facts. Trap News is our friendly (and funny, we hope) reminder of this.

Year 2016 Length 9 MINS

Olympic Resistance

On the eve of the Rio Olympics, we remember the historic grassroots indigenous led organization against the Winter Olympics is so called “Vancouver”.

Year 2010 Length 7.5 MINS