Irina (Ira) Bolychevsky


Digital strategist and data consultant. Director & founder . Trustee . organiser. fellow. Ex

Inscrit en janvier 2009


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  1. Tweet épinglé
    22 mars

    Yesterday on I talked about the problems of centralisation, how to regulate big tech, personal data stores and ! You can listen online here: with section starting 1:50 mins in 😊 (I'm from 7mins ish)

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  2. 11 mai

    Them: "Can you just explain cats in one gif?" Me:

  3. 13 mai

    Anyone have a spare desk or can recommend a co-working place in Berlin? /cc

  4. 10 mai

    Hey! Do you have any talk recommendations? E.g. really good conf/other recorded talks worth watching? So often I've missed conferences or talks thinking 'i'll watch it later online', but then it all disappeares into the interwebs history ether :(

  5. 8 mai

    I have arrived in Berlin 🥳 Should be here for a month or so 👋

  6. 3 mai

    If I ever get a tattoo, this will be it.

  7. 3 mai
    En réponse à

    'Zactly. Should be able to establish context-appropriate trust without sharing PII or being tracked across the interwebs.

  8. 3 mai
    En réponse à

    Signing in is a symptom of walled-garden-itis

  9. 3 mai

    No I don’t want to sign in.

  10. 1 mai

    Google’s cycling directions are terrible! Much worse than . On the plus side I’m cycling through Hyde Park 🥳

  11. 30 avr.
  12. 29 avr.
  13. 29 avr.

    Lovely article by "Too much [data] gets collected, not enough gets used. When it does, it is in ways that can harm both individuals and our societies and democracies. It concentrates money and power ... Society will need to create new institutions for this data age"

  14. 28 avr.

    What open source decentralised collaborative doc editing app would you recommend? Want to track edits by person & option to keep private. is ready to use? are you still supporting Anyone tried ?

  15. 27 avr.

    When movements go mainstream - introducing the purists, pragmatists and oppotunists. What roles do you and your organisation play? In what context and why?

  16. 24 avr.

    A* to do list for the UK Government from 's speech yesterday: *incomplete, but I always find I'm more productive once I've got started ticking a few things off you know?

    Afficher cette discussion
  17. 24 avr.

    5 - Make the core of everything. Without it we will not succeed. Use it to filter every decision the UK makes. Drag the US with you. Apparently we have a special relationship. Use it.

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  18. 20 avr.

    I have decided to knit a hat. I have purchased some wool. I even have needles! I’m a bit fuzzier on the next step. Any recommendations for hat recipes / designs?

  19. 17 avr.

    Today is the day. 🎉👯‍♂️ Our Memex 1.0 launches on :) 🔍 Search, 📝 Annotate and ⚡️Organise the things you've read online blazingly fast.

  20. 15 avr.

    MyQ: In a data hungry, data reliant, data driven world - we are awash with data. What criteria / characteristics should we apply for when data should be in - whether new legal responsibilities or independent steward with external purpose and accountability structures?

  21. 15 avr.

    Role of regulators in ? Erika Lewis makes excellent points: 1. provide business case/funds to cover costs 2. ensure data fit for sharing 3. commission new data 4. address data monopoly imbalances 5. police rules and terms 6. support careful experimentation


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