Xenophobia At Its Worst

Put forth by XicanoPwr

Not my usual write up, I did get the flu. Yuk! But I couldn’t let these stories go by since Homeland security has taken its job a bit to far in protecting US from terrorists. (Just a small warning: Post is written in a semi-medicated stated. Sorry about that.) The day after [tag]Shahwar Matin Siraj[/tag], […]

Who knew the Canucks could be so sinister?

Put forth by XicanoPwr

It is time to seal our North borders. We had it all wrong, it was never the Mexicans who wanted to invade us, IT WAS THE CANUCKS FROM SOVIET CANUCKISTAN! The Defense Department is warning its American contractors over a new espionage threat – [tag]Canadian coins[/tag]. You know those Canadian coins that accidentally end up […]

The American Empire: Conquest Through NAFTA

Put forth by XicanoPwr

I apologize for not posting for the past few days. I was away from my computer for a family emergency. The situation is a bit to complex to explain. Not that I don’t want to share, but I am trying comprehend the situation myself. All I can say, things are ok for now. Soon after […]
